
A Shinobi on the High Seas! (One piece x Naruto)

Uzumaki Naruto after Akatsuki's attack on Gaara, the container of the sand spirit Shukaku, the village decides to hide Naruto from the Akatzuki since they cannot lose their only Jinchūriki, which Naruto is warned of the decision of Tsunade the Fifth Hokage of the village and the clan leaders along with the respected elders of the village. Naruto was about to protest but he is subjected to a trap in which he is completely immobilized and it is immediately explained to him what will happen to him and where he would go. Naruto, horrified that they are forcing him to leave his home, tries to destroy the trap in which he was but he was quickly subdued by Yamato and without further delay Naruto was prepared to take him to the place where he would probably spend the rest of his life. A plan where he is involved in hiding Naruto, Inoichi Yamanaka with his mind ability and Kakashi Hatake with his sharingan, so that Naruto does not try to return in any way, both devastated by what they did to Naruto but it was for the best. for everyone and especially for him or at least that's what they thought. What will be Naruto's fate in this new place where he is supposed to be safer. (NOTE: THE STORY IS NOT MINE, I'M ONLY TRANSLATING IT FOR ME TO READ LATER IN ENGLISH, IF YOU WANT TO SUPPORT THE ORIGINAL AUTHOR, GO TO: https://www.wattpad.com/story/193099730-%C2%A1un-shinobi-en-altos-mares-one-piece-x-naruto KEEP IN MIND THAT THE FAN-FIC WAS ORIGINALLY WRITTEN IN SPANISH!!!!!)

ZackDKaizo · アニメ·コミックス
7 Chs

Chapter. 1 It's for your own good.


1. The events happen after rescuing Gaara but before going to rescue Sasuke.

2. Naruto joins Luffy's crew.

3. The past of the world of One Piece will be modified to develop a story where the world of Naruto and One Piece are connected in a certain way.

4. Anything related to having a partner will happen after the Time Skip. I'll try to be as original as possible about it when the time comes.

5. If you read x u y scenes with men or women that can be interpreted as heterosexual or homosexual romance with Naruto, it was written that way to generate a typical One-Piece funny scene.

Now let's start...........

After the mission in the Sand Village in which they had to rescue the Kazekage Gaara, Naruto was preparing to go on his mission in which he would have to find an informant who would inform them of the whereabouts of Orochimaru and most likely, that of his former partner Uchiha Sasuke. Naruto was wandering through the streets when suddenly, an ANBU stood in front of him and told him that the Hokage wants to meet with him, and that if he resists, he will be taken away by force.

Naruto didn't think it was strange that his grandmother's figure wanted to see him as he quickly left her office when she was about to tell him something else, but going so far as to threaten him seemed too much, so he didn't think about it. twice and faith. immediately to see it.

When he arrived there was a large group of ANBU guards waiting for him at the tower, which began to worry him more and more as he knew that the Hokage's tower being so full of ANBUS would mean that something bad was about to happen. let it happen. His foreboding was so terrible that he put up guard in case he had to flee from there.

Escorted by ANBUS, Naruto was taken to the congress hall, which is made up of the leaders of the most influential clans of the Leaf Village, the venerable elders, and Lady Tsunade, the fifth Hokage.

Everyone is gathered in the place, placing their gazes on the young ninja, which led Naruto to feel somewhat uncomfortable. What caught his attention was Tsunade's sad face, making him think that something was out of her control and he couldn't do anything, which led him to be more alert.

Naruto (Cautious and Distrustful): Why do the most prominent leaders of the clans and high command of the village want to talk to me?

The clan leaders noticed Naruto's attitude and they all thought that he knows that something is not right and something is probably going to happen to him, so each one took their precautions without raising suspicions to subdue Naruto in case he escaped.

Tsunade (Deadpan): Naruto, your presence was requested to discuss a very sensitive topic related to the Nine-Tailed Fox.

Naruto saw the way Tsunade spoke and felt strongly that something was definitely wrong and he didn't like where this was going.

