1 The Tale of Two Happy Families

Along Oxford street of London,two families who over the years grew fond of themselves lived peacefully in a beautiful compound,well adorned with flowers of different kinds The compound is a must stare for every passer by. John Smith,a man in his late 30's, perfect height, great smile and romantic too who just tied the knot with Claire,a lady with exceptional beauty,though her look is as that of a model,anyone can confuse her to be one."oh darling,how many times do you have to do this"Claire cried out to her husband who was too busy laying kisses on her bulgy stomach,"as much as I can't wait to carry our child in my arms"John said in reply to his wife."what would you want me to prepare for you my love" John said waiting patiently for an answer,"ummm...fish and chips please"replied Claire with a smile,"will be ready in a jiffy" John said while heading straight to the kitchen. Their house is a typical example of a modern deco,well built in a way one can see the cook from the sitting room. Claire sat still staring at her husband as he hummed to one of her favorite song whilst cooking,it took her memories back to when they were both teens and the first thing that came to her mind was her first kiss with John,an experience she tagged unforgettable. With her eyes closed and hands tightened round his waist,she was drawn close as her breasts firmly leaned on his broad chest..she could feel the heat rise in her body as he brings his face closer to hers, she shot her eyes without even realizing so as their lips gently met. Claire had to loose from his grip and covered her face in shame,her thoughts were interrupted by John's sudden yell,she ran immediately to the kitchen and met him helpless on the floor with blood gushing out of his knee,she ran out immediately to their neighbor,the Jones family. Mr Jones is of average height with a portruding belly which was as a result of excessive intake of alcohol,his wife, Sara is a little bit taller than her husband, her missing incisor makes her smile spectacular. Mr and Mrs Jones love themselves but been romantic was the last item on their list. Sara is left to do the house chores without any assistance from her husband which of course she got used to. Claire was sighted by Mr Jones running towards their door and signalled his wife to come."Ho.....ney...,cried out Mr jones, "I think someone might need our help", immediately Sara ran out of the kitchen and met Claire breathing heavily,"what's the problem"? Sara asked anxiously,"please my husband sustained a very serious injury,i really need your help" Claire said trying to catch her breathe,for her it was like she ran round the whole city. They both moved in quick steps to Claire's kitchen and found her husband in same position she had left him. Sara quickly brought out the cotton wool and spirit, gently applied to the affected area after cleaning up the blood stain, "he's gonna be fine,just ensure he gets enough rest" Sara said as they both helped John get in his feet and took him to the sitting room,there he relaxed and watched Mrs Jones leave the house with his wife trailing behind her," thank you so much Sara, Claire said ,"it's nothing" replied Sara "feel free to call on me if you need my help" Claire replied with a nod and they both waved goodbye. Claire moved quickly to where her husband laid,"my darling" she said bending to give him a kiss and continued " I am really sorry about this,I wish I was the one cooking all this wouldn't have happened". John silenced her by putting his finger across her lips "shhhh,no one is to blame my love, I'm happy I was the one in there because I can't stand seeing my wife on the floor", they both laughed and hugged each other so tight, it was almost hard to let go. That night Claire had to finish up the fish and chips which they had for dinner,they both retired to bed after the meal.

It's another day for me and Mrs Jones to carry out their routine of jogging round the compound, Mr Jones was a retired football Coach where he supervised the football club,crystal palace, for over 10 years, he doesn't joke with his morning exercise. On the other hand,his wife Sara is a nurse in the famous middle sex hospital in Fitsrovia area of London where she worked as a senior nurse for seven years and as such was quickly relieved of her duties when she took in. Sara is loved by many in the hospital because of her hospitality and Patience towards her patients and her competence in prescribing drugs made her even more loved.

Sarah stood with arns akimbo and gave out a yell to her husband who quickly ran to her aid, "sweetie what's the problem"? asked David anxiously, "my waist hurts" she said gripping her husband with one hand on the waist. "Alright, let's go in, enough of the exercise already. With hands on her waist they both walked straight to the house and laid her on the sofa. It was as though the baby in her stomach didn't want to be disturbed by the jogging effects.
