
Chapter 1

It's been four months since I return to my original world, Earth. I've spent ten years in that world, but thankfully, I reverted to my previous appearance when I came back, I return to being sixteen again.

I became a Hero, save people and fight demons. But the most joyful moment I have in that world is my last two years staying there, because at that time, I've met my cute and adorable companions.

When they introduce them to me "Hero-sama, this child here will be your companions from now on" I was like "Alright" but deep inside I'm "Woopidoo! The Loli's has come! My faith has been restored Goddess-sama!"

My first thought is that, since they're my first companions, as long as they're cute it's fine, but when we finally have our first battle, the girls showed exceptional talents that makes me want to cry because my hard work became fruitless when I see their overwhelming talents.

Although they're child, they are the most skilled person inside the Kingdom, no, they're the most skilled people that, that world can offer. We became quite close as we travel, so after we defeated the Demon King, we bid our farewell in a dramatic manner. I couldn't help but to feel sad just by remembering it.

They said that I should stay but I have someone that I need to take care in this world too, I have my own problems too. I said to them that I will find a way to return to that world but it's not progressing, this world has no mana so of course there's no magic in it. I guess this is the end.

I grasped the softdrink can in my hand and drink it. It's not cold anymore.

I'm inside our house, I'm bored so I turn on the television to watch something, right after the television opens, the news suddenly barge in and shocked me greatly.

"It's confirmed that Senator Chizo is homophobic and at the same time, gay"

"What! How the hell is that even possible! It's like joining the KKK but you're black!"

What's with the news recently? They're getting more and more ridiculous. I sat on the sofa as I watch the news, they're reporting something like how eating chocolate actually makes you slim or how modern games negatively affects the kids these days.

"This is a breaking news, the President is giving his speech right now…"

"What's this? This looks like an emergency of something"

"If you see some monster like goblins or slimes, please notify the nearest police station, the aid will come soon so please stay calm. For those who think that this is a joke, it is not, for those who—"

I turned off the television. I don't know what just happen but I think Mr. President should take drug addiction more seriously. Spouting something like in front of a national media, it's rather embarrassing.

I open my smart phone since watching television is so cringy, I thought that the speech of the president would be viral but I was wrong, I was greeted with video saying something like 'Caught on camera, real life slime' and pictures with captions like 'This is what goblin looks like right'

I couldn't believe it… All of these creatures looks familiar to me, it's like the creatures from the other world is being transported here! That sounded like an interesting light novel that I would read but it's not fun when it's happening in real life!

Then the president is not high! The thing that he's saying now is important! I hurriedly turned the television and— "Don't be scared to fight them since they have less power in this world, you humans have more powers than them"

And when I see the figure who's talking at the microphone right now… It's Sidabras, one of my loli companions. Her long silver hair and silver eyes that somehow lacks emotions, her petite body is moving cutely but as she speaks in front of the camera.

She still wearing the white pouf dress that she wears when we first met. It's definitely her! Her beautiful appearance didn't change since its only four months have passed.

"They came… They came for me!"

I said in joy, I know that there might be other hidden factors that I didn't know but, seeing Sidabras talking inside the screen, I couldn't help but to feel that they searched for me and finally finds me.

"I'm home"

It's my cute little imotou-san, Yumi, she's still wearing her school uniform, the black uniform and red cross tie on her chest, black skirt with crisscross design. I greeted her back, she proceed to the kitchen to get some water. Yumi have long straight black hair that reaches her waist, dark-brown eyes and small face, slender build and fair skin, that's her trademark.

Yumi is a perfect role model of a student, she always aces her exam…Me? Of course I ace my exams too; I can't just let my imouto-san to surpass me just like that, I have my Onii-chan's pride you know?

"Did you see the news Yumi?"

"Yes, some people from government announce it to us directly...wait, they said that they have peoples to say it all over the school around Japan, and you say that you see it in the news not heard it from the government… Did you skip class again Kyoro-nii?"


"Kyoro-nii, I know that school is easy for you, but that doesn't mean that you'll skip it"

"Ehh~ But I'm going to die if I don't see you from time to time~"

"Haaah, I'm not a child anymore Kyoro-nii, so please refrain me from treating one specially in the public"

I could see the flustered face of Yumi as she said that, it's true that I often dote on her even we're in public, is she embarrassed from that? Yumi is growing after all, she will not stay forever loli, she'll eventually grow and will turn into adult… And she will someday find her man and then marry… and she'll leave me alone…

"No! Don't leave me Yumi!"

'E-eh? What are you talking about Kyoro-nii?"

Crap, I accidentally voice out my thoughts, I reply with "Nothing" We're siblings after all, no matter how much I love her, sooner or later she will find a lover, but if possible I want to be with her all the time.

I continue to stare at Yumi until she finally return to her room, Yumi is practicing kendou so she have a shinai (Bamboo Sword) with her, she looks cute with that to be honest. I return my eyes to the television and noticed that Sidabras finished her speech.

"And with that, we will train soldiers to use magics, the students will have magic education as their basic curriculum, the adults can participate in magic lesson if they want, it's only optional. And about the moves tha—"

I turn off the television, she still didn't change, Sidabras have a nerve of steel so she can say whatever she wants in her mind, she can fully express herself without hesitation. Well, that means that we will have a dramatic change in our daily life.


