
A Search Through Runeterra (Arcane)

Gregori Hastur was a happy man. His wife and his little bundle of joy Annie were all that he needed. But strange incidents and tragedy strike. And so begins his journey to find his daughter while also raising another in the process. Runeterra is dangerous and he? He is even more so. This story is Arcane adjacent. So if you have seen the show you can just pick it up and not worry about anything. The characters don't go to Piltover or Zaun until half the story is complete.

1Manager1 · ゲーム
47 Chs

Too Many Cooks

"To save video games, he had to become video games. Ezreal is... video games."~ Ezreal, The Prodigal Explorer (Arcade Ezreal)

Ekko, Heimerdinger and Singed carry the whole of season 2 and its not even funny. That episode 7 was the best in the series. Man the music brought tears to my eyes.

I mean really.... Ekko with the MVP performance.

But they could have done with an ACT 4. It would have been better paced.

Anyway hope you enjoy the way I write fights...

Also this fight might be hard to follow. I finally understand why people use attack names, it makes writing fights easier. But I'm not going to do that.



That was all Gregori could feel.

Never had things gone this far out of hand. Even when Amoline had passed, he could still keep his wits about him. Plan for the future. Stay strong.

But this situation? This series of events that began from that rainy day? It just kept getting worse. When something good happens, it is instantly overshadowed by something worse. 

Why could he not be able to provide exactly what his daughter needed? Why did he have to rely on someone else to wake her? Why did he have to WATCH as she shook in pain? 

He had thought his early life was unfair. Now? This moment in his life was the most unfair.

He was happy with his life. Happy with the people he loved. If nothing happened, then he would die a simple death after a long life and with none the wiser.

But the world seemed to be after him.

Gregori was usually a calm and reasonable person. He never displayed his anger. Never went out of his way to hate anyone. He had killed in his days in the legion, but those were more out of him doing what he needed to survive than out of the thirst for blood.

But the hate he had building up in side of him? The anger? It needed an outlet before it exploded into something he would come to regret.

So what easier way to relieve himself than beating up a bunch of annoying, stuck up idiots. Not only would it give him much needed relief, it would also garner him more respect. Then people would believe his claims and that would bring even more respect.

Daisy awoke within the hour of her collapse. Completely fine, despite the pain and struggle she had displayed previously.

Gregori let Braum, Ashe and Tryndamere watch over her while he made his way back to the tents. Stepping past the propped up wrapped spear, he picked up the shield. Sliding his hand into it, he swung it a couple times. 

Satisfied with how it felt, he left the tent and made his way to the giant ring where the competition was held. He walked to the side of the ring, its border marked with cloth nailed into the ground by numerous weapons. Some of his opponents had made their way to the ring, they watched him with apprehension. Gregori did his best to ignore them and started his stretches. He performed a small warm up to get his blood flowing. It would keep his body fluid.

He stopped once he worked up a sweat.

By the time he had completed, all his opponents had arrived. Each gripping their respective weapons. The men had their torso exposed while the women had a thin layer of cloth covering them, their chests held tight by another layer of cloth underneath. All of them sported various scars. The displayed them proudly. The large crowd of spectators had gathered around the ring as well.

What began as whispers, soon turned into thundering chants.




Chants like this echoed throughout the area. All calling for Gregori's blood to be spilled. All wanting to see the foreigner on the ground.

They served to further enrage him.

"DADDY!" Daisy's voice cut through the crowd's relentless calls and chants.

Gregori reached for her head and ruffled her hair. "You see all this people flower?"

She nodded.

"Would you like to see them silent?"

She nodded once more.


Daisy looked him in the eyes and spoke without an ounce of hesitation. "Because they don't like you daddy."

He smiled. Daisy still had some innocence in her. She simply didn't like how her father was being treated. It cut into his rage but did little to completely squash it. 

Braum and Tryndamere walked up to him. They had their weapons on hand.

"Gregori! Are you ready for a glorious battle?" Braum asked with his trademark smile.

