
A New Challenger Approaches

No way home? Maybe so. But one Uzumaki Naruto doesn't believe that. This world is strange, filled with interesting people and things, but no matter where you are one thing never changes; with a strong will anything is possible. A few clones never hurt either...

X3nr0x_Starfield · ゲーム
42 Chs

International Challenge...

Chapter 31 - International Challenge...

For almost ten minutes, Cammy stood over Blanka as he was getting his shoulder reset by the admittedly very fast and efficient medical staff on hand provided by the martial arts monks that had been on hand to fix up competitors after matches. Other than a few bruises and a bit of cosmetic damage she wasn't in need of any medical attention.

She had been apologizing profusely for nearly killing Blanka during their fight, even after they had gone back up the stairs and she had met back up with Naruto, Ryu, Ken, and Chun-Li, "I'm sorry Blanka, I don't know what I was thinking. My head was hazy, and I just registered the fact that you were attacking me." Her body just moved, and it nearly took Blanka's right arm home with her… as well as his neck.

Blanka seemed to be tired of hearing it too, as he just sat down on the ledge with his arm in a sling and scratched his wild orange hair with his good arm. All he did was really grunt in annoyance. The girl had been well meaning in her desire to apologize but at this point it was like she deemed him too weak to take a good asskicking in a fight. If anyone understood acting out of their instincts for survival it was him, so it wasn't that big of a deal to him.

"Cam he gets it, you're sorry." Naruto said, pulling her away from Blanka by the hand. It wasn't as if the wild man was mad, but constantly hearing the same thing ad nauseum would raise anyone's hackles, "You didn't mean it. At least you didn't kill him."

But she almost did. One more second and if Naruto's voice hadn't gotten through to her they'd have to start making funeral preparations for a buddy.

That much was seen by Chun-Li, who didn't want to think about something like that. She of course knew that Cammy used to be a brainwashed agent of the crime syndicate that sponsored the event, but she legitimately pitied the girl after she had lost her memory helping them take Bison out of commission and she truly did like her in the run-ins that she had with her since then.

The fact remained that she was still absurdly dangerous for the wrong reason, and now Chun-Li seemed to be finding it easier to believe Naruto's claim of just how much power Cammy had stored inside of her latently. If anyone would know about someone storing power inside of themselves, that would be the kid that would know.

"What are you thinking about?" The sudden query from Ryu standing directly behind her startled Chun-Li somewhat. The man was very quiet most of the time, "You think Cammy's state of mind is risky don't you?" He asked, "I have to admit, I'm thinking the same thing."

Every single facet of that final move she used against Blanka in the first match was meant for nothing other than the end result of a kill. The first headbutt to stun and disorient after breaking the enemy's nose and concussing them thus allowing an easier time of getting them to the ground, the second move to brutally disable any method of the victim to fight back and resist, and the final attack that thankfully never came to smoothly break then neck.

It was honestly frightening how quickly Cammy pulled such a thing off. In real-time the entire process took two seconds. The kill seemed as easy as breathing to her when she had been out of it. Such a brutal assassin beneath the surface and behind the face of such a sweet girl.

"There wasn't even a hint of bloodlust or hatred in her eyes when she did it." Ryu recanted, remembering everything that went into such a unique martial arts technique, "Did you see her eyes when the cameras caught them on-screen? It was like looking into a void."

Even so, Chun-Li had been in contact with Cammy since spring, keeping in contact with her with phone calls to find out how she was and if she needed to make a trip to Japan to clock Naruto for sucking at taking care of her since some of the responsibility of her ongoing existence rested with her as well as him. She was a friend, "I don't want to assume the worst when it comes to something like that. Look at her eyes now. She's really shaken up and remorseful for nearly killing Blanka."

"Still, you're wary."

"I know what you're saying." Chun-Li admitted, shutting her eyes and crossing her arms over her bosom in deep thought, "But Naruto's lived with her night and day for nine months. If there were a reason to be suspicious of her state of mind he'd have already run across it."

"So she'll risk killing every time she finds herself stricken on the head too harshly?" Ryu asked, honestly not knowing, "Everything she did was unconsciously done. Her waking mind may be able to reason restraint, but what if something like this happens again? Next time the voice of someone close to her might not get through in time."

