
A Strange Moon's Multiversal Adventure

The start of the adventures of a strange Moon in an hostile universe. A Moon that was a vampiric young woman more than willing to kill and grow to secure her own and those around her's ability to thrive in it. Chapters in advance on Patreon and being crossposted on ao3 and in the future on Royal Road. proof of ownership: (https://www.royalroad.com/profile/478453/fictions)

White_Chaos · ファンタジー
52 Chs

Chapter 31

MChapter 31

9/16 7:06 (Summer, Day, Nord Lowrar)

Amber breathed in deeply, being embraced from behind by the Lunarian with her head resting on the other's chest, before starting to properly explain.

"Well, I guess the fault I'm not comfortable with "Energy Siphon" and the Succubi blood within my veins is not entirely my mother's but all the same I give her most of the blame. Even with the fact that it seems like I am not that different. You should already know about this but when a Phoenix or a Dragon reaches C-Rank they automatically Awaken a Unique Skill."

"Yeah, I know. It's a natural characteristic of both Phoenixes and Dragons like the fact that your maturity is dependent only on power and not on age itself with E-Rank being equivalent to a Human between 1 and 10 years old and D-Rank between 11 and 20 years old." Luna confirmed while leaving behind some details like the fact that Lunarians have an Awakened Unique Skill right from creation.

Yes, creation was the correct term when it comes to Lunarians.

After all as a Race they are completely sterile, being even less alive than Undeads or normal corpses, and were previously automatically created by the Moon itself before Red and Blood Moons happened, thing that was no longer possible now that no Lunarian was Active yet.

Yes, this last phrase was correct.

No Lunarian was Active at this time as a Lunarian can only exist once it reaches C-Rank and is able to forcibly and passively reach and maintain themselves into Reality on their own.

"Well, my mother had just recently reached C-Rank and let her pride get the better of her. Conseguently what would now be called a Party of Adventurers recieved a request to hunt her down because she burned down… Well, I don't know what exactly she burned down but this "Party" found her and she underestimated them, with her barely able to escape with her life through pure luck."

Amber relaxed within Luna's arms, this last one's Aura surrounding her warmly thanks to Ash being still Summoned within it.

"However she was still severely injured by this battle and so she decided that she needed to leave behind a child just in case she died. However reproduction for the Immortal Races is extremely difficult as you should already know yourself. In particular a child is conceived between two Phoenix only one time out of one hundred tentative. A more realistic option would have been the use of a Human as the other parent.

"However, while the chance are much higher to about one in ten, only one out of ten child would be a Phoenix while the rest would be a Human with an Innate Skill of a Phoenix. This was unacceptable for her to have a child with a shorter lifespan than the life she already lived. And so the option she chose was to summon a Demon, a Succubus more precisely, to mate with as one of their characteristics is an immense fertility capable to reproduce with anyone so long as both are willing, ignoring the question of gender and capable of choosing the Race of the child at will.

"If this was all that happened I would have no problem with my Innate Skill however the result of the process is that my mother became addicted to the feeling of, well, my other parent. To the point that she was exiled from Phorar considering all that she did to Summon her again and again and that she was completely submissive to her orders.

"I cannot trust myself when it comes to sexual relations wherever I am the dominant or submissive partner. And now I am in the same situation as my mother despite all my efforts" Amber confessed, her eyes closed because of her mental pain.

"The same situation? Ah, yes, right." Luna nodded to herself, her chin pressing against the blonde's crown while her hands caressed the other's thight teasingly. "So are you giving up?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Just because I probably will lose, is no reason not to fight back against your temptation."

Luna exploded into laugher, a happy grin on her face with her fangs shining sligthly.

Amber blushed even more as the feeling of the other's naked body against her own and the gentle and inviting sound she was making.

"How cute. I can't wait for you to be mine. Meanwhile, however…" Luna's hands moved suddently to underneath the other, turning her around and nearing their faces together. "Why don't we train your "Energy Siphon" until you Evolve?" This false question led to another make-out session in which Amber tried to use her Innate Skill willingly.

Another half an hour passed this way before she finally reached D-Rank in it.

As a conseguence Amber exploded into flame in her arms, flames that raged out of control before condensing back into a Humanoid shape, over and over again, until the now golden flames had a small black and purple core shining at its center and they condensed again into Amber, her pupils being a very light purple, same as some of the highlights in her hairs, her body slightly more curvy, a centimeter taller and, the greatest change, being a pair of horns made of solid purple flames upon her crown.

"So, how do you feel now?" Luna ceased the kiss only for Amber to push her to the bed, her hands on the other shoulders to make sure the other would stay under her before forcefully starting the kiss again.

In response Luna rolled her eyes at this assault, her left hand gently but firmly exploring the other's back while the other rose up to feel the blonde's chest, allowing herself to be underneath her future Mate until she is emotionally stable.

