
Chapter 8:A New Legacy Begins.

Two patterns of the sun has passed since the encounter at the Elvenian forest, since then Marsen has almost doubled his training with The Old Mans guidance, Kid has done a few pick me up jobs for quick cash and Dogbite was also training in a secluded Forest past the South Gate.

Waking early in the morning was never Marsens thing, but since he's been under the the care of The Old Man for the last 3 Rotations of the sun, he will force himself to crawl out so he didn't face cruel training for being late or not showing resolve for wanting to strive for greater strength.

"Well, let's see what's on the days agenda." Marsen mumbling to himself while reading the papyrus, the agenda is a anonymous schedule that The Old Man sends to those in training, it shows up every round of the sun at first light.

"Running the laps, as always, helping Liliana with chores, Sparring with Dogbite, Monster take down, finishing one request of deliveries- WHAT MONSTER TAKE DOWN!!!!" Marsen shouts at the top of his lungs with shock.

Marsen has never been on a monster subjection task especially by The Old Man, Marsen figured he would know when he was ready for a task like this, even if it's a Goblins or a lesser creature he's been told numerous times by Kid, Dogbite and even townsfolk that being tasked or doing a request for monster subjection isn't something to be proud of instead to prepare mentally and physically for the things you will do to survive.

Marsen finishes getting dressed and grabs 2 bottom rocks and makes his way to the shore to run his laps, as he's about leave the shoreline hideout he runs into Grimco.

"Uhhhhh it's rare to see you at first light Grimco, how are you?" Marsen forcing the words out because he always saw Grimco as a scary guy

Grimco didn't say anything for a solid moment and then replied "I see you aren't following your master today, finally learning to walk your own path?" Grimco was insulting both Marsen and Kid. Ever since the death of his family and legacy, Marsen has always followed Kids side wanting to be as strong as him.

"You know Grim, I have tried every time to at least make a solid ground of comfort with you, so fuck it, you want to be this gloomy ass then so be it." Marsen starts to storm off out the building to proceed with his training.

Grimco standing there watching him storm off smiles at the change of Marsen and whispers under his breath "Guys like me aren't people you want on comfortable ground."

Since first light till dawn Marsen has done his training, helping Liliana at the orphanage with chores and the beat down he received from Dogbite meant it was finally time for him to do his first monster subjection. He reported to The Old Man for the final preparation.

"Marsen, it's only been 3 Rotations of the sun since I've brought you into our home, you've trained very well and have shown a great dedication to the family you live with now, you view Kid as your best and closest friend, Dogbite as a strong and reliable sister, though I do know you find her to be someone you'd wish to spend your life with-" As The Old Man was making a joke he could see Marsen getting flustered with embarrassment.

*Cough* "Huh Hmm, you've even taken a step forward and tried to make level ground with Grimco, with that you're now ready for your first monster subjection." The mood around The Old Man changed drastically "If you wish to continue, you will indeed follow Kids and Dogbites footsteps in becoming stronger, however you will be succumbed to a horror you've never seen."

Marsen staring down at the ground and ponders the rapid thoughts through his head of what could happen to him, he takes a deep breath and stares The Old Man in the eyes "I'm ready." With that simple reply The Old Man smiles and claps his hands, a young servant appears behind Marsen surprising him, she's carrying a long cloth covered pole.

"This weapon was used by your late brother something you know all too well." Marsen immediately already knows what's under the cloth but still doesn't say a word. "I've traveled all around the world making a name for myself and have become close to all the king's and queens in each kingdom, even including your family Marsen. Before this weapon fell into the wrong hands I had my loyal left hand receive the most valuable weapon in your family name." With a roaring voice The Old Man forces himself to stand and grab the weapon from the servant and walks over to Marsen.

"Take this spear, Marsen Reinhardt, second son of Gilanor Reinhardt, walk your own path and find the strength in yourself to become strong enough to face those who slaughtered your family and to build your own legacy!" The Old Man's voice hits Marsens soul leaving an impact like no other.

The Old Man uncloaks the spear, the magnificent weapon, a single tip spear with dark color gold spearhead handle followed by a heavy braced dark red wine wood, nearly unbreakable like structure with a final bottom guard sharp tip back.

A name all soldiers feared in the Drakin war, the spear used by Marsens older brother the one who ended the war by striking down the Drakin commanding leader to bring peace to the kingdom for the last 20 sun rotations.


Marsen took Gungnjr in his arms and looked at The Old Man, with no strength in his legs left he fell to his knees clutching Gungnjr close to his chest and sobbed uncontrollably. He thought he had lost everything but with this spear his family legacy can live on. The Old Man places his hand on Marsens head "Walk your own path and find the strength within you."

End chapter.

1 round of the sun equates to 1 day.

1 pattern equates to 1 week.

1 cycle equates to 1 month.

1 rotation equates to 1 year.

First light is morning.

DovesonFirecreators' thoughts