
The start


A door opens ,it leads to a black room. Stretching your arms you feel what seems to be one of those old light, those that have a candle inside a glass container. The room smells has burned wood, probably because of the fireplace right on the middle of the room. Slowly you turn the glass container to the side and there is a red couch and right on front a table made of wood, with a open book.

The book is strange but beautiful at same time, almost seems magic. You go closer to the table and verifies that the book is actually opened right on the middle of it. You close the book, searching for a title or even a resume. With dark blue cover and golden lines on the very tips of the book.You felt draw to the book, almost as if its calling you.

You sit down on that cozy sofa with the book on your arms, you open the first page of the book and start reading.

there will be images that i put on the section of comments so make sure you see it

Sherly_Yukiocreators' thoughts