
A Shining New Hope (Hololive FanFic)

"*sigh* There is no more book to read.." I looked side to side from my bed looking for a new book to read under the stacks upon stacks of book. "Hngh!!" I lifted a stack of book and began to search a new story. I spent a lot of time trying to find any of it but I was only left disappointed. "Maybe that is all the books.." I said while laying down onto my pillow. But then a sudden sharp pain hit my head after I laid down.. "Ouch! What the hell is that.." I looked at my pillow to realise there is something under it. I lifted it and found a book. A particular book that I have never seen. The book has no cover arts, it has no titles nor any actual information about it. "What an odd book.." I said as I opened the first page of the book. In it was written.. 'The History of Hope' as the main chapter title.. It was thick book, I estimated it to be around 4000 pages.. "It seems like I won't be bored for a while.." . . . Notice: This FanFic is a rewritten version of my old one 'A New Member'. The plot will be changed and the premise will be changed because in my opinion the FanFic was too fast into the main problem situation in the first Arc so I will fix them here while giving all of them more actual character development. Notice: As usual the cover didn't belong to me! And most of the characters belong to Cover Corp. and only OCs was my doing. Cover artist: muraryo (pixiv), @M82682952 (twitter)

Terminate0R · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

1. A New World For A Rising Hope

"Hello? Hello! You there! Can you hear my voice?" I could hear a faint and distant voice calling me. I struggled to open both of my eyes but instead I could feel a cold wind breezing through my hair and my body making me shiver. I could hear people screaming here and there. The sound of fear and the atmosphere of despair. That is all I could feel around me.

"I know you're awake.." Then a voice suddenly could be heard from behind me. It kinda surprised me as I couldn't even hear their steps.

"*sigh* Okay.." I forced my eyes to open looked at the sceneries of red in front of me. Surprisingly I didn't have that much of a reaction seeing them.

"And so what do you want.." When I take a good listen to my own voice, I realised that I sounded pretty weird.

"Nothing, I just felt a weird presence.. an especially strong one" The person walked forward to my field of vision and now that I could see her better I could now see that the person is a 'she'. But still I couldn't see her quite well as her figure is blocked by the shining sun.

"A strong presence..? Nothing of the sort here" I said nonchalantly without a care. I have gotten good at sensing dangers from my past life so I could see that she is not a threat to me.

"Hmm? What sort do you mean? The strong presence obviously comes from.. you" She said. I am obviously.. confused at what she meant. I am nothing sort of a strong one after all.

"Hmm.. I still do not understand" I said as I tried to get up. It is painful as hell to move my body even an inch but I just forced my body to do it.

"*sigh* It's painful as hell.." I muttered but she seemed to catch on what I was saying and looked at me.

"Well looking at your condition.. it is no wonder.." She said as she approached me. When she moved closer I could see the face that had been hidden by the rays of sun.

She.. has a beautiful face, her skin looked silky smooth with them glistening under the sun light. She had blue hair that looked like the color of a cosmic sky her hair ended in streaks of sunset colored hairs. Her eyes were shining blue, just like blue topaz.

She wore a simple white hoodie with nothing more whatsoever. Her face has the expression of boredom and a little amusement as she looked at me.

"Hmm?" I looked down at myself and I actually saw my own body for the first time since I woke up.

Ignoring a gaping hole on my stomach I could see that my body is quite slender different from what I remembered my body was like. And how do say this as well.. I could obviously see a lump on my chest.. I also felt much.. shorter. I could also feel that my hair felt longer than usual.. Well let's act natural and worry about the gaping hole in my stomach.

"Oh.. Is that bad?" I asked which made her a little surprised. I mean.. it's not really kind of life threatening you know? It is just kind of painful..

"Are you really asking that, right now?" She said with a tired face. She probably already had enough of me which probably is true.

"Well, I am pretty much fine, you know?" I said then showed her. I jumped around and ran around without much trouble other than some pain.

"I guess.. but then can you do something about it? It is quite unsettling to see.." She said which I just kinda am also confused. I just suddenly woke up in this body and I am now asked to heal a lethal wound on my own body..

"Well.. I could try" I tried moving my body by just my instincts and guts. And it.. surprisingly worked.. I do not know what I just did honestly but I could just feel something break inside of my soul.. not anything major it felt more like a barrier that broke.

I looked down at it once again and saw that the wound is slowly closing in without the need for me to do anything..

