
Snape Household

It's been two years since Jim stole that book and he have mastered the 13 spells in it. He can cast those spells even without a wand but it consune more mana than having one.

"Hey jim want to go to the lake?" A young girl with a dark red hair and green eyes asked him while boy with black hair dead black eyes beside him just wait for his answer. They were Lily evans and Severus Snape.

Jim got to know snape when he gone back to the house on spinner's end trying to find other books about magic. The door was locked and no noise was coming inside the house. Jim point his index finger on the lock and chant the lock opening spell.


A click was heard from the door as it open. Jim opened the door and enter the house. He search every corner of the house but found nothing on the first floor. He walk up to the second floor and found a young boy sleeping inside the room. The boy was filled with bruises, Jim was pretty sure he was abused by his parent. Jim walked slowly and carefully to not wake the boy up when suddenly the door in the first floor opened and a voice of a man and a woman quarelling travelled the room.

'Shit' Jim cursed in his mind for his badluck. The boy was waked up by the noise coming from below and saw jim standing in front of him. He was about to scream but was unable to. "Petrificus totalus" Jim used the binding spell on the boy and whisper something to him. "I'm not gonna hurt you or anything I just came here for the book. Do you know where the book related to magic is?" Hearing what Jim said the boy nodded. "Can you tell me where it is?" the boy nodded again.


As Jim chant the cancelling spell on the boy, the bind on the boys body disappear. The boy stretch his body and started to walk to the other room. "Hey, What's your name?" " Severus Snape" the boy answered nonchalantly. " So Severus, Is your family always fighting?" Severus nodded hearing Jim's question.

"Is your mother the witch or your father the wizard?"


"So why didn't you and you're mother leave your father? Surely she can use spell to stop your from beating you and her?" Jim asked trying to know why.

"Don't know" Severus simply answered " Here's the book" Severus said as he get the book under the bed. Jim read the title and it was "The Standard book of spell" by Miranda Goshawk (For year 2 students).

Jim was happy to find the book and the opportunity to learn more spells. Jim took the book from severus hands, he opened it and started reading it. "Hey, Did you also practice magic?" Jim asked Severus as Severus shook his head "Father hate it when anything about magic related stuff is discussed"

"Well if you want to read it, Feel free to ask me when you see me in the alley." With that Jim opened the window and jump on the second floor while casting a levitation spell when he is close to the ground. " Leviosa" with that jim hoovered through the air and landed safely. Jim saw Severus on the second floor he waved at him and was about to left when he saw Severus father choking his wife through the window on the first floor.

With no hesitation Jim open the door with "Alohamora" and enter the house. Severus father was surprise to see jim enter causing him to let go of his wife's neck. He wanted to say something but never able to when jim paralyze him with "Petrificus totalus"

"Are you okay?" Jim asked Severus mother while she was sucking greedily for air. "I'm fine, Thank you! Cough...cough" She replied.

Minutes later passed when she was able to stabilize herself and severus was hiding from the stairs peeking at us. " Umm, I have a question. You surely are a witch as you have books related to mgic and what have severus told me but why didn't you fight back when he was beating you?"

"So you're the one who stole my book of charms huh?" I nodded "You should have read about azkaban from the history of magic right? Jim nodded again " Good, Wizard and Witch are forbidden to use magic against a muggle, or a person who can't use magic and well I was hoping for Tobias to change on who he was back when I marry him. But now I think it would be a tough gig." The woman said.

"And who are you by the way" She asked me.

"Oh sorry, where are my manners. Jim, Jim Reefer" Jim said as he put his hand forward.

"Eileen nee Prince, And that's my son over there Severus Snape." Eileen introduced herself and severus.

"I have just to ask, What are you gonna do now? You know the binding spell won't stay forever right" Jim reminded as Eileen just waved her hand. " No worries"

Eileen walk to a mirror and her reflection in the mirror started to change into an old woman. " Eileen Dear it's good for you to call. You haven't called for for 4 years you know."

"I'm sorry mother but I need your help. Can you pull some strings in the ministry to take Tobias to the muggles prison?" Eileen asked her mother.

"So you decided to lock him up huh? good!! your father and I have told you before but you always give him another chance. I'm sure he did something bad for you to put him in prison. Don't worry I'll tell your father to do that"

"Thanks mother" Eileen said as the mirror turn back to normal.

"Well, That's a happy ending I have to say goodbye" Jim said as he bid goodbye to the mother and son.

"Or you could stay here. With looks of your clothes and your body smell your living in the streets right? Why don't you come live with us as a payment of gratitude for saving my life." Eileen offered. Jim think about the pros and cons well there is really no cons as he lived in an alley. To get an offer to live in a roof and have a meal three times a day was a food one.

"Are you sure about that?"


" okay i accept" Jim said to Eileen but he has this feeling that he will regret this decision. And he was right eight months later Eileen leave the house with a letter telling Jim to take care of Severus as she need a time off for herself.

"F*ck" Jim muttered to himself.