Even though they were a short ways away, Naruto could still hear everything that they were saying over the dulled sound of the crowd as they waited for the next fight. And he could see from the rather guilty look on Cammy's face as she looked down toward the ground that she did as well.

"Hey." Naruto said, suddenly alerting Cammy as she sat next to him on a bench. He put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile, "Don't worry about what happened, or what anyone else might think. It's okay. I trust you alright?"

He wasn't going to let Ryu cut her down like that, even if he did mean well. Even if he did have the best of intentions behind his blunt words and only cared about how serious an incident it would be if Cammy regressed to her old Doll self, that man had to have some kind of tact. He wasn't asking anyone's feelings to be spared but have the decency to actually talk about someone to their face or at least make sure the subject of the conversation couldn't hear what you were saying.

The petite blonde girl nodded and gave him a small smile in return, "And I trust that you trust me Naruto. I don't think anyone knows who I am better than you do… myself included. So I guess I'll just have to believe in the fact that you believe in me."

Naruto's smile became a bit strained at that point, "…That was a really roundabout way of saying okay Cam, but that's fine too." Seriously, did this girl try to be a damnable mystery on purpose or what?

Bootsteps came from the nearby building where most of the other fighters were on standby for their matches and Naruto got sight of Guile on his way down to take part in his own first round battle. He spared a glance at the two of them though his gaze lingered on Cammy for a bit longer than was comfortable for the young lady.

That look in his eyes was not the look of a comrade that had fought back-to-back with her. More like someone that considered her a double agent on the wrong side. During the raid on Shadaloo's base he didn't treat her that way. He didn't treat her with anymore of a semblance of mistrust than he did Naruto.

But now it looked like he only wanted to advance to the next round to hurt her.

Guile's gaze snapped away from Cammy to the blue-clad ninja sitting next to her, more specifically to the icy glare that was being returned right back to him in exchange for how he was looking at his friend, killing intent being used liberally to get his point across. That point being to lay off of Cammy and to take his stupid blind vendetta somewhere else.

Naruto considered Guile a comrade-in-arms, but if that was how he was going to treat a close friend of his he knew whose back he had. Cammy didn't do anything wrong to him and had in fact been helping them during their first trip into Thailand.

Fortunately it blew over and the air force officer simply continued on his way, descending the stairs to fight his opponent.

No one said a word that observed the interaction, but Ryu had a very disapproving look on his face at Guile's demeanor and Chun-Li just shook her head at how he was carrying himself. Was the man really that bitter?

Cammy's hands balled into fists in her lap as she looked down toward the ground. She managed to brighten up a little bit when Naruto placed a hand over one of hers in a show of support.


Bison quietly chuckled to himself from his place in the shadows observing the tournament. He wasn't expecting fireworks in the very first fight of the day, but it was a pleasant surprise nonetheless.

So his little assassin survived the psychic backlash of killing his previous body, and she was still programmed to boot. Even if she didn't seem to realize just what she had done and what it represented, he did and that was all that mattered. There was a way to make use of that, he was certain of it.

"Welcome home Killer Bee." He said to himself as the monks finished preparing the grounds for the next matchup, "I'm looking forward to greeting you myself."


Down in the courtyard, Guile couldn't help but stare at his first round enemy tensely. Bison's number one enforcer, the strongest of Shadaloo's Grandmasters, Sagat. He was the most powerful of them even when Vega was still alive, and time had shown that he hadn't grown any weaker.

But Sagat didn't seem to care about the rage in Guile's eyes. The vendetta he had with the organization didn't matter to Sagat one way or the other. His affiliation with them was quickly waning and the only reason he hadn't quit yet was due to his entry in this tournament. One more chance to try and get a fight with Ryu by these methods. If it didn't come to pass, that would be it. He would be done with Shadaloo.

"You'll never beat me if you come into battle with the mindset you're exhibiting." Sagat told Guile, simply standing across from him and towering over him by a foot and a half with his arms calmly crossed, "If you come at me like a beast instead of like a man this won't last a minute."

