1 It’s the end of the World as we know it...

Esther wakes up in a house with 12 girls she doesn't know. They are sleeping everywhere. She brought a few things from home: a pillow, a blanket, her toothbrush and some coffee inserts that you put in the coffee machine to make yourself a cuppa coffee. The helicopter dropped her off very late at night after a bumpy ride from her colony. She had stumbled in in the dark and landed on a soft squishy sofa in the middle of the room and fell instantly asleep.

As she wakes up more, she realizes that she is on a large boat afloat in a glass like sea and it is very cold outside. She sees a coffee machine that will accept her coffee pods and she goes over to make herself a cuppa coffee. Still wrapped in her blanket, she takes a blue cup and fills it with the black liquid that helps her wake. She walks slowly out to the deck of the boat to watch the sunrise. Same as home she thinks as she washes down her skepticism with another swig of the mud like liquid. As she watches the fiery red sun burn through the layers of pink and orange around her she hears the other girls waking.

A girl is making breakfast when she walks in and asks her if she wants some oatmeal or an egg. No thanks I'm not a big breakfast person says Esther. There is a large table set with plates and girls are rushing around getting ready for the day. Pick pemmican says one of the girls as she runs past. Pemmican? What is pemmican? wonders Esther. Oh well the I guess I'll find out later today.

When everyone is ready they all eat breakfast and then assume their job for the day. Alice has to row to town to get a few supplies for the boat before they take off on their next expedition and asks if Esther wants to join her as she has to go to the evening meeting tonight. As she rows Alice explains that Esther will be picking the place in society she wants to be tonight so she should have a good look around before she goes to the evening meeting.

As they arrive at the dock, Alice ties the dingy to the dock and helps Esther out. Good luck tonight, remember pick pemmican. Esther notices the dingy is the only boat around. She walks down the deck towards town. The street by the dock is lined with a marketplace filled with dried meats, spices, butter, eggs, bread, clothes, wine, beer, and furs of all sorts. A short man in a cloak offers her a roll and tries to entice her to come into his stall. She walks away from him toward the tavern.