Tryndamere sighed and looked at him, "These are warriors who have seen through very dangerous situations."

Gregori nodded.

"They did not just become members of the Warmother's council. Do not underestimate them." Tryndamere emphasized.

Gregori nodded once more.

Meanwhile, Ashe was talking to her council. Her bow remained strapped to her back.

"Don't take your opponent lightly." She warned.

"Warmother have you seen him fight?" A female council member asked.

Ashe shook her head.

Gjura cut in, "Then how can you assume that we would lose. My lady are we not your strongest allies?"

With a stern look, Ashe spoke, "Do you think someone who is not confident in their own abilities would ask to face all of you? There is reason to be cautious."

Another member spoke, "He is a liar. An Oathbetrayer. He has lied after swearing in the name of the god he worships. We have to set a precedence to avoid these kind of men from entering our lands again."

The rest of the council members joined in voicing their support of the words spoken by this member. Ashe watched them in silence. Sigra stood behind her, equally perturbed. 

A few second later, Ashe walked into the center of the ring.

"Avarosans and all those who have come to visit... today we have my council and a man. A man who wants to prove that he is no liar. My council and you people however, believe that he is lying. We are gathered here in response to his duel."

The crowd roared. 

Gregori covered Daisy's ears from the deafening sound.

After they calmed down, he removed his hands from her ears and planted a kiss on her head.

"Flower..... watch your father.

Gregori pulled his fur cloak and undershirt off. He walked into the ring. The crowd booing at him. He paid it no mind. He had seen and heard worse in the Reckoning Pits. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath and held it in.

The council members walked into the ring and stood in a large semi circle, covering close to half the ring.

Ashe then walked out of the ring.

Gregori let out the breath and opened his eyes, the noise of the crowd faded to a soft buzz.

With a wave of her hand, a tribesman blew into horn signaling the start of the battle. 

The council members stepped in maintaining the half circle they were positioned in.


Gregori twisted his torso to dodge the spear thrown at him. Slowly he walked forwards, ignoring the movement of the enemies.

He stepped back to avoid the incoming sword from his right. With a quick turn, he smashed the shield into the man's face sending him to the ground. 

Ducking, he avoided the swung axe and sent his fist into the attacking woman's stomach. She doubled over in pain. Gregori swung the face of the shield into the back of her head, knocking her out. 


Another spear came flying at him. This time, he swatted it out of the sky. Hearing a war cry from his side, he swung his shield in the general direction to stop the incoming attack. The thud and force of the impact let him know that his unintentional swing had proven effective. He looked at the woman and slid his hand from under the brace and threw it at her, the impact sending her sprawling. 

Taking a few steps back he assessed the situation. Two unarmed enemies and seven armed. The ones on the ground seemed to be down for the count.

Gregori then sprinted to the two unarmed members. Ducking the first man's hook, he shoulder slammed the man. The man fell on his ass. The next moment, Gregori turned and kicked the man whose fist he had dodged.

Slipping to the side, he dodged the incoming spear thrust by a hair's breadth. He grabbed the shaft of the spear and twisted it around himself, ducking underneath it and coming to the other side. The woman did not let go of her spear despite the uncomfortable position. He raised the shaft with such force that the flat end of the spear slammed into the woman's face.

She took a few dazed steps backward.

With a spear in hand, he entered a stance. But without his shield, he did not feel comfortable holding a spear with one hand.

Wincing, he held the spear with both hands and threw it in the face of the next man, whose axe slid out of his grasp and into Gregori's.

Turning around once more, he started his swing at the two unarmed men who had stood back up to face him. Stopping his swing halfway, he spun the axe and slammed the sides of the men with the back of the axe. As they moved their hands to protect those spots, he turned his attention to thier heads and landed two devastating blows. Their bodies slumped without protest. 

He turned and chucked the axe at the man from whom he had gotten it from. It slammed into his head. 

Or so Gregori had thought, the man had managed to catch the axe and charged him once more. The woman from whom he had taken the spear from had come at him with a thrust as well.

