
A Road For Two (Multicross)

作者: Leekz01
連載中 · 55.6K ビュー
  • 14 章
  • レビュー結果
  • NO.200+

This is a Tale of a budding friendship between a lonely God and boy who travel the multiverse for fun and adventure.

3 タグ
Chapter 1Chapter Zero - Prologue


POV- ?????


What is the meaning of life?


Is it to grow, find love and have children? To sleep at night with the love of my life by my side?


Is it to go to school, follow my dreams, and live a successful life? To always have enough to take what I want and to enjoy all that the world offers?


Or, perhaps, is it search the world for what makes me happy? To find meaning in this random, chaotic world?


Others have so many answers, but none have ever really appealed to me.


I left school at the ripe age of fifteen. My grades were averaged, as were my friends and family. Though, to me, they were the world. And so, with a big dream and hopes of impressing those I loved with my independence, I struck out on my own. Everything was great for a time. I was happy and we were always chatting, exchanging the stories we forged. The smiles and laughs we shared soon came crashing down as my dad passed away. One day he was working and the next he wasn't. It was world-shattering.  There was just no warning. No one was ready, no one knew what to do.


The days of fun and laughter were over. Everything that made me smile no longer held that same weight. It all turned to sand in my hands, slipping through my fingers. Frankly, I didn't care and allowed the castle of sand to fall. Thus, I stood amidst the sand. What was the point of it all?


My mother was far stronger than me- she fought on. I looked to her, my shining sun in the cold, dark night. And slowly, but surely, my cold world grew just a bit warmer.


Indeed, the wold I thought uncaring and unfeeling regained that tiny bit of lustre again.


It was... beautiful.




I sat in my living room, TV bright as the sun. By my guess, it was close to midnight, maybe later, but I didn't care.


I clicked my tongue, an annoyed growl slipping from my lip.


Damn it! Almost had it!


I put the controller down, eyes gazing at the game over the screen. One lucky crit was all it took to decide that stage. I was a turn away from winning, but obviously, lady luck had other plans.


"Maybe tomorrow," I said with a yawn, rising up out of the couch. My stomach rumbled and my bladder squirmed. Time sure liked to rush by.


I headed for the kitchen first, plucking a quick snack from the fridge. I savagely tore open the granola bar with my teeth, feet carrying me to the toilet. Relief flooded me as the old lizard was drained. Just as I finished up, the tell-tell sound of my cellphone going off reached my ears. I wasn't done, however.


"Son of a-"


Who the heck was calling this late? I swear to god if it's air duct cleaning services again I'm a let them come and then send them back. Sure, the telemarketer's not to blame, but that doesn't make me any less angry!


Eventually, I do finish, wash my hands, and head back to the couch. I grab my phone from between the cushions and see a familiar name.




She would, wouldn't she?


A small smile flutters onto my lips as I touch her number. The phone ring once, twice, and on the third, she picks up.


"Hey, mom." I greet the one person I love more than anyone else. "How are you doing?"


"I'm good, sweetie. How have you been?"


Time just flies by as we talk.


"Have you been eating properly? Please tell me you're not gorging yourself fon pizza anymore!"


"No! I learned how to cook!" Though, honestly, I only know simple meals. Still, it's a good start.


"Are you sure you don't need me to stop by and cook you?"


"Mom, you live like, thirty-five minutes away. I'm alright."


The constant pestering and smothering aren't something I hate. Honestly, it always brings a smile to my face. It just shows how much she loves me, and that's not something a lot of people can say.


"Are you still staying up all night playing those videogames? You should really give those up and find a girlfriend!"


My cheeks heat up at that.


"Mom, games are fine. And I doubt I'll be able to afford to have a girlfriend...."


"Really? I could send you some money if you want, and besides, girls are a lot more fun than games."


God, she always knows how to make me blush.


"There are all sorts of games you can play with them."


"Mom, please," I say with a whine. "Thanks for worrying,  but I'm ok."


I turn back to the TV. The large "game over" on it is red as blood.


"Well, ok then. But, If you change your mind, I know a few girls your age that don't have boyfriends."


It's not that simple! Gah!


"Sorry, mom, It's about time I go to bed. Love you."


There's a small pause, followed by silence. Then, she finally speaks with a small chuckle.


"Alright, sweetie. I'll call again sometime this week."


"Love you!"


"Love you too, honey."


And like that, the call ends. I let out a yawn, dropping the phone on the couch and then take a quick look toward my bedroom. It's about twelve twenty.


