
A System in the hand of a dude

A normal dude get's a system (This is a test)

Gucomatic · 現実
4 Chs

A normal dude?

(3 POV)

"Where am I" said the white orb while looking at game like screen.

[Hello host or should I call you Theo]

"How do you know my name" asked Theo while looking at the screen in his face.

[Me well I am one of the creator the gamer system]

"Ok then what do you want' asked Theo with a worried tone 'What does this system Creator want from me. I just some normal dude' Theo said in his mind while thinking what this Creator want from him.

[I want you to be in in my experiment]

"What do I get in return from this experiment. Why I join the experiment your making" said Theo with curiosity

[You get to have a system you probably know about it]

"Ok" said Theo. Then Theo asked the Creator what kind of system he's getting.

[The system your getting is the gamer system one of the most overpowered system]

"Ok then what else" said Theo

[You get to pick a SIN to represent. Here take a look]

Pride -


{You get to be more resistance to all kind of attack like mind control}


{You will become like young master from cultivation novels}

Greed -


{You can steal Poeple's/Monster's skills if touch them}


{You may get so greedy that you will lose your mind}

Lust -


{you can make almost anything fall in love with you}


{You get R*pe while getting g*ngbang to death}

Envy -


{You can copy skils/stats every month}


{You may feel more envious of things}

Glottony -


{You can get the stats and the skills of the thing eat}


{If you don't eat monsters or humans in the next days/months you will become beserk and eat any thing you see with out control. but after some time you will become normal again}

Wrath -


{The more furious you are the stronger you are}


{The more furious you are the less control on you'r body}

Sloth -


{You can get skills/stats easily}


{You will more lazy as year goes by}

[What do You choose Theo. Out of this seven what do choose]

"I choose_______________"

(It me the Author. I will it here now this will be test my skills and don't expect a out of me)