The outright size discrepancy meant nothing to Guile. Sagat could have been ten feet tall and made of solid iron, as long as he was still a part of Shadaloo he'd be getting the beating of a lifetime today, "I don't need to take advice from a bonafide thug like you." He said, hands already up in his stance of choice, "You call yourself the 'God of Muay Thai'. The way you are now I'm calling you Bison's bitch."

In the world of the men that spent their entire lives training to become the strongest fighters in the Muay Thai discipline respect was everything, hence the reason why the one who was considered the strongest was given the title of 'God'.

And Guile was showing Sagat none of that respect that he had sacrificed the vast majority of his life compiling for himself. All because of his loose affiliation with Shadaloo.

"I don't take orders from that man." Sagat growled out, "First and foremost I'm a fighter that wants to fight and defeat the very best, not a criminal." He raised his arms and shifted his intended front leg into the traditional Muay Thai high stance, "If you don't understand that, I'll just have to make you understand with my fists won't I?"

There was nothing left for either man to say to the other. Sagat wanted to shut Guile's mouth and prove just who he was, and Guile just wanted to inflict pain and humiliation onto Sagat for whom he chose to make his bed with in the past.

"Guile vs. Sagat: Fight!"

"Sonic Boom!" The crowd roared in approval when Guile's first move was to swing both of his arms inward and fire off a high-speed spinning bolt of focused energy at Sagat who merely sidestepped it, using the bare minimum of effort needed to avoid the technique.

Sagat didn't even flinch as the technique flew past him and smashed off of one of the numerous statues in the courtyard, as things exploded and sent rubble everywhere, "You lack discipline…" He said plainly, "I thought an attack like that would have more of a rip to it." Outclassing his opponent that so openly doubted him would be the best way to prove his point that he could give; that he was still the best.

To illustrate this point he walked toward the waiting Guile with a deliberately slow gait, as if he were going to make him think about what was about to happen. The massively tall and muscular figure cut a rather imposing figure complete with his bald head covered with an eyepatch and a brutal scar across his chest.

Being so openly challenged by his opponent's body movements, Guile lashed out with another Sonic Boom only for Sagat to swiftly speed up and sidestep the move while continuing to press forward. The sudden large step took advantage of his significant length, putting him in range of Guile as he suddenly lashed out with a kick that smashed the soldier in his side and knocked him to the ground.

"Get up." Sagat demanded crossly, "If you're this driven by your anger then make something of it." Angrily, Guile did indeed get back up and chose to attack once again. Another kick went his way from Sagat's long form, but Guile was able to take the sweeping arc of another kick and roll with it to deliver a spinning backfist that smacked Sagat right on the chin.

Normally a shot that heavy would have floored any of Guile's opponents, but in his haste to cause harm to anyone having anything to do with Shadaloo at any time Guile neglected to realize that attacking in such a manner required a more patient touch due to the danger involved. Even though his punch landed solidly, he had to punch up a significant distance to hit Sagat which took something off of the power, especially since he remained grounded while throwing them.

While a painful blow, it wasn't enough to stun Sagat out of defending the following barrage of punches from Guile, which he did despite the stinging bruise on his face. Every step Guile took to move out of Sagat's ability to defend was aptly accounted for by the grizzled veteran.

Still, this was what Guile wanted. How could Sagat generate any kind of real intensity in his attacks with those long limbs if those same limbs didn't have the necessary space to swing and generate force. So even though Sagat was defending, he couldn't counter attack and blast him with those devastating kicks or crushing punches.

"I know that you think that rangy opponents have trouble when things get in this close." Sagat said as he seemed to be turtling his arms over his vitals to prevent Guile from hitting any sweet spots and injuring him, "But when it comes to Muay Thai-."

Abruptly and without any wasted motion, with the practiced ease of a move made tens of thousands of times before, Sagat instead of throwing a punch simply jutted out his elbow from his guarding position and hit Guile in the face right as he was in the middle of throwing another punch.

