
What do you deserve?

When Alexa woke up the next morning she was surprised to see Zach still asleep. His arms were around and she was snuggled comfortably into his chest. She didn't dare move for fear of waking him up. But Zach noticed her body stiffening in his arms and woke up anyway.

He saw her peering up at him, he sat up sitting on the edge of the bed. He whispered softly.

"I'm really sorry for last night".

Alexa's eyes widened in shock. He was apologising?!

Not knowing what to do she simply moved to the edge of the bed to get up, but as she stood up she felt a searing pain in her thigh and her leg buckled. She looked down at the source do the pain and saw a bandage wrapped around her leg. She recalled the fall and looked toward Zach, the fear in her eyes were evident.

Zach also got up, upon seeing Alexa almost fall he made his way to her a wrapped her in a gown and carried her down to breakfast.

He seated her closely next to him as she ate the porridge , Zach made sure she ate everything, he had noticed her slight loss of weight while carrying her down the stops.

" Why don't you speak?" he asked nonchalantly.

Alexa looked at him with round eyes, she looked back toward her milk, afraid to answer his question.

"If I treat you better, or I allow you one request will you go back to your usual self?" he asked again.

Alexa looked at him, she doubted he would agree to anything she asked him and she knew he had a bit of temper. So even if he tried to treat her better, there would still be days when she made him angry.

In all honesty, Alexa hadn't noticed she stopped talking, she just didn't find engaging in conversation enticing, she preferred to sit quietly and think or just listen, maybe she could use her knew behavior to her advantage.

She got a notebook and wrote.

"What do you think you deserve?"

Zach was trying to coax Alexa back to her usual self. Although she looked at him well he was talking her face remained unemotional and cold. Finally he asked her when she would speak again, but she ignored him. Then he asked her if he could treat her better or fulfill one request would she go back to how she used to be, but she simply wrote something on a piece of paper.

'What do you think you deserve?'

Zach felt as if he had been slapped 100 times. What did he deserve?

His face remained serene and calm but Alexa could see the anger in his eyes.

"Is what I give you not enough?" he spat at her.

"Do you want to leave my home and my protection only to see how you would fair in this world?" Suddenly he chuckled, it was nine chilling sound making Alexa want to retreat to the safety of a locked room.

"What more do you want? You ungrateful slut", he words were venomous and cruel adding fuel to the small flame Alexa ha di side her.

Alexa narrowed her eyes as she glared at him.

"Freedom", she spat back at him before storming out the room. She didn't just leave the room, she also walked out of the door, she walked toward the front gate of his estate, completely ignoring the guards and continued to walk for almost half an hour.

Zach was taken back. Freedom?! Was she not free? His train of thought was interrupted when he saw one of his guards running to ward him.

"Y-Young master, Miss Alexa left the estate, she's walking down the main road". The guard stammered.

Zach's laughed again. He stood up and walked toward the gate. She wasn't very far about 500m away from the front gate.

"Alexa, we will see how you live through one day." Zach said a sickening smile crossed his hang some face.

Alexa carried on walking for about 3 hrs. She eventually came to a busy street. She didn't know what to do next, she walked into a random building. There weren't a lot of people inside, most of them were seated in private rooms. This is when Alexa realised she was still in a gown and slippers. She was about to turn around when a man suddenly approached her.
