
A New Tempest

Like most fan-fictions. This story is my take on the story from beginning to end. This is not a back in time story. No-Op Rimuru from the start. There will be new characters and new skills added into this. As well as I might take other characters from other Anime and turn them into a skill. There shall also be dark and non-friendly Rimuru of course. As well as NO HAREM. So please enjoy.

Astra178 · アニメ·コミックス
41 Chs

Birth of a Demon Lord

It has been about 2 days since Milim had left to do god knows what. And overall I am still confused as to why she called me her Bestie. Well after hearing her story from Veldora, I guess I sit in the place of bestie.

All of a sudden though, I felt a similar magical presence hurdling in this direction again.

'I guess Milim has returned now hasn't she.'

I was about to rush out of here so she won't decimate the place. But to my dismay, she already busted through the office door. Looks like she landed properly but she has still destroyed a door.

'Rigurd may not be happy about this.' I thought as an imaginary drop of sweat was bolting down my face.

"Bestie! I have returned with a gift!" She said as excitedly as possible.

"Oh! Whats the gift?" Although I can already think of just what it might be.

"Be glad! Now you will be able to join the ranks of us Demon Lords!" When she said this I somehow felt a connection between us. What exactly is this? But upon these feelings I immediately got hit with a wave of sleepiness. And so I passed out.

Unbeknownst to the world, a new Demon Lord was about to be born.

(Third Person Perspective)

<<The Harvest Festival of the individual Rimuru Tempest has begun. Now evolving into a Demon Lord. The individuals in his genealogy will be granted gifts.>>

Upon hearing this the world was in a state of panic. All except the demon lords and Tempest.

"It's the voice of the world." Said Kiyoko.

"A Demon Lord?" Benimaru questioned.

But more than that, Rimurus top executives ran around Tempest searching for their master. Until they finally found him in the executive building in his slime form, not moving at all. As well as Milim sleeping on the nearby sofa. Seeing their master in such a state, Benimaru addressed the rest of them.

"Listen, we must stand guard a protect Rimuru-sama until this evolution is over." Of course in the end everyone agreed, as even this would not be enough to pay back all he has did for them.

<<Bodily composition is being reconstructed; now evolving into a new species. Species slime super-evolved into demon slime....successful.>>

<All bodily attributes have been greatly enhanced.

Subsequently, all skills as well as resistances from before evolution are to be required.... Successful.

Acquisition of new intrinsic skills

[Infinite Regeneration]

[Universal Sense]

[Demon Lord Haki]

[Enhanced Replication]

[Universal Thread]


Acquisition of new resistances

[Natural Elements Nullification]

[Abnormal Status Nullification]

[Spiritual Attack Resistance]

[Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification]


The evolution is now complete.>>

{Report: Petition to VOTW to evolve Unique Skill [Great Sage]}

<<....Confirmed. Request from Unique Skill [Great Sage] accepted.>>

{Great Sage attempting Evolution}





























{Report: Integrating Unique Skill [Degenerate] into [Great Sage]

Received gift from Harvest Festival executing evolution.


Unique Skill [Great Sage] has evolved into the Ultimate Skill [Raphael, Lord of Wisdom].}

{Upon Further analysis [Unlimited Imprisonment] has completed analysis. Individual Rimuru Tempest has obtained Ultimate Skill [Uriel, Lord of Vows].

In order to evolve [Chaos] integrating [Monster Ruler] and [Uriel, Lord of Vows]


Unique Skill [Chaos] has evolved into the Ultimate Skill [Anos, Lord of Destruction]}

<<Report: Individual Rimuru Tempest harvest festival has completed. Monsters in his genealogy will now receive gifts.>>

Following this a wave of dizziness swept over the citizens of Tempest. Everyone, passed out where they stood. Whether it was in their homes or on the street, everyone fell asleep in order to receive their gifts.

"Huh!" Upon hearing multiple thuds in her vicinity, Milim jumped awake from the noise. To her shock she saw everyone passed out on the ground. But she decided to ignore it and went back to sleep. Excited for when her new beet friend to evolve into a newborn demon lord.

(Yeah, yeah. I know where is Beelzebuth. Well he does not have merciless yet so thats gonna come in after Falmuth attacks. So he will still have Gluttony until then. Or I may recreate it in a different way.)