
A Ranger's Tensei [Mushoku Tensei : Jobless Reincarnation] {HIATUS}

In a world where Magics and Swords existed, the arts of Archeries is obstinate due to how much it was abandoned by the folks around the globe. Due to some paranormal and otherworldly phenomenons, souls from Earth come to this world and resides as they play their roles, each to their own wantings. Call-sign : Linap, an Infiltrator of an elite squad undergoing operations where he went undercover as a cult member of sorts, died while in the process of being rescued by his teammates. As his souls wisps away from his body, he recalls the painful sensation yet gratifying moments of the time he spent with the others. *Ba-dump, Ba-dump, Ba-dump* Unknowingly for him, he is yet to start another lifetime journey alongside his older brother, Rudeus Greyrat. . . . . . . . . . . (#) Author's Notes : the Story takes place after a side-story of my first original novel, Yet Another One : A Science-Fantasy Isekai. Heavily inspired by Mushoku Tensei and other progressive works that show growth in many ways, and I want to do this one for fun and practice... Maybe.  On where to find them, they're not available yet. But, they'll be released as a saga-of-kind, named : '(R18+) HEAVEN'S VIEW : [redacXe- -eration Nightbla-...]' This is just a 'What If?' scenario, of course, as I plan to have him as another character in my original novel but, I want to experiment regarding this character for a few 'Reason'. Regarding the Sexual content : Few far in between adult scenes and smut content in comparison to the original work by Rifujin. Even then, it'll be awhile before the MC's get to experience one, possibly some 3-4 Volumes like how Rifujin does it in the adaptations Rudeus is going to have the same harem members, Plus some newcomers of both original and OCs. BTW, NO NTR acted by MC, in case you're wary of that kind of thing. But he'll pick up on some of the 'Unmarried' characters from the original MT Novel, e.g. Guillene. Also, will go on Harem route, seeing as this is my own kink of wish-fulfillment for the characters of the original novel's with mine's.  If you want to support me, take a few looks on it, and that's enough motivational support for me already. Even More So if you leave your honest opinions, Constructive opinion as the Most. Lastly, please read the DISCLAIMER and WARNING before beginning your journey through the story. That's that then, Bye-ya~.

Yetano · アニメ·コミックス
29 Chs

Chapter 003 : First Things First In The Morning, Part.2

*Flaps and Whooshes*

Making beds of our own, using Combined Magic of Fire and Wind to recreate a 'Still Heat' that'd buzz off the bugs that may reside while we're asleep.

Rudeus : "You think Miss Lilia will be happier now that she won't be having to clean ours as often?". He and I are changed to our active clothes after throwing snowballs at each other just this morning, and Mother Zenith obviously chewed our ears out for wetting the pajamas.

The way we bathe in this world, or in this village as far as I know, is by using a wet towel to brush yourself with water and just water. No one knows what the word 'Soap' is, so that might be a luxury in this world only the nobles of this world have. 'Great, gotta use warm to hot water to make sure I scrape sweats off after Father's practical lessons, in Summer nonetheless'

Finishing mine after folding my blanket, I drop from the bed as I conjure a bit of Water magic to clean my hands.

Me : "Rudy, she's a Maid. It's her job, so what do we know about trying to help ease off her shoulders"


He exits the room, letting me leave, and closes the door as we chat along the way.

Rudeus : "At least we also get to keep increasing our Mana with having magic does these kinds of thing for us"

Me : "the More reason to keep at it". Before going down, I pull his clothes as we're in the front of the empty room, the 'Site of the Wetting'. "… By the way, can you show me your 'Collection' again?"

His 'Collection', is all kinds of dolls, cars, planes, and other miniature replication of our world's civilization.

And while I am able to make them not too shabbily, it's quite far from Rudeus' which have figured out the understandings of how they are the way they are.

Also, it doesn't help that he told me he used to be a 'Collector' of these kinds of things from the early 2010s before he died, in which I can already guess, they're merchandise from companies that makes the entertainment in Japan. 'Didn't think that we'd be decades away from each other's time of death"

He jerked his face as he tries to unhand himself from my grip.

