1 Prologue

People might come and go in our lives for two reasons: they will give us a lesson which will open another door for us to become better and give us a reason to become the better version of ourselves to be deserving and be righteous to be part of their lives. It may be a cliché spurting some things that we encountered but been never be scrutinized if it was appropriate for us to share it to the others.

A life will be more memorable if and only if you have reasons to fight and a goal to get. a life will be more challenging if there are levels that you wanted to surpass. And life will be fruitful if you fought for it without using underhanded things just to boast the victorious event you accomplished. But what if, all of it will be put to chaos just because you were deprived of your own scrutiny and was even feel the foolishness of your downfall? Can you surpass all your What If's?