The sharp and bony appendage came just short of making Guile like him and putting out his eye, instead hitting him directly on the brow and splitting it open like a seam burst on a pair of pants. Blood spilled from the wound and quickly spilled down into his gaze, obscuring his vision enough so that when Sagat moved into his blind spot he was unable to defend when a pair of powerful taped fists wrapped themselves around the back of his head and pulled him into a vicious knee strike that smashed his nose into putty.

"When it comes to Muay Thai, even at short range against a tall fighter you can still be torn apart!"

Flashing stars of pain filled Guile's eyes after the knee. The only thing that kept his head from snapping back was the fact that it was being held in place by Sagat's Thai clinch. In groggy desperation he started unloading with hooks and uppercuts to Sagat's stomach and kidneys.

Even dazed and battered, Guile was still a powerful man and his punches were devastating when aimed correctly. With his arms being used to grab Guile's head, he couldn't use them to block any longer which left him somewhat open for them.

Growling irately at the attempt to fight back, Sagat kneed him in the face one more time and crouched down before exploding upward underneath Guile's chin in a leaping uppercut that took them both twelve feet into the air, "S̄eụ̄x Sxydāw (Tiger Uppercut)!"

Twisting out of his jump with a flip, Sagat landed on the ground as Guile crashed directly on his back in a heap. He walked over and stepped his bare and taped foot directly on the man's chest, taking note of his glassy eyes reflecting his unconscious state.

After a few moments where Guile's body didn't move an inch, the announcer called the fight, "What a violent flurry from the former champion! If anyone can get up from something like that they deserve a medal for toughness folks! But it looks like that's it, so the winner by knockout: Sagat!"

Sagat just kept staring down at his bloodily beaten foe underneath his heel with his one eye and a stern glowering expression on his face, "You fought like a fool, letting your anger guide you. I fight by driving forward with my anger, not letting my anger drive me forward the way you do. When used correctly anger can be a strength, but not the way you blindly use it." With a shake of his head he left well enough alone and walked away, "Who is whose 'bitch' again as you put it?"

Shaking hands with the people of Thailand in the crowd surrounding the stairs that reached out to try and touch the God of Muay Thai, eventually Sagat reached the top of the stairs and the garden leading to the fighter's building where Naruto, Chun-Li, Ken, Cammy, and Ryu had been waiting and watching.

As he walked past them he stopped and fixed his one-eyed gaze to scan over the lot of them, seemingly sizing them all up. His view stopped on Cammy as he seemed to look the petite girl over. He remembered being introduced to her back when she was one of Bison's dolls though he had never worked with her.

Her blue eyes didn't have the same dead, lifeless expression they had once held as she looked right back up at him with a curious and comparably vibrant tint to them. She had others around her to thank for that clearly.

But despite her status as a former 'employee' of Shadaloo, Sagat's concern wasn't with her. He simply moved his view to the object of his real attention, clad in a white gi and red headband and with a stern and serious look. Both men simply stared at each other without saying a word for seemingly the longest time. Good lord, why wasn't there a damn camera on this? You couldn't artificially manufacture tension like that.

Well apparently there was a camera on this because it appeared on the big screens and the crowd seemed to buzz over it. And after realizing that they were being watched by more than just the four people there with them, Ryu nodded to Sagat who returned it and walked off. The message was clear.

See you in the finals.


That was the general consensus from Naruto, Chun-Li, and Ken. The latter exhaled deeply and clapped Ryu over the shoulder, "Well… that's all well and good bud, you can make your little dates with Sagat all you want to, but you've still got to win three matches first before the courtyard is reserved for your little rendezvous. So don't save the last dance for him just yet."

"I know that." Ryu replied with a raised eyebrow at Ken's use of verbiage, "I'm certain that he realizes it too. But it's something to look forward to isn't it?"

He wanted to see if he could truly defeat Sagat this time, without being forced to resort to the Satsui no Hadou by his will to win. It was still clear in his mind to that day even all of those years later. Sagat had indeed overcome him. He had beaten him nearly senseless and had pinned him to prevent him from moving entirely. He had been checkmated.

It was supposed to be a sporting tournament but the result of the match hadn't been called yet because as with most tournaments of that level it was too dangerous to have a standing referee down that close, and Sagat had even tried to help him up, but his own anger at being bested after training for his entire life to prove he was the strongest overcame him and he used a cheap shot of a Shoryuuken at the behest of the dark influence inside of him.

