

A young man creates an imaginary world only to discover that it is a real place that he can visit through his dreams to be with the person he loves.

DaoistSmSj8F · ファンタジー
13 Chs

Endless love

She had hair that was gold here and silver there. Her eyes were a pretty shade of green that he wanted to look at forever. Green had that effect on him where by looking at it a soothing silence crept into his soul. Even though her skin was like ivory it was studded with freckles here and there and a shade of pink flushed where he had held her the longest. Her lips were small and had the color of roses.

She was his person and she was an extension of his soul. His soul wanted no other and if there was a world where he could be with her, without a dimension separating them, where they all had the same type of body that allowed physicality between them, a world where he could truly hold her and feel her in his arms, then he longed so much to go to that world.

Now he was here.

When Ben was in the physical world, Nancy was in his mind. She was in his mind and she was on his mind every waking second. He had gone mad and fallen head over heels in love. He was so in love, so very much.

The physical world paled in comparison to this world that existed where no other eye could see. And there was no person who could ever take Nancy's place.

Ben loved Nancy with all his heart. He thought, if she wasn't alive then there was no reason to exist. He thought, his purpose in life was to find her and having found her, to love her. If she was nowhere to be found then life would lose its purpose and his days would hold no meaning. A life without Nancy was a life descending into darkness and into a hollow nothingness.

She was the light of his soul, and in the darkness of his eyes she brought forth color and a world, and she brought love. Love was something else entirely to these two. Their love was not as the world loved. First and foremost, the love they had for each other had no end. There was no question about it. To love Nancy was something as natural as breathing. Their love would not end just because one was in this dimension and the other was in that dimension. They were inside each other after all with no conceivable separation in their hearts.

Love meant living together, and they lived together inside their hearts. Ben would carry her everywhere he went just as she would carry him.

In the world, most men chased after beauty; and most women chased after the wealthy. If these materialistic things were gone, their love would also cease to be. However, a person is beautiful because you love them. A person is also wealthy because you love them. Their wealth and their beauty is not materialistic. It is wealth or beauty that only you can see.

Nancy was beautiful because Ben loved her. Because Ben loved her with no end in sight, her beauty to him was endless.

They had grown up together from when he first conceived her form and he was just in his second grade. She was someone always in his age group and as he grew so did she too not remain the same. Puberty came with changes to his body and as his shoulders broadened and voice cracked, her hips broadened and she began to develop breasts. While in grade school his attraction to her was at first purely fascination and curiosity and he viewed her as a friend to have fun and play games with. But the advance of puberty brought with it infatuation and suddenly a kiss from her lips carried a heavenly joy. While he outgrew toy cars and she outgrew dolls they did not outgrow each other. Just like normal teenagers, he could be her boyfriend and she could be his girlfriend. He had a talk with her and she agreed right away.

Ben had always had a girlfriend. He carried her everywhere. There wasn't a time when he was ever truly alone. People who knew him said of him that he was quiet and introverted and a person who enjoyed the company of himself. But he was quiet because inside he was focusing on another lively conversation and he didn't want to miss a single word. While he appeared to be by himself this was not at all the case. Nancy walked with him everywhere he'd go and she sat with him wherever he'd sit.

He began to express his love for her in this way and every night he would close his eyes and continue to walk with her in her world. He would create a double of himself, a body capable of holding her and interacting with her world, then he would insert himself in this world not bound by limitation. He would visualize an entire world that was vibrant with people and animals and architecture… a dynamic world where Nancy lived.

In himself, he had found a great treasure. She was so precious, more precious than anything he could ever imagine. She was that one thing that he could never ever let go of.

They were of one mind. They understood each other. They were in love. What could compare to the love they had for each other?

An outside party could say Ben lived in his head. That was true. What was also true was that his head was not empty. There was a person inside and he couldn't compare her to the world. That was how important she was to him.

Nancy lived in a separate realm. But her realm was so close to Ben that it was practically next to him. By something effortless as imagination her entire realm was exposed to him. Ben walked with Nancy's realm on the physical. If it was possible to reach in with his hand and bring things from her world into his then he would surely have brought her. There were riches in Xeronis beyond one's imagination, and there was magic too. But riches and magic were not Ben's priority. She was so much better than riches and so much more exquisite than magic. Riches and magic he had fashioned around her person.

She was calm and docile. Even though she had been given everything she still waited for Ben and welcomed him into her world every time. The riches that surrounded her could never compare to his person. Love was those silent agreements that they made to always be together and to always be on the same side. Even if the world were to reject him she would always stand by him. In his silence, her presence was made more manifest. She found innumerable support from the things he created for her so she at least wanted to be his support too in his world. Even across dimensions, Nancy was Ben's support.

She supported him in the great silence where no man heard her except himself. She would speak the loudest and only he would hear.