
A Tale on the Moon

On the Moon, the supreme goddess and god appeared. But suddenly, an obstruction occurred and they fell into reincarnation. They were to experience seven hardships. if the first didn't lead to another hardship, it would be successful and they wouldn't have to go through the remaining six hardships but, it did. Now, they have been through six hardships and are now presently in the seventh. Unfortunately, this hardship experience (or seventh life) is the hardest ever. They are separated in two different worlds. In her world, the powerful devil king falls for her. Not understanding her feelings, she agrees to marry him. But what will happen when on the wedding day, a war broke out between the heavens and the devil and demon realms and she accidentally kills the devil king. She then after being poisoned, appears in the supreme god's world. But then, the past has come to haunt the present. What will happen next? Join me as we journey through the love tales of Mei Xing and Yan Yuan

Vieled_tricky · その他
11 Chs

She's gone after him

Cherry blossom rang the doorbell of Snowdrop's house but no one answered. She went in, "Snowdrop", she called but got no response. She walked towards Snowdrop's room and held the door knob but the door opened.

"Cherry blossom", Snowdrop said surprised.

"You're awake. I came to check if you were feeling better", Cherry blossom said walking in. "And who's this?" she whispered to Snowdrop. "He's the devil king", Snowdrop said. "Devil king?" Cherry blossom asked surprised.

"Don't worry. He's not the real devil king. He just strives for it", Snowdrop whispered.

"I see. What's your name?" Cherry blossom asked him.

"Chang Xiang", he said without a smile.

"Isn't that the name of the devil king?" Cherry blossom asked. Snowdrop stepped on her foot, "I see, I forgot you were the devil king", she said with a slight bow. Snowdrop looked at her weirdly. The devil king waved his hands in the direction of the bed and they both landed on it. Before they could complain or protest, he used his powers to make them fall asleep. He magically changed his clothes to black and disappeared.


Snowdrop woke up not too long later. She sat up and held her head, "why am I so dizzy?" she asked herself. She looked next to her. Cherry blossom was still sleeping very soundly. "Cherry...." she shaked her slightly. "Cherry....." she kept on calling. "Let me sleep, please", Cherry blossom said. Snowdrop stood up. "I seem to have forgotten something important", she said holding her head and then it sparked in her mind, "Chang Xiang", she looked around the house for him but couldn't find him. "He must have gone", she said. She went back to her room and remembered his clothes. She took it and held it. "I can't keep this with me. Master once told me never to keep things that wasn't mine except given to me willingly and it's also against the rules of fairy realm. I can't keep this with me. I have to return it to him", Snowdrop said to herself, "but where will I find him? Yes, he's from the devil realm. I'll find him if I go to the boundary. I just hope I haven't slept so long that he has already left", she said and she hurried to the boundary.

When she got there, from a far distance, she saw him in front of the boundary. The boundary was like an unlimited wall but it wasn't made of bricks, but like liquid colorless water. It was beautiful. She saw him put his hand through and remove it. He then walked through.

"Hey, wait!" Snowdrop shouted and she flew in the direction of the boundary. She came down and heard some voices speaking and she hid behind a tree.

"It's been 5000 years. I think the search for Snowdrop should stop", she heard Lord Shangti say. He was walking with Lord Guanyin by his side.

"Yes, you're right. For the past 5000 years, I've put the seven realms in great distress contrary to my duty as the goddess of peace", Lord Guanyin said as they stopped, "I apologise for that".

"No one is to blame. The disappearance of Snowdrop is a mystery itself".

They continued walking.

"I even checked the entire seven realms but the spirit of Snowdrop is a nowhere to be found".

'Seven realms? I thought we had none realms?' Snowdrop wondered in her head.

"What about the two other realms?"

"Hidden and Unknown realms can't be tracked so I can't check if she's there".

"Is the emperor aware?"

"All the fairies in the fairy realm are under my care. It would be improper for the emperor for the emperor to get involved. It's all my responsibility".

"I see"

"Besides, Snowdrop is just a little flower fairy"


They were already close to the tree where Snowdrop was hiding. She quickly entered the boundary.

"Her master is an important Immortal in the supreme heaven realm. How do I explain it to her when she returns from her mission in the mortal realm?"

"You shouldn't worry. She won't be back anytime soon"

"That's also a problem without a solution"

"I think that...."

"Lord Guanyin!" Someone shouted. Lord Guanyin and Lord Shangti turned.

"Lord Guanyin!" The person called again. They saw Cherry blossom running towards them.

"Cherry blossom", Lord Guanyin said.

Cherry blossom finally reached them. After catching her breath, bowed. "Greetings to Lord Guanyin. Greetings to Lord Shangti".

"Why were you running like that?"

" Lord Guanyin, I really need you to find Snowdrop".

Lord Guanyin exchanged glances with Lord Shangti.

"Snowdrop has been missing for 5000 years. I know she's your friend and you miss her a lot but she can't be found. So....." Lord Guanyin tried to find the right words.

"Lord Guanyin, Snowdrop's back"

"She's back?" Lord Shangti asked.

"Yes. She came back three days ago"

"Cherry blossom, I think you're daydreaming. Are you sure?" Lord Guanyin asked.

"Yes. Even Tulip, Jasmine, Poppy and Vine saw her"

"Are you sure?"


"Then why exactly does she need to be saved?" Lord Shangti asked.

"Lord Shangti, Snowdrop saved a man who claimed to be the devil king. He made us unconscious and when I woke up, Snowdrop was nowhere to be found"

"So, where's Snowdrop now?" Lord Shangti said and exchanged glances with Lord Guanyin.