Turning back to the TV, I pick up the controller and move the cursor up. There's still a bit of time. Maybe I can try some other game? Something fantastic and full of action. A JRPG, maybe? It's not like there's anything important happening tomorrow, just work. A quick check of my phone shows none of the stories I've been following have been updated.


Yeah, a quick gaming session and then I'll head off to bed. Now, what to pick...


Maybe a game with magic?


Life is boring and mundane. Stuff like that would never happen in real life; it's what makes it so much fun to play.


If I ever got powers, I'd honestly be happy just playing around with them.


But, stuff like that never happens.


It's just a dream.


Pov - The Primordial



What is the meaning of life?


Is it to grow, to reproduce, and to die?


Is it to follow your dreams, hopes, and desires untill you die?


Or, perhaps, is it to find meaning in your life?


What would others say?




It had lived since the very conception of the universe. It was born when nothingness was consumed in blinding, soul-rending light. The radiance washed over the yoke of creation, spewing forth unending energy and mater.


Having been born for only a scant few seconds, it could only admire the wondrous monochrome sight. Devoid of emotion, of thought, it could only watch. This moment would forever be burned into its primitive mind.


The moment of its birth- the moment where the entire universe was born along with it.


Though it knew no words or thoughts, a sensation struck its growing consciousness.






Time passed. Primordial soup stirred and the universe slowly began to form the building blocks which would shape all that came after.


It had already forged a primitive sense of self. It wandered the Ether, curious and excited to see all that waited for it. Alas, no matter how much time it spent, there was nothing else like it in the universe.


It was alone; at least for now. Yet it knew it wouldn't always be that way. Right?


The universe continued to stretch out faster than it could keep up with. Primitive bodies of energy were formed and torn asunder by the turbulent, uncaring universe. Nothing could survive- not yet.


From this, a single idea was born within its mind.


I want to go faster.


It reached out, studying its form for the first time since its birth. There was nothing there. Nothing to grasp on to- nothing to push itself with. It was simply a thought floating through the abyss.


And thoughts don't move very fast.


Shaping came far easier than it expected. There was just so much energy within itself and within the tiny shell around it. All it had to do was reach out and take it.


So it did.


Mind was given form and its perception of the universe changed forever. The dull abyss which it thought so majestic before, was now full of different colours and lights! An entirely new realm of sensations and sights!


This would be a lesson it would not soon forget.


What it saw before itself was not all there was. There was always more. It just needed to change its perspective to move forward.


With a new, rudimentary body to house its consciousness, the creature moved. It sped to meet the universe's skirt within moments.


And then it kept going.


The void between creation was uninteresting. There was simply nothing there. Every moment it spent within its confines had reality itself pushing on it from all sides. Nothingness wanted to erase it from existence. It was a futile action, as it could mould existence around itself like a protective blanket. Even should the blanket fail, it was a being of thought. So long as it willed it, nothing could extinguish its spark, aside from itself. And as it learnt so long ago, all it had to do was look at the problem from another angle.


Nothing would hold it down.




Eventually, it became bored with the void between worlds. It sat and waited for its sibling to catch up. How much time had passed? How much had it lazed about? It cared not, for it was exploring everything at its disposal. New, wonderous abilities were created for no reason other than to entertain itself.


Though enough time had passed for curious things to bloom within its "sibling," this little creature was but a child. And, as everyone knows, children are easilly distracted.


It happened one day. Light enveloped his form once more. His younger sibling was here! Or, was it older? Who was born first? Did it really matter?


It supposed it didn't.


The universe had changed since the last time it was within its boundaries. Scorching walls that rent matter and space had cooled. As it trekked back toward the universe's centre, it saw a myriad of things. Tiny, flaming marbles that looked amusing. The curious little being plucked a few of the stones for itself; mementoes of its journey stored within its own personalized pocket. This would become a common occurrence.


Its collection would never rival his sibling's, but it was still a fine one nonetheless.


Still, at this rate, it would reach the center far too quickly. It slowed its pace so that the space around it would always be just a bit ahead when it came to speed. That way, it could take as long as it wanted!


And thus, the curious little being began its journey home. Through it all, the creature's form changed too many times to count. There were so many new things to see, feel, touch, and taste. Every encounter required a new perspective. Its body was ever-changing, though always larger than anything it encountered.


Stars were born, grew, and then snuffed themselves out. The small, sucking holes left behind were incredible fun for the little being. It gorged itself on what lay beyond them- finding the treats delectable. Every time it found one of the little holes, it would make it a point to stop and have a taste.


Galaxies were born, grew, and faded to nothing. There was always something new to explore in the universe.


It was a never-ending journey!




As all things do, the little being grew up. It arrived back at its birthplace, finding naught but another empty plot of space.


What now? It thought.