Rudeus : "Agh~, I thought we're over this, now. Go and make them on your own!"

I have my hand fully locked from his interference, not letting go.

Me : "Ngh! They're not as finely made as yours, brother. Come On, Now"

He cringes from my demeanor, though gives up trying to unlock my grip.

Rudeus : "... *Sighs*. I'm doing this because of your instruction on how to gather Touki. Now, let go of me"

Knowing full well that he'll run out of here with that kind of attitude, I clench my hands.

Me : "You have your hands open, do you not? Go on and show me them"

He shakes his head left and right, as he reaches out for the door's handle and twists it.

Rudeus : "(mumbling) This is why I'd rather a little sis- Tsk..."


The room in our view is as plain as ever, with the water containers that Rudeus somehow kept hidden from everyone noticing that they're gone, now moved to near the kitchen again.

The only source of light from outside is a window that we both can hardly reach without having a chair to peak out our heads.

The floors and walls wooden texture that is now dry from Rudeus' faults, are clearly made from the nearby forest, since I saw some trace of cut down trees which are now sprouting life with another.

There is a pair of a chair and a table with cupboards on it, alongside some writing tools that is left inside like an ink pen and some near-white paper.

And now to the main thing we're going at : A chest, sitting in a corner end near the window, that looks like it's luring us to open its jaw and let itself have by to make us look at what it stores.


He unlocks it and shows what he treasured inside from the other's knowledge, his 'Collections' and the books that we both were read dozens by our parents and at times Aunt Lilia when they both went out of home.

Figures of weapons of this age and ours, peoples in clothing of the modern era and Medieval ones, cars of the wealthy businessman, and a truck which he is fixated to give the utmost detail since it was the cause of his death.

I look at a certain miniature that reminds me of myself the most, and that thing is now picked by Rudeus as he hands out : A Spec-Ops figure.

Rudeus : "You still long for your friends back on Earth?"

Now that he mentioned it, I get to remember again the details before I get to beat my heart for the last time.

Me : "... Yeah, very, but the only way for me to live right now, for both mine And their sake, is To Go Forward". I put it at the chest again, as I feel that the longer I have it near me, the more I can't let go of my old life and move on to embrace this new one.


He locks the chest again, and caresses me on the shoulder, patting me as he himself is showing a sign of still being leashed to whatever kind of shackle he is still having on his back.

Rudeus : "... *Sighs*. I feel for you..."

Trying to ease off the situation, I scratch my back and pouts a little to the side.

Me : "Well, it'd calm me if you can make me a Gun to hold wi-"

Rudeus : "Get off my case, Eyn, I'm not your toy maker". He sidesteps from me, distancing himself in case I were to grip him within my hands again.

Paul : "Oy! You Two, Come Down Here! We Got A Guest!". Our Father screamed out for us from outside the house.

I face Rudeus, nods to get out of the room and walk out of here, as he reaches for the door again.

Rudeus : "Think that's our tutor?"


Me : "I don't think so. It's too soon, like, Father is looking to hire someone just days ago! Said that it'd be weeks or, even more, months". We get down the stairs and hear the sound of breakfast being made.

He shrugs, not wanting to use his mind power for guessing things as of now.

Rudeus : "Well, no use dilly-dallying who it is from up here, let's greet who's waiting for us two before we eat"

Reaching the ground level, we see Mother Zenith and Aunt Lilia is preparing what smells like stew, as our maid have a taste test on what was inside a big pot being boiled by the fire from below.

Lilia : "(mumbling) Hmm, a little bit too strong". She then grabbed a little see-through vase for the white salts that is sitting with the other ingredients and spices saved in those vases, grabs a few inches of them, and let them sinker down the hole to blend with the insides.

Zenith : "Just don't make it tasteless for the young ones, Lilia". Mother Zenith who is preparing the plates and cutlery for them, noticed us going down the stairs and waves at us.