That was how he won. His head had been in a rage-filled haze at the time and he had no idea how it came across on TV until he watched it back with Ken much later. When Sagat went to help him up it merely looked like he had reversed the pinning situation to stand back up and instantly retaliate with the most powerful Shoryuuken he had ever used, charged by the horrible ki driving him, and ripped Sagat's chest wide open.

It looked like a masterful counter due to the camera shots, but it was no such thing. It went against everything he stood for.

By the time he was done reminiscing he realized that their little group was one fighter short and realized that it was time for the third match; Naruto's match. That was why he was gone. And Ryu moved to the edge to watch just what the young man had to offer.

There was still an entire tournament going on after all.


On the roof of the building that housed the fighters waiting on their matches, Sasuke had a bird's eye view of the entire bowlish setup of the courtyard. His Sharingan activated as a smirk played at his lips while watching his fellow former Konoha ninja descend the stairs into the arena.

'Let's see what you've really got dobe. Now that there's not some raving lunatic wanting to snatch our hearts out I want to see what you're really made of nowadays.' According to Yun when he tried to hold Naruto back in Tokyo, Naruto beat him in a grand total of under ten seconds with one move. As annoying as he thought the Lee twins were, they were good fighters.

Damn it Gen, he was not about to actually thank that old bastard for making him come out to that tournament even if he was admittedly having a decent time.


As he descended the stairs to the ring, Naruto had a confused look on his face as an entire camera crew was shoved in his face, and not the one working with the tournament. This was the small crew from earlier. It actually made him feel a bit self-conscious unbelievably due to how they were zooming in and out on his face. He had to throw the hood over his head just to keep his own face from turning red at the strong focus on him.

"What's your name kid?" A boom mic was being held over Naruto's head as the cameraman, soundman, and director were all walking backwards down the steps as Naruto walked forward, "Come on, tell us something about yourself so we can get some background."

"What is this supposed to be again?" Naruto asked them in return.

"It's a documentary on Fei Long's street fighting. If he's going to take time off from filming his movie to take part in this whole thing we could probably make more than a few bucks off of filming this too."

Well Naruto didn't see anything wrong with that. And there was a chance that if they actually put this out there he'd be on film in theaters for the world to see with Fei Long! That would be awesome, "The name's Naruto Uzumaki. I'm a ninja for hire, and for reference's sake I'll do stunt work too if you movie guys to hire me and fly me out to shoot some stuff."

"Why do you think you can beat Fei Long here today?"

"Because I'm awesome." Naruto said, crossing his arms over his chest and nodding sagely, "I'm not saying Fei Long's not awesome because he is, but when it comes to a battle of awesomes as close in comparison as ours are I'm always gonna squeak past."

The sound guy and the cameraman looked at each other as Naruto stepped down into the courtyard and walked past them, "…I didn't understand what the hell that last part even meant."

"Who cares? All of this was just to give Fei Long's opponent some background in the movie before he kicks his ass."

"I heard that you fuckers!"

Upon hearing Naruto's displeased shout, everyone of the filming crew immediately retreated behind Fei Long who had already been down on the field making sure he was all limbered out for the fight.

As Naruto's eyes set on Fei Long he quickly quashed the notion to begin asking the man a million questions. He wasn't there for a Q&A fan session, he was there to fight him. He wasn't going to thank Naruto for going to watch his movies and buying the DVDs, he was going to try and stove his damn brains in with his fists.

And that was exactly what Naruto was going to do to him as well.

Pulling his hood down with a serious look on his face, Naruto made sure his gloves were tight on his fists before shaking his body out and limbering up. He lowered his standing and readied himself in his stance of choice.

Fei Long observed this with an interested eyebrow, "What kind of style do you use?"

"No style." Naruto said, surprised that someone like Fei Long found the way he fought worth talking about, "Why does it matter? I'm here so that means something doesn't it?" If he had to deal with Fei Long talking crap to him about the way he fought he was going to lose it.

