
A Thousand Secret Kisses

"One kiss wouldn't hurt, right?" All Emilie wanted was to get home and wrap herself in her warm blanket with a packet filled with sugary heaven from her Dad's bakery, but it seemed fate had other plans. Paired up with a boy who was physically incapable of love, and she who only knew so much from movies and novels, Emilie Bernard and Daniel Kim were given a task to help speed up the process of romance for others. And if they failed, it could spell disaster for love and humanity as we knew it.

nessiaart · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Daniel Learns About Emotions

**Daniel's POV**

"What if we get caught?"

"I can resist you no longer. I must have a taste of you before I lose my mind."

"If that may be so, claim my lips as yours-"

"Emilie!" I cut her off mid-speech, flustered and annoyed. Emilie pouts at me and drops the book on the floor in frustration.

"Jeez Daniel, who doesn't love a good romance novel."

We were situated at the far end of the library, banished by Maximus. He had ordered Emilie to use this time to 'train' me and shoved us to the furthest part of the library. I let out an annoyed sigh at the word 'train'. I wasn't some dog!

Besides, that test was a sham. How hard could love be?

"Daniel we don't have much time," Emilie says solemnly, interrupting my thoughts."After this session, I have to help my Dad with his bakery."

"I don't want to be here as much as you," I mutter. She gives me an annoyed look then sighs.

"Glad we're on the same page."

Silence befalls us for a moment until Emilie decides to speak again.

"Daniel, I know nothing about you."

I think for a moment before I reply. "That's because you've never come up to me before. You never talk to anyone at school."

"You never talk to anyone either."

I tense up a bit. "I have my reasons."

"So do I."

I lay my head on the wooden floor and she does the same. We stay in perfect silence, only the soft sounds of our breath. Emilie chuckles softly beside me.

"Daniel, lets become friends, eh? It will make this easier for both of us."

I give a quizzical look, but she continues without missing a beat. "We're two very lonely people. Some company never killed anyone."

At that moment my guard feels like it's slipping away, and I feel my walls crack slightly, but in the daze of something so tempting, I fix those cracks almost as quickly as they came. I shake my head in an attempt to push such frivolous ideas behind.

"Emilie, I don't need people to be happy. I'm not as clingy as you."

I wince internally at the hurt look she gives me. She gets up quickly, a tight smile plastered on her face. I could tell she was trying to keep it together.

"Whatever, I was just messing around. I wouldn't want to be friends with a heartless monster anyway."

I nod my head, accepting the verbal insult as an indication that everything was back to normal.

"Any progress with Daniel, Emilie?" Maximus yells from across the library.

Emilie lets out an unnecessarily loud sigh. "Nope. I don't think he has a heart Maxi. This is mission impossible."

"Well, this session is almost over. Might as well pack up and call it a day'" Maximus sighs before giving Emilie a cross look. "And don't call me that!"

Emilie gives Maximus a playful smile. "Whatever you say, Maxi."

Maximus gives Emilie another death glare before leaving us alone, again. Emilie laughs gently to herself, and I find myself unwillingly consumed by the sound.

"Hey! Earth to Daniel?!"

I'm immediately pulled from my trance by Emilie's annoying voice. I glower at her in annoyance.

"What?" I say flatly. She rolls her eyes at me before giving me a small smile.

"Here," Emilie shoves a small book into my hands. "Read this. It will surely open up new feelings for you."

The title reads, "Office Romance: The Forbidden Fruit." I feel my cheeks go red. I turn to yell at Emilie, but she vanishes somewhat into thin air, leaving me angry and intrigued.

I grab my bag and shove the book inside.

I make my way to the school's exit, reaching for my car keys. Turning on the ignition, I drive in silence, my thoughts flooded with the recent events.

Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined I would be a Cupid.

It felt like salt was poured into my healing wound, and fate poured so much of that salt, it hurt. At this point, I was angry, frustrated, and more importantly regretful.

Love did not exist, it was just Eros messing around with humans.

And goddammit, Emilie. Why did you have to come into my life now?

I run my hands through my hair in frustration, slowing down the car slightly as my house comes to view. I hastily get out of the car, needing a cold shower to clear my head immediately.

When I get to the front door, Mrs Hanely greets me with a sweet smile, and I give her a quick hug.

"How was your day Daniel?"

"It was good, thanks."

"Just good?" she chuckles softly before she gives me a sad smile. "Your father told me to let you know he will not be home tonight."

"Why am I not surprised?" I mutter and move past her, heading to my room.

"I made dinner!"

"I'm not hungry."

I take off my clothes and turn the shower on. A chill runs down my spine as I the cold droplets make contact with my skin, and I will it to remove the tension in my body. When I'm satisfied, I grab a towel and head out.

I run my hands through my hair and shake it in an attempt to dry it. Reaching for my phone, I quickly swipe through my playlist and settle for "Reading". I change into my sweats and flop on my bed with my bag.

I dig for the book Emilie gave me in my bag and run through the pages. I quickly sight a pink sticky note with some words carelessly scrawled on it.

"Here's my number if you ever need assistance - Emilie x"

A slow smile makes its way to my lips before I set the note on my bedside table. I hesitate to call her but decide against it before going back to the beginning of the book.

"Arthur, I can't control myself when I'm near you. I need you now!"

This is going to be a long night.

Hey guys, sorry for the late upload. It's been a busy week for me.

nessiaartcreators' thoughts