When I reached the school, I noticed something that's so familiar that I completely didn't recognize it yesterday. Its mana, it's weak but I can feel it… In the other world, I excel in using elemental magic, fire, ice, lighting, I can use all of them fine, it became to the point that even Sidabras, who's a renowned magician praise me.

But elemental magic is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of magic in the other world, there's so many of them that I will die if I try to learn them all. The students are talking amongst themselves as they walk to the school gate.

I could hear them saying something about "I'm excited to learn magic!" or "It's finally my time to shine" Well, it's not like I don't understand them, magic is convenient and cool. When the magician in the other world tells me that I will learn magic, I nearly shouted "Oh yeah! Daddy's going to learn some magic!" good thing I control myself at that time.

I enter my classroom, I quickly feel the happy atmosphere inside the classroom, I move to my seat, no one noticed me entering, it's not like I'm famous or anything so it's normal. The teacher enters the classroom and explain what the president and Sidabras said earlier, he said that a knight from the other world will personally examine us, he will judge if we're suited to learn magic or not.

The regular class finally finished and the knight finally appears. He's wearing the royal knight insignia along with his silver armor, he have shiny blonde hair and good facial structure. I could tell that he's a vice-captain of some platoon. Seeing that, I recall the royal knight captain, that old man is pretty strong, he beat my ass pretty bad when we're in training, I diligently trained myself in order to beat him to pulp in return, he's pretty frustrated at that time.

"My name is Richard Dowen, Dowen Richard in this world, from now on, I will be your magic instructor in this school, you will call me Sir, that's an order not a request. I will teach you magic but before that, I have to assess if you have a talent or not"

And with that, Richard took out a transparent orb, it's a magic tool. It can sense the mana circulation inside a person body and will calculate if the person has affinity towards magic or not. We lined up, waiting for our turn to be measured.

Sidabras tells me a little trick about manipulating the result of the magic orb, she told me that she accidentally discovered it and not to tell others about it, well it's pretty troublesome if some bad guy knows about this secret, good thing I'm not a bad guy.

As I move closer to the knight, I placed my hands on the orb.

"You're magic affinity is normal, next"

That's normal, that's the same thing happens to me when I was transported, the magician there told me that I have a normal affinity towards magic, I just worked myself hard in order to achieve my current power.

I could see some disappointed face when they're told that they're normal, they must've thought that they're a special being that have high affinity towards magic. There's some with special talent as well but it's only three of them, and all of them are boys…

The classroom became filled with jealousy and contempt… What's this, with hard work you can become strong too, there's no need to be envious. We proceed to the track and field, Richard said that this will be our training ground since it's spacious.

"The first thing I will teach you is the basic principle of magic and etc"

The lesson continue for some time until it finally reaches the lunch break, good thing I bring my bento (lunch box) so I didn't have to force myself to buy some food in the crowded canteen. When I was about to eat my lunch, I feel a familiar mana, it's coming from a person, the mana pool is huge and scary, there's only one person I know that have this kind of God's gift talent.

The youngest Grand Magus, the Silver Goddess, its Sidabras. I traced her using her mana, normally she hid her mana but maybe because she's in Earth, where magic didn't exist until now, she became careless.

I end up in the rooftop of the school building, she's starring at the students of the school from bird's eye view, I smiled, I couldn't believe that we finally reunited with each other.

"Who are you…?"

Immediately as I enter the place, she greeted me with a question. She definitely noticed me when I'm still walking in the stairway. She's wearing a black gothic dress that suits her, Gothic Lolita is the best amen.

I continue to walk, she didn't mind though, I reached her and stand besides her, looking at the students that earnestly practicing magic, I can saw my past self to them.

"You can't tell?"

"Sorry, but this is the first time I enter your world, it's impossible for me to recognize you"

I chuckle, she had no idea who I was, it's because I changed, no, it's because I return to my old appearance, in the past world, I'm buff as hell due to training, but I'm currently slim and look rather normal, and plus, my face returned to being innocent, it's like I became a different person.

"Is that so, after the two years we've spent together, you still didn't recognize me? That hurts a bit"

Her emotionless eyes widen as she gaze at my face, she's trying recognize my face. And then, with a little and weak voice, she spoke.


"How are you doing Sidabras?"

Now she looks surprise, I gently pat her head while she's still looking at me with daze.

"You look young…"

"Sure I am"

I explain to Sidabras what happened after I return to this world. She listen to me with such eager face, she's really serious when it comes to strange things.

"Man, although it's only been four months, I really miss you all"

Hearing this, Sidabras tilted her head in confusion; she muttered "Four months?" Did I say something strange? I asked her that and she said that it's nothing, there's surely something wrong but I guess Sidabras have her reason to keep silent.

She moves close to me and snuggled, I placed my hand on her head. The wind here in the rooftop is really nice, the soft silver hair of Sidabras is rustling. Her long elf ear that's usually covered by her hair is showing.

"So, what brings you here? Why did you come to this world?"

"It's confidential Nii…"

"Is that so? It's fine"

"But… I will tell you later…"

"You just wanted to be spoiled"

"…There's nothing wrong with that"

I spend my whole lunch break with Sidabras, her face is red the whole time…That's strange, Sidabras enjoys patting but not this much. Anyway, I feel happy too, I finally reunited with one of my companions.

I already posted this work on royal road but some things happen and I stop, I hope that I can make a new start here lol

Hellotwocreators' thoughts