Instead of what Naruto predicted would happen, Fei Long smiled at him, "That's good. You favor formlessness, and that allows you to assume whatever form you need. You have no style, thus you can fit in with any style. You utilize all ways thus you are bound by none, and this lets you use any technique to serve your end."

Wait, did he just get complimented by a damn legend before they even started fighting? Just because of his own philosophy and way of thinking in regards to how he fought? The look on Naruto's face after hearing that; absolutely priceless.

With nothing left to say, Fei Long smoothly moved into his loose sideways fighting stance, bouncing readily on his toes in anticipation for the fight to begin.

"Naruto vs. Fei Long: fight!"

"Rekkukyaku (Air Tearing Kick)!" With a loud, shrill martial arts cry, Fei Long flung himself at Naruto like he was fired from a cannon with a flying kick. Naruto jumped back out of range of where he felt Fei Long was going to land, but Fei Long suddenly extended his jumping length by suddenly flipping forward in the air.

A surprised Naruto put his hands up to block, but Fei Long's kick smashed him over the top of his head. Immediately after his landing, Fei Long kicked Naruto in the face, snapping his head to the side before spinning around and delivering a back kick to his body.

'He's not this fast in the movies!' Naruto thought to himself, not willing to get blazed through before he could even begin to fight, but Fei Long was already at his side instead of in front of him. Naruto blocked a series of rapid-fire punches to his right side before lashing out with a side kick that Fei Long dodged by the narrowest of margins.

While stepping out of the way of the kick, Fei Long rattled off a backfist strike that Naruto caught at the wrist before rolling along the arm once and delivering an elbow to the back of Fei Long's head that sent him stumbling forward.

Fei Long turned around to face Naruto and shook his head out one time to make sure he wasn't out on his feet. That was a slick little counter. Fast too. He never expected anything like that to come from Naruto. It brought a smirk to his face despite the stinging in the back of his cranium, "Your movements flow very well, but they don't seem to make sense. Is that by design?"

Naruto just shrugged and quickly went to the hip pouch connected to his belt to hurl shuriken at Fei Long. Using the metal disks as a diversion for now, Naruto placed his fingers together and quickly formed some clones. It was a strange power that Fei Long had never seen, but whether it was a trick of the mind or real it didn't matter. If they were fake he'd find the real one. If they were real he'd just beat them all one by one.

As the movie star flew at Naruto again with another brazen kick attempt, the clones surrounded the original in a ring while he placed his hands on the ground and started to pump his chakra into the ground with the power and spin motion of the Rasengan.

"Rasenshinsen (Spiraling Tremor)!"

The ground began to shake somewhat due to the action. In a circle around his body, Naruto twisted and gnarled up the brick on the ground before it mangled enough to fracture upward and rocket his clones into the air. Fei Long's kick hit the torn up rocks that Naruto forced upward, making him have to flip off and back. Upon doing so he looked up in time to eat an onslaught of physical attacks from the clones.

One after another they fell from the sky, each one landing a punch or a kick as they fell and dispelling right afterward to get out of the way for the next one. Once they were all gone, Naruto smashed through his own rock barrier with an orb of spinning blue energy in his hand.

Even after taking several punches and kicks to the head, it was impossible to miss what was in Naruto's right hand. But there wasn't enough time to dodge, thus he threw a high crane kick the moment Naruto's arm outstretched to drive it into him. The foot pegged him right on the underside of his arm and swung it up into the air. The look of shock on Naruto's face wasn't that he countered the Rasengan attempt, because it had happened before.

It was that he had been countered in a way that left him so wide open.

Shuffling forward, Fei Long nailed Naruto in the face with three rolling punches in rapid succession with the third one actually flattening Naruto and knocking him to the ground, "Rekkaken (Blazing Fist)!" He backed off and shook himself out after landing such a clean combination, "Whoo! Ha!"

"Ah…" Naruto said as he started sitting up and backing up on the ground, taking a knee as he held his face, that was leaking from cuts on his cheek and between the eyes, "How did you do that?" He knew women that weren't that flexible. If Karin or Sakura had tried to do that to him while wearing their skirts they probably would have knocked him out from the bloodloss through his nose alone.