"Well.. that's that" I muttered but when I looked back at her she has the expression of someone seeing something beyond belief. Well of course, I also know that healing such wound is impossible but.. I somehow just didn't really feel anything about it..

"You.. Nevermind. Anyways after that is done, I would like for you to cooperate and come with me.." She said while sighing tiredly. She seemed really bored and unfulfilled. I could tell from her gaze that this is not something she wanted to do..

"Why should I..?" I do not really trust her as she showed from no where and just somehow could demand me to come with her.. I ain't doing that, that's what I know..

"You had trespassed into the area of The Kingdom of Evimaria, you know?" She said which kinda gave me a clue where I actually am..

We right now are in the middle of a forest of some kind. In front of us was just basically a brutal conflict which I didn't know what happened. Setting the bloody scene aside, there is quite literally nothing to see here other than trees. But still Kingdom of Evimaria..

"Never heard of it.." I said which confuses her but she then suddenly said..

"Is she perhaps a 'Lost One'.." She murmured to herself. I could hear what she's saying and the two key points that I overheard are 'Lost One' and 'she'..

'Okay.. that confirms it..' Well.. it seems like I am now officially a girl.. somehow. I don't even know how I got here. I don't quite recall a lot of stuff from my past.. It felt like a powerful seal has been placed on me as I do not feel as comfortable as normal..

'Well at least I adapted fast to my situation' I don't really feel anything weird, it's like I already had this body since birth minus the uncomfortable feeling of being restricted heavily.

"Anyway.. You should come with me. I have someone that could help about your situation" She said and I only nod to show I understand. I don't feel any hostile intentions from her so.. why not I guess? Not like I could go anywhere from here.

"Good.. now follow me.. Oh, by the way my name is Ryujin Nagoyaka, just call me whatever you like.." She suddenly introduced herself. And personally I think she had a great name it suits her quite good.

'Ryujin.. Deity of The Sea' It fits her look and personality.. I nodded at her introduction and decided to also introduce myself for formality.

"Then.. I will be in your care, my name is Kyoraku Nozomi.. I would prefer for you to just call me Nozomi." I said which she also nodded back. She then started walking away and gestured me to follow her.

'I am curious about what this world has in store' I thought as I followed her to this kingdom that she said.




[Time Skip]

"Woah.." I looked around me and saw the typical fantasy settings city. But, something really made the difference between the typical one and this one..

"Technologies..?" They have technologies, in fact their technology is quite advanced. They still use animals.. or looked more like monsters for transportation. The houses are also still made with woods and stones but I could see that the materials are really high quality..

They also have some kind of electricity based on the lights that I see. But I suspect they don't work as how it does in my old world. Another thing, is also I see.. 'Magic'. Magic everywhere, I see people use magic to travel, to cook, to fix things to do all the stuffs we do back then.

"Seems like they are quite advanced still.." There is something akin to TV's, there are a lot of stuff that could differentiate the normal fantasy world with this world.

We both then stopped after a while of walking. In front of us was a building that looked reinforced as it is completely look like an isolation lab. Nagoyaka-san without any hesitation just entered the building, but I am not that stupid to enter a building that looked dangerous on the get go.. But seeing me not moving she decided to just call me out.

"Come.." She simply said and I mostly have no choice but to follow her. So we both entered the building together.

When we approached the door, I realised that the door was made out of a special glass where the insiders could see outside but outsiders couldn't see in. It is also apparently automatic doors as when Nagoyaka-san stepped near it, the doors opened automatically.

And as it turns out.. it is. The door is automatic and that even is not the most surprising thing I see.. The inside is as modern as the modern research lab back then..

In my past life, I vaguely remembered about going to a crops research laboratory. It had the same feel as this one. I looked around to see people glancing at me once in a while. I don't really know why they are glancing at me like that as I don't even know how I look like..

"Wait here, I'll be back.." Nagoyaka-san suddenly stopped and said. I only nodded and she immediately disappears into thin air somehow. Now looking around I spotted a row of seats so I just walked there to grab a seat for myself.

"*sigh*.. Finally I could sat down.." I let out a small sigh before looking up to the ceiling. The lights have a similar feel to the lightbulbs. The place is also quite cold probably with a similar system to an AC.

'Now.. let's think about things first..' I started my train of thoughts.

Firstly, this world.. is obviously not my old world. This world felt particularly different from my old world. This place felt more like a mid century england but on the country side.