"Ah! Morning, you two!"

We responded to her with the same good morning wave as we walk up to her.

Me and Rudeus : "Morning, Mother! / Good Morning"

She approaches us and crouches down to our head level, blocking the way for us to go forward and unfortunately her Assets bounced because of that, and I can't really speak that out, since I'm afraid of being capped to be the one conscious of woman's body before reaching our adolescence yet.

Zenith : "Don't take too long when you got outside with Father again, you two, or the food might get cold again by the time you come back. Alright?"

Rudeus, naturally, ogles at her Two Big Mountains who is smiling an ugly one, and I shoved him a little with my arm, telling him to stop doing that.

Me and Rudeus : "Will Do / ...OK"

I walk to her right as I get my hands to reach out the exit, and twists the handle to the way outside.


We get out and as always, the wind greets our face head on as there are some dust coming in.

Paul : "Yeah, well, sorry for calling you here, Laws". Father Paul is talking to someone we don't recognize around these parts, and the person's figure is being blocked from our sight.

That person walked to his right, and shows us his characteristics : A Male Elf.

It's very apparent from the start that he is an Elf from his pointy ears, child-like face whose skin is looking smoother and white than any of us, fierce red-colored eyes, and blonde pointy hairs that is rivaling Mother's beauty.

Wearing a hunter's jacket over his white sleeveless shirt, strapping himself something on the back like a big piece of a string on his back, with the lower parts of him wearing a brown pants and a pair of cargo-like boots for agricultural activities.

And finally, the thing he's strapping on the back turns out to be an adult-sized medieval Bow, and a cylinder-shaped Quiver that is locking the Arrows in place, since it is not open and views its outer skin.

Laws : "It's fine, it's fine. What I would do for you accepting us into the village"


There is a different horse behind the man, that is standing by Matsukaze, and is having its neck's leash pulled by the guy as Father guides their horses to the stable.

Rudeus : " *Gasps*. It's, It's an Elf, Eyn!". He shakes me frantically to the sides, not being able to contain his excitement on seeing as real fantasy race for the first time.

Paul : "That's Mister Laws for you two twins". He clasps to Laws, showing apologies regarding our behavior, in which Laws just shrugs it like no big deal. "Anyway, you two will come with us to an open terrain"

Hearing him out, my mind goes to wander as why he just announced this as of now.

Me and Rudeus : "… What? /… Huh?"

Laws puts his hand around Father Paul's shoulder, as he tries to lift off the air of awkwardness.

Laws : "Now, now, it's not like we're going to have them fight the beasts straight on, would we, Paul?"

Father jerked his face in response to what they have in plan for us two.

Paul : "… WHAT? No! We'll just have them watch from afar the danger of the surrounding wildlife"

I think on what this means, and the fact that he's not doing push-ups by himself before a run is the sign that we'll be doing something different.

Me : "So we're not going to do the morning routine as usual?"

Paul : "Yeah, so let us eat breakfast and brace yourselves before seeing the dirty, dirty things we adults will do". He opens the door for us all to enter first, with Laws standing on the front.

Laws : "Paul… You don't have to make it sound like we're natural-born killers in front of your kids, you know?"


Inside, we eat ourselves a little more than what we usually do, since we'll be saving up energy for the ride to wherever they're planning to bring us to.

Father Paul and Laws told the women of this circumstance, and agreed in the condition that we're bringing ourselves the wooden swords, and the gifts that Father Paul made for us for when we get there.

. . .

I'll be researching the world of Pencak Silat and Indonesian Militant's way of C.Q.B and Combat-oriented Fantasy works for references.

Wonder if this'll work out, drawing conflict for those interested in learning his moves and where he knows of how he can use his body as a weapon, and other typical dramas that might already be known fully in the world of Martial Artist.

In the near-future, I might have myself set up a ******* or Ko-fi account for you guys to support me. No Promises, though.

Yetanocreators' thoughts