It had seen everything, yet nothing so much as pointed to another one of its kind.


Surely it wasn't alone, right?


Thus, the soft first touches of fear began to sink its claws in the adolescent creature.


It rushed across the universe, exploring every nook and cranny.




Even diving into the space beyond the boundary was of no help. That place went on forever. Folding reality so it could reach the end of infinity gave no answers either.


It was alone. Truly alone.


The universe stood still, forevermore.




How long had it been? The once young creature had grown old and bitter; not in body, but in mind.


That which once brought it joy was now ash in its mouth. What joy was there in scouring the universe for the nth time? It had tried making another one of its kind, but that had only ended in a cleansing fire that reduced all creation to ashes. The only thing it could call "brother" was consumed and all its work was washed away.


In its desperate desire to find companionship, it had killed the one thing that had been by its side since inception. Oh, a new universe was born in time, but it wasn't the same!


It would never be the same!


So what point was there? Why stay here? Why even think?


It decided that it would stop thinking. However, before that, it would take one final look at its "child." Born from its mistake, it was only fair that it at least look at what sort of things this new universe had created. And so, it cruised the endless expanse. Those tiny marbles were everywhere now, as where the delectable golden balls and dark holes. Yet, nothing held the same lustre as the first.


Everything was degraded.


With what could be called a sigh, the aged creature hurried its journey and eventually parked itself in some out of the way part of the universe. This would be its resting place. It thought back on its long, eventful existence. Did it have regrets? Yes. Yet, as it readied itself to end it all, it couldn't help but wonder if things could have gone differently?


Whatever the case, every memory was a treasure it cherished.


Slowly, it shut its "eyes" and allowed nothingness to take hold. First, its primordial body scattered into the solar winds. Much of its power was given to its "child." Next, its soul flickered and died, not that it really needed one. Still, it was the thought that mattered, right?


Thus, only its thoughts were left. Back to where it all began.


As it took one last glance at the universe around it, something curious caught its metaphorical eye. So much of its power had been shed already, but there was still enough to look closer.


A brilliant blue marble hovered just within reach. It looked closer. Only now that it had shed so much of its mass did it realize that there were things on the marble.




Moving even closer, it saw tiny creatures scurrying about. Life, so small and imperceptible. Had... had these things always existed? Or, mayhap, was this something unique to this universe? Was its own size and acceptance of nothingness what blinded it to this possibility?


Even in the end, it was such a fool... It had forgotten the very lesson which allowed it to thrive.


Its thoughts would end now, after finally having found that which it sought for so long.




No. No! No!!!


A flame burned within its mind.


It would not let it end here! Not after everything it had experienced!


It. Would. Not. End!


And thus, it gathered all the energy it had left, reaching into its collection. Many of its prized possessions were devoured, but that was fine.


It had made its choice, but that didn't mean it had to end here!


It. Would. Persevere!




Pov - ???



It was just another, dull day. My body hit the bed like a sack of bricks. Exhaustion clung to me like spider webs.


All I wanted was to shut my eyes and let sweet unconsciousness take me.


I blew a sigh and shook my head. My stomach had other ideas, sadly.


Rising from my bed, I walked toward the window and drew the curtains. The night sky shined brilliantly. Finally, a small smile fluttered onto my lip.


It wasn't much, but watching the sky like this always seemed to calm me down.


"Oh... a shooting star" I mumbled. Those were pretty rare, or, at least it'd been a long time since I last saw one.


Make a wish, they said.


I chuckle and shut my eyes.


Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Vahn was an atypical youth. Due to a rare mutation, his blood had the potential to target and attack ailments within the human body. Touted as a universal cure, people had elevated his status above the norm and given him the classification "Panacea". In the media, he was hailed as a great hero who would usher in a new era or human wellness. However, behind the scenes things weren't so bright. Being a unique individual, Vahn spent his entire youth locked up in a lab with various scientists and research teams using his body and blood to perform endless amounts of experiments. The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. He often imagined himself as the protagonist in a world of his own, finally in control of his own destiny. For years he nurtured this desire, until at the age of 14 he died when an organization had tried to kidnap him from the lab... "Finally, I don't have to suffer anymore..." This was Vahn's last thought as he faded into the endless black abyss... "You poor soul." Author's Note: If you would like to support the author and the team behind EPIC and future projects, feel free to check out libraryofakasha.com. There, you can find extra chapters and several other novels posted by myself and a few people from Discord. Cover by Sinlaire, Edited by Frozen: https://www.deviantart.com/sinlaire https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh New Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=14397149 This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Danmachi. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Einlion · アニメ&漫画
2365 Chs