Tsunade: The two Akatsuki that attacked the village became a very sensitive topic not only in the Leaf Village, but also in the rest of the villages with Jinchūrikis. Our suspicions regarding Akatsuki have already been confirmed, they do not mind invading and destroying villages to obtain the Tailed Beasts, so your presence has become a great threat to all the inhabitants.

Naruto, seeing where the conversation was going, tried to escape from the room using the Reversible Summoning technique to reach the land of the toads, but something prevented him from moving. He stared at the ground and noticed that his shadow was blackened.

He automatically recognized the Nara clan's technique and watched Shikamaru's father, Shikaku, perform the technique. Knowing that that wouldn't be enough to stop him, Naruto tried to free himself but was immobilized with paralysis seals. Realizing how much time had to be planned for this ambush, he stared at Tsunade.

Naruto's gaze slowly shattered Tsunade's heart (From a sentimental point, not physical or psychological) but her hands were tied since this was a direct order from the Daimyo of the country of Fire and she could not go against her. Seeing the face of her technically grandson was the final straw and Tsunade began to cry and apologize to Naruto, but at this point nothing could be done and she swallowed her sadness to continue talking to Naruto.

Tsunade (Deadpan): No need to ask, precautions were taken to protect you and the Akatsuki village, so any kind of conventional banishment plan was ruled out since they might eventually find you and we can't afford for them to catch the Kyubi. So, he opted for a more extreme method.

Horrified, Naruto heard Tsunade's words.

Tsunade: You will be sent to another reality, far from the elemental nations so that you are safe, do not endanger the village and above all, do not fall into the hands of Akatsuki.

Naruto was gullible at Tsunade's words, as it seemed like a stupid idea and completely impossible to carry out, but, like a leaf blown by the wind, he remembered Kakashi's visual powers and began to panic as Kamui of Kakashi could take him to another dimension. Naruto began to think of ways to escape and seeing that his strength would not be enough, he did not hesitate to use the Kyubi's.

When everyone saw this, they began to worry, but an ANBU instantly appeared in front of Naruto, made some signs with his hands and began to absorb the Kyubi's chakra through the pendant that Tsunade gave to Naruto, so Naruto could only notice.

Naruto (Serious and Angry): I understand how I can be a threat to the village and banishment is necessary to protect its inhabitants, but why go that far? It doesn't make sense to send me to another reality just because.

Before Tsunade could answer, Shimura Danzo, one of the village's respectable elders and leader of the shinobi organization known as Raiz, answers Naruto's question.

Danzo (With his son of a bitch expression): Uzumaki Naruto, We know that what is happening is not to your liking and it is clear that you will never betray the village, however, your presence here is a threat to all of us, since Thanks to the information provided by the Sannin Jiraiya that the Akatsuki's members who attacked the Kazekage were among the weakest of the group, and yet they were able to cause so much havoc in one of the 5 Great Shinobi villages.

We don't want to run the risk that a higher-ranking member or in the worst case, the Leader himself will dare to come here to look for you. We cannot afford to suffer damage of that magnitude. Not to mention that right now we are not as good as in the past, we have no intention of giving the Kyubi to Akatsuki.

So, it was decided that the best thing for the Shinobi world was to send you to another reality using the Mangekyō Sharingan of your master Hatake Kakashi as a means, since he has a space-time jutsu that allows him to connect to other realities.

Your closest companions know absolutely nothing about this to prevent you from escaping. Furthermore, to prevent you from looking for a way to return, the leader of the Yamanaka Clan will erase all memories related to us, except for your Shinobi knowledge so that you can defend yourself. Danzo ends.

Naruto really couldn't believe what he just heard, are they going to throw him into another completely unknown reality? He is fucking crazy!

Naruto began to struggle again in hopes of breaking the seal but failed. The paralysis seals, the Nara clan's shadow technique and the ANBU stealing the Kyubi's chakra. Naruto couldn't get out of this.

When he looks at Shizune, who he considers the sister he never had, he walks over with a syringe to give her anesthesia. Naruto tries a last desperate struggle with all his strength but to no avail.

The ANBU, upon seeing this, performed other hand signs and summoned 6 wooden pillars around Naruto. Naruto's necklace began to shine with greater intensity and nullified the Fox's chakra, leaving Naruto weak.

