When a regular human from our world is sent to another world, he has no choice but to go on a journey to find a way back home. Now what friends, enemies, events, and more will he come across his journey. I don't own pokemon and any of the pictures or characters other than my original character. Constructive criticism will be appreciated. This is my first pokemon fic. Random updates
What the hell just happened? Where am I? What am I?
Okay, before I go all cuckoo and do something stupid, I should introduce myself.
My name is Ren, Ren Cruz, 17 years old and a regular human.
TO sum I up, everything has been fuzzy and confusing. All I remember is that I am on my way back home after a two-hour training session at my gym. Right now as I am falling into this dark empty void with what seems to be countless stars surrounding me like I am in some sort of trans-dimensional portal to another world. No, I am not drunk nor am I high. I only drink coffee or tea. Mostly medical tea but you get the point.
"Did I get drunk or just dreaming right now. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to go on that hour-long sparring session, but it was just so much fun!" I told myself as I look at my current situation. Living in a tropical country, I am currently dressed in simple yet comfortable clothes. A simple hooded t-shirt with the words Antares squadron proudly printed on the back, a pair of cargo pants with many pockets, and a belt, I also currently have a pair of running/hiking rubber shoes I bought a few months ago.
Well, those were my current clothes, I have some more in my duffel back that was thankfully by my side, its strap secured on my body. I could also feel my phone and wallet on my side pockets.
"Well, if I fall on the ground now, it's goodbye cruel world." Well, I might die soon but I rather get as much dark humor as I could in this situation.
I still think I might be dreaming though. Or am I already dead and I am suffering from hyper-focused dying hallucination or something. Damn, I never did finish playing metal gear. Only Peace Walker. Quick, words of wisdom hear my call!
'Colonel, I'm trying to sneak around, but I'm dummy thicc and the claps of my asscheeks keep alerting the guards!' ... Wrong one.
Big Boss, Commander Miller?
Cool words but I am dying so maybe not the right one.
If there is a god out there, please hear my wish.
Keep my family safe and please bless them with long, happy, content lives, and please get them to heaven. I'll go to hell so that it will happen so, please.
Besides, if I am still alive and this is all but just a fever dream, I would have probably enlisted in the army and try to become the next solid snake.
"heh, my snake is solid. Good memes. Speaking of memes."
I can feel it!
The DNA of the soul!
Wait... what is that?!
Is that a giant centipede!
Wait... gray... gold... black... red eyes!
Holy Mary, Mother of Joseph!
it's a Giratina! The renegade pokemon!
And admittedly my favorite of the creation trio!
God! I'm dying! my body hurts! I just dropped after 30 minutes of falling...
Wait! I'm alive!
Where am I anyway?
"You are a weird human."
Yeah, I am.
Oh! it must be because of Gravity.
After all, there is no way that this place would be like this if he was in a place where gravity is not all wonky and weird.
"Yeah, I am weird. Never was normal... so... I'm Ren. And you are?"
"Giratina, how did you enter my home?" The renegade pokemon asked. To be honest, I am too shocked to be scared right now.
"Well, I was just minding my own business and the next thing I know I'm just falling for thirty minutes... I think and here I am." I said honestly while wondering what did happen. Sitting down, I just stared up at the red eyes of the renegade pokemon while digging into my bag and pulling out some bread.
"Want one?" I asked as I showed him the bread I had. It was just a regular factory-made and packaged food that was common from my homeworld.
Let's be honest here, I am in another world because for sure earth... or at least my homeworld, home universe's earth did not have pokemon. After all, they were only a franchise that he loved ever since he played pokemon Emerald. He was a proud gen 3 baby and he loved his very first pokemon, a Mudkip, before he grew up.
Life was cruel like that.
"You are the first one to treat me like this, you remind me of someone else." Okay, to be honest, I am completely terrified of this legendary pokemon in front of me.
So, opening the packages gently, I held one in my hand offered the other to the renegade pokemon.
I never would have been able to know that this simple act of kindness and desire to ea something would have changed my life for the better or worse.