"Don't just work on your arms and legs like normal." Fei Long advised, wagging a chiding finger, "When you're talking about what we do; talking about fighting as it is, with no rules… well then baby, you'd better train every part of your body!"

Naruto stood back up with an extra shine in his eyes after hearing that, "You are awesome!"


Up above the courtyard in the waiting area, Chun-Li palmed her face while Ken let out a few barks of laugher while running a hand through his hair. Ryu just looked at it all oddly before addressing Cammy, "So I'm guessing that Naruto-san is a big fan of Fei Long."

That was putting it a bit mildly.

Cammy just shook her head and explained, "He can reenact the entire 'Cage of Death' movie word-for-word and action-for-action from start to finish." She knew, because she'd seen him try it before. He actually got pretty far too, "He used clones as stand-ins for the parts, but they eventually all started fighting over who had to play what part."

"That's fairly odd." Ryu said in return.

Ken shook his head as he understood. If he could make copies of himself that could transform like Naruto could he'd reenact some action movies too, "Says the man that walks barefoot from country to country all over the world."

Even someone like Chun-Li who thought that the vast majority of things that Ryu did were worth emulating and looking up to thought that was really, really messed up, "That's very gross. And you walk everywhere like that? That's seriously dangerous. I understand Blanka, but you too?" She tried to avert her gaze from his feet, but like a magnet was attracting them her eyes kept being dragged down.

"…I don't like shoes." Ryu muttered, now wishing that his gi pants were longer due to somewhat feeling self-conscious.


Back in the courtyard Naruto and Fei Long faced off again, this time a bit more expectant on what they would get from the other.

Once again, Naruto served to buffer and cover his own movements with the creation of three clones that made a quick set of hand-seals before acting in unison, "Chakura Tanki-sha (Chakra Spitfire)!" The lot of them fired the energy projectiles from their mouths directly at Fei Long.

Dragging his foot across the ground, Fei Long turned and threw a spin kick with his foot ignited in flame. The kick connected with the spitfires and exploded, and Naruto's clones pounced, storming the smoke cloud that had been created by this.

"Shienkyaku (Flame Ignition Kick)!" From the smoke cloud once the clones began to storm it a spinning Fei-Long rose into the air, feet engulfed in flames as he kicked and dispelled the copies in fire.

The sudden attack elicited gasps and impressed cheers from the crowd as the fiery display. And it was quite the sight to see. A masterful technique and his body control to pull it off was front and center for all to see.

So focused on how Fei Long dispatched the clones everyone was, they didn't notice the blue streak flying through the air until his knees were pressed on Fei Long's shoulders, holding tightly around the man's neck and holding him in place as they both fell to the ground, "Chiruochiba Osu (Falling Leaf Press)!" From the air they crashed with Naruto's knees directing full pressure for the fall at Fei Long's neck, upper back, and shoulders.

The stunning move got Fei Long to cough heavily until he found that Naruto had him pinned with a kunai to his neck and a Rasengan aimed at his head in the other. He stared up into Naruto's eyes and found that the youngster was not scared of the situation that he was in, that he was perfectly willing to go through with what their current predicament dictated he would have to if it came to it.

While Naruto's last move could have broken his neck, it didn't. He softened up on it in order to give him the opportunity to surrender. In all honesty he'd seen that blue ball blow straight through rock. He didn't want to find out what it would do to his head.

Fei Long merely smirked as Naruto's knife pressed against his neck. At first Naruto thought that the man figured he was bluffing until he spoke up, "It looks like I'm too rusty. That's it. I lose. You've beaten me kid."

A look of astonishment appeared on Naruto's face, "You're giving up?"

"You've got me. I can't try to counter either of your arms without getting hit by what's in the other." Fei Long explained, still having to deal with the strange look on his opponent's visage, "It's not some great crime to fail and admit defeat. Sometimes in great attempts failure can be glorious."

"And in a major first round upset it seems that Naruto Uzumaki has subdued one of our four tournament legends in Fei Long! Naruto advances to the quarterfinals!"