Of course I haven't seen the capital and the cities closer to the capital, but based on the technologies I could see even here, I could conclude that this world is quite advanced in technological improvements. But I still think that this world is quite dangerous for it's look.

Just when I woke up here I already saw and overheard violence. To survive humans will.do anything. That also includes violence and many other atrocities. I could only see what's with this world.

I wanted to continue my train of thoughts but it is ruined by a single voice. A voice that held malice, a voice which I hated.

"Oh my, what a beautiful lady you are! You must become mine!" The voice of an arrogant piece of shit. I looked at the owner of the voice and found my anger rising more and more.

The owner of the voice looked like an important person. He wore expensive clothings, was accompanied by personal guards and maids, and he also looked like an arrogant person who had never seen the atrocities of the world.

It doesn't matter if my world and their world are different. The atrocities and evil of humans would still always be the same. Driven by madness and greed, that is what pushing humans to their limits. But I do not care less.. when I am bedridden I could not do much and so slowly my feelings dies out as time went by. But I still always particularly hated this kind of people who is wasting their potentials.

"*sigh*.. Who are you..? Just go away.. I am busy" I said while sighing heavily. Then I could hear gasps coming from the people all around me. They started murmuring something I don't care enough to listen and just went back into my thoughts. But the man didn't stop..

"What gives you the DARE TO OBJECT ME?!" He said as he pulled out something that interests me. It's a gun.. but rather than looking like a flintlock or a mid century firearms, the gun he held looked futuristic. Even more futuristic than the gun back in my old world.

'Hmm..? What's this?' I inspected the gun in detail and saw that there is no magazine on the gun. Which automatically made me guess that the gun didn't need any bullet. It also has a bright glowing core on the side of the gun that is covered and protected with a transparent sheet of strong material.

"Huh? I mean what could you do to me?" I suddenly said which kinda surprises me also. But I do not feel any danger from this guy. Even in my old body I could feel how dangerous something is and I could feel this guy is just nothing.

"YOU!!!!" He came closer to me while holding his gun to my head. But I didn't move or react. I do not fear another death even if I just lived a new one. I had died once and to die again is just another cycle I will go through one day.

'But to die to this guy.. is a joke' I thought as I sighed.

"Oi.. can you back up a little, you are crushing my foot.." I said with little to no emotion as it does felt a little uncomfortable but not painful really. But that just made him even more mad. His face is so red, he looked like a glorified cartoon character. It is so funny that I actually started chuckling.

"THAT'S IT!" He got even more mad and got ready to pull the trigger, but before he could even do anything I looked up at him in the eyes with a cold expression and said..

"Try me dickhead" I said as I quickly used my other foot to kick his leg so he stopped stepping on my foot. Then I quickly kicked two of the most painful spots on a male body, the face.. and the nuts.

This happened so quickly that when I do it, I saw everyone else around me slowing down like a slow motion video. But as I was back at my original spot they all started moving quickly again.

"ARGHHHHH!!!" I heard a loud groan and followed with a loud falling sound. Of course this came from the man in front of me. After that I heard many loud gasps and more murmurs than before. I looked at the man and realised he is out cold..

'I didn't even use a fraction of my strength..' I thought as I looked at the pathetic man in front of me. I wonder if he is still able to have kids after this..

*Clap* *Clap* *Clap*

Suddenly I heard a single consecutive clapping from the hallway. I glanced at the one clapping and saw Nagoyaka-san besides him. He is a man that looked like he is in his 40's, he wore a full formal suit with no tie. He looked really simple compared to the man in front of me yet he still held an unique charisma.

"Okay, Okay! Excuse me, could you take them away?" He said to the maids and guards who had just been watching me with a dropped jaw. Immediately after he said that, they broke out of their stupors and carried the man away.

"Oi, Oi, Oi! Isn't that the Grandmaster?!" I heard multiple murmurs around me.

'Hmm? Grandmaster, eh. This guy is dangerous indeed..' I could feel the dwelling danger inside of him even if his exterior is just a full smile.

"Okay then! Now before we talked, shall I introduce myself?" He said to me with a professional and big smile.

"Go ahead" I said nonchalantly. I mean I also didn't know who he is anyway so why not?

"Hahaha, you are not the first to talk to me like that. My name is Motoaki Tanigo or you can just call me Grandmaster!"




<A/N: Sorry for long delays!>