Side stepping to the right, he avoided both the axe that swung down at him and the spear aimed at his guts. Grabbing hold of the spear shaft again, he repeated his previous actions, lifting it again but at the man with the axe. He stepped back groggy from the impact, the axe again dropped to the ground.

A left hook to the spear woman's jaw put her to sleep. This time she did not let go of her spear, even while knocked out. 

Gregori raised her eyebrows in respect before ducking the next attack. Spinning he saw the other man try to pick his axe off the ground. Stepping on the axe, he slid it away. Using his other leg as a pivot he spun the opposite direction and landed a kick on the bent man's head, sending him to the ground.

He looked back to see another attack coming at him. A great axe cam lunging at him from the side. Following the motion of the axe, he spun grabbing the hands of the attacker and slamming his back into him. The man was sent backward creating much needed space. Gregori kicked the other man again sending him to dreamland. 

"Do I look life I'm fibbing now?" He spoke softly.

Gregori's voice was soft but everyone heard it. The crowd had gone silent at the display. In under a minute, this man had taken out most of their council.

No one knew who started it, but the first cheer gave way to wave of deafening cheers. Everyone cheered at the display of violence. They cheered at the spectacle of the fight.

Gregori however, had phased out the jeers and cheers. He only had his opponents in his eyes. They too seemed to have him in their eyes as well.

They made the first move this time. With a roar, the man closest to him swung his great axe. He stepped back out of the range of the swing. As he did, one of the the women tackled him. She slammed her body into his hips and he bent forward in reply.

Looking back up, he watched the man with the great axe swing once more. He slammed his fist onto her back but she did not let up. The great axe did not show any signs of stopping as it came toward his chest.

The attacker smirked as his axe swung through Gregori.


Or so he thought.

Gregori had decided to take the battle to the ground as he allowed himself to be tackled by the woman. While falling he rammed his elbow into her head, she let out a cry of pain but did not let go. He slammed his elbow onto her head twice more, the final time forced her hands to loosen. 

Pushing her off him, he rose to his feet. The great axe came at him again. This time Gregori twisted his body, letting it miss him.

He took a step forward but fell down face first, his arms came up softening the impact. The woman on the ground had grabbed his foot as he had tried to move, without sparing as much as a glance at the woman, Gregori kicked her in the face with his free leg. 

Spotting the incoming axe, he rolled to his left to avoid it. As the axe made contact with the ground, Gregori slid his leg onto the handle and kicked the hands holding the axe. The axe fell. Gregori got to his feet and threw a punch into the side of the man swinging the axe, slipping to his side, he landed a punch on the other end and landed a right hook successfully knocking the man out.

He turned to the last two and cracked his neck. The two remaining were Gjura with an axe and another woman with a spear.

A one armed man was hardly an enemy. Gjura had leather bindings holding his axe in place to his hand.

Gregori slid to the man's left side. And punched to his side. But he was sent to the side when the spear end landed at his side.

The woman was covering for Gjura's weakness. Gregori had not accounted for that, leading to the first attack that had landed onto him.

Gregori slid back into the same position and threw the same punch forward. He watched the spear come again, he pulled back, ducked under the spear and landed a jab at her jaw. She fell limply.


The axe came flying at him, Gregori caught the handle and held it in place. Raising his fist, he landed blow after blow onto Gjura. Whenever Gjura's legs buckled, Gregori hefted him back up using his grip on the axe. A few punches later Gjura lost consciousness, he face bloody.

Gregori let go of the axe and watched Gjura fall.

He walked to the edge of the ring and repeated once more, "Do I look life I'm fibbing now? I did not even have to use my magic to beat you."

The anger and rage that had consistently built up in him mellowed out a little. Heaping a little bit of pain and humiliation onto another was an easy release for his anger and this instance was no different.

Raising his hand, he pulled his shield back to him and stepped out of the ring.

I kept forgetting that 11 people were in the fight. So had to re write until I made the count.

1Manager1creators' thoughts