The ANBU gave the signal to instruct Shizune to inject Naruto in the neck.

Shizune (Sobbing): F.....forgive us Naruto-kun, we can't do anything else, our hands are tied and we had no other alternative, please don't...hate us.

Naruto's heart broke when he heard this. Before he could say anything, he was injected into his neck, in a matter of seconds he had already fallen exhausted to the ground.

Tsunade, with a brittle voice, explains that they only have 3 hours to send him to another reality since the anesthesia would not work as well a second time.

Everyone nodded and quickly left the place, when everyone left the room and closed the door, Tsunade falls to her knees on the floor and begins to cry uncontrollably, apologizing to Naruto for having failed him as Hokage, her grandmother and friend, Shizune comforts her and burns, since she lost her younger brother.

Kakashi goes with all the regret in the world to see his student, knowing what will happen to Naruto, he cannot help but feel extremely guilty, he failed his student, his teacher and his best friend, because even if this was the best for everyone, he would still end up betraying a friend. Kakashi could only sigh and walked into the room with an expression full of misery.

Inoichi Yamanaka was preparing the jutsu to enter Naruto's mind and erase all memories related to the Elemental Nations while he retained his combat methods and jutsus, except for summoning, since he could return using the reverse version. He even asked Jiraiya to erase him from the summoning scroll.

The Sannin reluctantly followed the order since he considered the plan stupid, but he couldn't do anything, the last thing he wanted was to become a renegade ninja like Orochimaru.

Jiraiya couldn't help but feel guilty for having failed Naruto, not only Naruto, he also failed Minato and Kushina. When they found out what would happen to Naruto, toads like Gamakichi and Gamatatsu became very sad, Gamabunta showed a clear rejection of the idea, forbidding Jiraiya to summon him for a long time, and the boss Fukasaku also showed his discontent upon learning of the destiny of the chosen one.

Jiraiya also saw it prudent to reinforce the Kyubi's seal as strong as he could, with the intention of protecting him from Zorro because no one would be near him to help him if he got out of control.

It's the least he could do for Naruto, he also gave him two scrolls to read, one was from Tsunade and the other from him.

Inoichi Yamanaka finished the procedures for the memory erasing jutsu and began the process immediately, taking into account that the effect of the anesthetic would wear off in an hour.

He performed some hand signs and entered Naruto's mind. Upon entering, he found himself in a hallway with pipes and a floor covered in water but he didn't give it any importance, so he continued with the memory erase.

He found Naruto's memories but they were all disorganized, a side effect of the jutsu probably. Without waiting, Inoichi began destroying all of Naruto's memories except for his shinobi knowledge and name.

It took him half an hour in the real world to destroy the memories of him and he finally came out. Inoichi picks up Naruto and takes him to another room where Kakashi is waiting for the process.

Inoichi arrives at the room and sees Kakashi waiting for him in a chair. Seeing Naruto's unconscious body only made the experience more difficult for the gray-haired man.

He without delay began to channel chakra into his left eye, after 5 minutes he had enough to activate his Mangekyō Sharingan, a portal opened and began to absorb Naruto. Kakashi felt an energy full of life on the other side of his portal, but he also felt a great chakra decay at the same time.

He did not give him time to think and simply continued, Naruto was absorbed by Kakashi's technique and he collapsed on the ground due to lack of chakra, but not before giving one last words to his student.

Kakashi (Exhausted and Emotionally Destroyed): Forgive us Naruto "it's for your own good."

[In the other world]

Naruto, still unconscious, falls into what appears to be a huge ocean in the middle of a storm.

This caused him to wake up because he was drowning, but being totally confused and disoriented, he was dragged by the current, clinging to the surface with all his strength without knowing what was happening. After a few hours, he arrived unconscious on a certain island.

Leave comments about what you thought. Remember that it is a translated fan-fic so I'm not the one deciding when there'll be a new chapter.

Please support the original writer and NEVER EVER SUPPORT ME FOR THIS FIC IN SPECIFICALLY!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy the story and i'll be uploading once or twice a week packages of 5 chapters (Hopefully) Bye.

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