
A Retired Mage Become A Simple Potionmaker

In the mystical kingdom of Javavia, where magic reigns supreme and dragons rule the distant lands, there stands a potion shop known as "The Fated Liquid." Its proprietor, Cedric, is a retired adventurer who has turned his talents to potion-making. After his long and arduous adventures, his dream was to create brews that could heal, charm, and enchant. However, when his potions begin to develop minds of their own, causing mayhem with their unpredictable effects, Cedric's tranquil life is flipped on its head. Each potion introduces a new challenge and a dash of chaos to Cedric's doorstep. With the assistance of his eager apprentice, Tom, and the competitive yet captivating rival shop owner, Myra-the daughter of a renowned merchant-Cedric must solve the enigma of the magical mishaps before the Alchemist's Guild intervenes. As the annual Festival of Flasks approaches, and the legend of the town casts its sorrowful spell, Cedric finds himself at the center of a whimsical story filled with love, laughter, and a touch of madness. Embark on the journey in "The Retired Mage Becomes A Simple Potion Maker," where each sip unveils a tale, and every chapter is a blend of wonder. Will Cedric manage to restore harmony to his potions, or will Javavia be irrevocably altered by the concoctions of "The Fated Liquid"?

The_Envy · ファンタジー
14 Chs

The Success

Luis, Elara, Throg, and Michelle, along with five other soldiers stood at the entrance of the dark and foreboding cave. The air was thick with tension as they peered into the darkness, knowing the fearsome Gloom Serpent awaited them within.

Luis took a deep breath, his grip tightening on his sword. "Alright, everyone. Remember the plan. Stick together and be ready to use Cedric's potions when the time comes. We can't afford any mistakes."

The group nodded in unison, their faces set with determination. They stepped into the cave, the only sounds their footsteps echoing off the damp walls.

The deeper they went, the more oppressive the darkness became, until the faint glow of the Gloom Serpent's eyes pierced through the blackness.

"There it is," whispered Elara.

The creature was massive, its scales shimmering with an eerie light, and its eyes glowing like embers.

It hissed, a sound that sent shivers down their spines, and lunged forward with lightning speed.

The first clash was chaotic. The serpent's tail whipped around, knocking one of the soldiers off his feet.


Luis and Throg charged forward. But the creature's scales were nearly impenetrable.

Elara fired arrows, but they glanced off the beast's armor-like hide. Michelle shooting fireballs but the effect is not as big as she intended.

"Watch out!" Luis shouted as the serpent opened its mouth, spewing a thick, noxious cloud of venom.

The group scattered, but several were caught in the edge of the poison cloud, coughing and struggling to breathe.

Luis fumbled for the vial Cedric had given him, popping the cork and drinking the shimmering liquid inside. Instantly he felt a surge of strength and agility coursing through his veins. The poison's effects also began to dissipate, replaced by a feeling of renewed vigor.

He shouted to the others, "Drink the potions! Now!"

Elara, Throg, Michelle, and the soldiers followed suit, each of them downing the potions.

Almost immediately they felt the transformation. Their movements became faster, their strength multiplied, and the poison that had threatened to overwhelm them was neutralized.

"Let's take this thing down! HAAAAARGH!" Throg roared, his muscles bulging with newfound power.

He swung his massive sword with such force that it cracked through the serpent's scales, eliciting a furious hiss from the beast.

Elara nocked another arrow, her hands steady and eyes sharp. She aimed for the creature's eyes and releasing her arrow.


ItS embedding itself in one of the serpent's glowing eyes. The creature thrashed in pain, momentarily blinded.

Michelle and the soldiers took advantage of the serpent's distraction, launching a coordinated assault.

Michelle's fire bolts connected with the beast's head, while the soldiers hacked at its vulnerable underbelly.

Luis feeling the effects of the potion enhancing his every move,. He leaped onto the serpent's back, driving his sword deep into its spine.

The Gloom Serpent let out a final, ear-splitting screech before collapsing in a heap, its massive body twitching before going still.

The cave fell silent, save for the adventurers' heavy breathing.

"We fucking did it!" Throg said, her voice filled with a mix of relief and triumph.

Luis pulled his sword free from the serpent's back, wiping the sweat from his brow.

"Couldn't have done it without Cedric's potions. They were exactly what we needed," Luis said.

Throg nodded, looking at the empty vial in his hand. "That guy really knows his stuff. We owe him big time."

Michelle smiled, feeling the adrenaline still coursing through her veins. "Let's find that damn parrot and get out of here. We've got a reward to collect.

The group carefully made their way deeper into the cave, following the sound of faint squawking until they found Edward's parrot nestled safely. With the bird in hand, they began their journey back to Vialcross, their spirits high despite the exhaustion.


Luis, Elara, Throg, and Michelle made their way to the mayor's mansion, their steps lighter despite the lingering fatigue.

As they approached the grand entrance, the guards recognized them immediately, ushering them inside with respectful nods.

The mayo stood waiting in the foyer, his eyes bright with anticipation. Beside him, Edward fidgeted nervously, his eyes darting toward the adventurers.

"We've brought him back," Luis announced, stepping forward and revealing the parrot, who sat calmly on his arm.

Edward's eyes widened with disbelief and joy. "Polly! You found him!" He rushed forward, tears welling up in his eyes.

The parrot, with a plume of vibrant feathers, blinked at Edward.

"About time, kid!" it squawked, its voice carrying a mix of irritation and relief.

Edward burst into tears, half-laughing, half-crying, as he gently took the parrot from Luis. "I missed you so much, Polly. I'm so sorry you were lost!"

The parrot flapped its wings and settled on Edward's shoulder, nuzzling him affectionately. "Next time, remember to leave the window shut cause I can't stand the temptation to go outside and get lost."

The room filled with laughter at the parrot's cheeky remarks. Even the mayor couldn't help but chuckle.

"Thank you, all of you," the mayor said. "You have done more than just return a pet. You've brought happiness back to my son's life and peace to our home."

Luis and his friends bowed their heads modestly. "It was our pleasure, Mayor," Elara replied. "We're just glad we could help."

The mayor gestured to one of his aides, who stepped forward with a heavy purse of coins. "As promised, here is the rest of your reward. And know that you have earned not just my gratitude, but the gratitude of the entire town of Vialcross."

Throg accepted the purse, the weight of it a testament to the mayor's appreciation. "Thank you, Mayor!"

Word of their success spread quickly through Vialcross the band's reputation soared.