Not that she minded particularly, even when the orange-eyed one inserted her tongue in her mouth during their kiss, the action calmly allowed as the silver-haired one's Vital Mana was taken in by the other's not only through their saliva but her whole body only for it to be returned, in a continuous cycle that increased slightly their Potential until Amber was satisfied.

"I explicitly remember you telling me you would do your best to fight back against my advances, didn't you? What an impressive resolve…" The teasing words were met with Amber narrowing her eyes and biting on the tip of one of her ears in revenge.

This was an error as she quickly found herself with her back pressed against a wall, her hands bound above her head with Black Blood and her neck being lightly but roughly bitten.

Instantly she bursted into flames only to turn them off immediately upon meeting Luna's glowing eyes.

The former red-head had two places of her body that functioned as triggers to cause an instinctive response, those being her neck as was common for all Vampiric Beings and her ears as was common for all Elfs and Half-Elfs.

In this case Amber was safe only because of the fact the other was interested in her and she submitted immediately otherwise she would have died, right here and now.

But fortunately Amber's instincts were good enough to save her without too much harm, a short-lived bruise on her neck, before Luna retook control from her instincts.

"Don't do that again." This warning was unnecessary as the now Demon Phoenix already understood such without any further remainders. "Meanwhile it's time for you to start training in full for your rematch. Don't bother making your new clothes, there is no need for them."

Luna, while being still naked, retreated the Bowl from her Ring before sitting down in the center of the room, offering one of her hands to Amber as an invitation to join.

The blonde breathed deeply a couple of times before accepting this offer, sitting on her crossed legs, their hands joined together over the Bowl after a small sphere of Orichalcum. "Don't resist now, okay?" The retoric question preceded the Lunarian's Black Blood cutting into her palm, invading her body and letting the blonde's blood flow from her body and into the Bowl. "You need to use the "Blazecrafting" Skill to send your Vital Energy and Mana to fuse with the Orichalcum. Don't worry about your Reserves, I will help you out." This last phrase was followed by Luna joining together their lips, sharing with her Vital Mana for the entirety of the process.

This was her method to quickly and efficiently complete the other's "Unique Arma" by constantly fueling their Energy with each other, keeping both of them from being bored out of their mind by this process, training both of their Skills and increasing both of their Potential because of the caratteristics of the former Phoenix new Race and increased of both Potency and Rank of her "Energy Siphon" Skill.

Meanwhile the three available Familiars formed three Familiars-Image, Vision-Image carefully monitoring the process to guide the other to maximize Efficiency and the other two, Warden-Image and Blitz-Image, starting to read a book each while praticing with their Skills.


9/17 9:26 (Summer, Day, Nord Lowrar)

*Luna Gained 340 + 1000 + 400 Magicules.

The Orichalcum finally finished transforming into Amber's Unique Arma and only then did the two of them separate from each other, the Black Blood within Amber quickly evaporing now that Luna was no longer maintaining it and Amber was no longer holding back from evaporing it.

The blonde quickly ingested the sphere to obtain her own "Unique Arma: Blazing Blade of the Piercer", process accelerated to this point because of the increase in Efficiency of the Process and the fact that Luna was Healing and giving her Vital Mana all the while, immensely shortening it to just a little more than a full day.

On the other hand the increase in Potential was still mostly irrelevant as it would take a month straight of intercourse to significantly increase it but was just a bonus for the long term and to increase the Efficiency of "Energy Siphon" as much as possible.

"Let's train that new Skill of yours now"

Luna opened the door of their hideout to show a True Sphere made to isolate and hide the inside from the outside, her Familiar-Images dissolving and her Familiar-Aura shutting off for the first time in almost a day and a half as it had no Cost, Cooldown or any restriction of the sorts.

Instead her Unique Arma Manifested around her body.

"Let's see if I can't teach you how to properly use an Unique Arma and a sword at the same time."

This taunt was more than enough for Amber to join her, flames cladding her body and solidifying into clothes through her Innate Skill "Blazecrafting", her own Arma Manifesting in her left hand.

A medium lenght curved blade more similar to the claw of a great bird of prey, the blade a dull red and a golden guard similar to wild flames with a rainbow gem at its center and a similarly golden hilt enveloped by red silk and ending in a small purple blade.

Blade that was mirrored in her lover's hand by a True Blade to better teach her to combat.

"The training starts now."


Thanks for reading, comment if you have any thoughts about this chapter and story in general or any suggestion at all.

If you want to read chapters in advance, I have a Patreon.


Special thanks to Patreon: AchroniaXenia.

Thanks for the Comments to: AchroniaSamara; BocchiWithTism; Teial.

Thanks for the Power Stones to: Teial.

White_Chaoscreators' thoughts