As Naruto got off of him and helped him up from the ground, Fei Long actually started laughing, "Ah, I can't believe I lost, especially this early. But I have to admit, I'm looking forward to seeing what you're capable of next time." He put a hand on Naruto's shoulder and gave it a few pats as he walked past him, "Don't ever let anyone tell you the right way to fight. Doing your own thing and being happy with it is what's most important."

The stunned film crew that had been viewing the entire thing noticed that Fei Long was leaving the courtyard and preparing to leave the temple. They spared Naruto a glare for ruining their documentary side project before hurrying after him. That snapped Naruto out of the trance that being complimented by a damn world famous movie star had put him under, "Wait, you're leaving? Aren't you going to watch the rest of the tournament?"

"I took time off from filming my next movie for this." Fei Long admitted, pointing over his shoulder at the trailing film crew as he continued to walk away, "As much as I want to stay here and see the rest of it I've really got to get back to production. But I'll still be watching, so I want to see something impressive out of you."

With a grin, Naruto nodded and lifted his fist toward Fei Long in response, "You've got it. Watch me win this whole thing. Count on it." Despite the applause that the crowd was giving Fei Long for showing up and fighting for real in front of them, he still heard Naruto's words as he left the temple grounds.

Naruto just continued to look after him until he was startled by Chun-Li's hand being placed on his shoulder, "That last move you used to beat Fei Long, I've never seen you do it before." Her eyes seemed to shine at the excitement of having to prospectively deal with new things from him, "It looks like I wasn't alone in trying to improve since the last time we've met."

Her fight was next, and if she won she would find herself facing off against Naruto in the next round per the way that the brackets were arranged. He had seemingly overlooked that fact until that point when it had been brought to his attention.

"Heh, if you're really that impressed with that scrawny brat you're really gonna be blown away by me sweetheart. But then again like I said we don't have to fight, we can just go have some fun."

Their attention was directed to the hulking black form of Balrog who was already on the field as well, punching his red boxing gloves together with a smug grin on his face. The way his eyes scanned Chun-Li's body made the woman's skin crawl.

Naruto just stared at Balrog blankly while Chun-Li quietly fumed at the pig of a man. Naruto's next words would erase her bad mood thoroughly though, "Hey yeah, I remember you now. Didn't Batsu knock you out in Tokyo last year?"

Balrog's grin immediately turned to an almost sick look on his face as he was reminded that he had been beaten by a then sixteen year old kid that he'd been dominating until the very end. That loss had been the low point of his entire career, but at least no one outside of Japan had actually seen it.

But now he had to deal with the sight and sound of Chun-Li laughing at him into her own fist. She knew Naruto's friend Batsu, and while he was tough for a kid to defeat a former world champion it had to be a blow to Balrog's ego.

"That stupid kid punched me in the balls!"

"So what? There weren't any rules. Protect your junk or wear a cup."

"I was wearing a cup! He broke it!"

The laughing went silent as both Naruto and Chun-Li looked at each other before the humor came back two-fold, as both of them chose to laugh at that point. Getting it from both the pretty little lady and the stupid kid with the fruity whisker tattoos further angered Balrog as it seemed like they needed to balance against one another just to keep standing up.

"This is…" Chun-Li tried to say amid her giggles before failing to do so, "This isn't good for me before a fight. I need to focus and you're making me laugh. Go up to the garden and wait Naruto, I need to get my head on straight." She said, doubled over and holding her knees as Naruto consented and walked away, still cackling.

"Yeah, get out of here kid." Balrog echoed, eyes fixed on Naruto's retreating form, "I'll be dealing with you next anyway, so get your laughs in while you can." His attention then went back to Chun-Li after hearing a sharp notice-grabbing whistle, "What?"

Gone was the good-natured giggly young woman from before. Now stood a completely serious and grave martial artist, and her sights were set firmly on Balrog.

Adjusting the spiked bracelets on her wrists, she walked out into the open and didn't seem bothered by how much bigger than her Balrog seemed to be. At least twice her size in both height and weight, "So where's Bison?" She asked coolly, "He obviously wanted all of us here to get payback on us somehow, but I'm not seeing it yet."

"You want to know why the bossman wanted you here?" Balrog said, smirking down at Chun-Li who he figured was acting tough, "Well step one of what he wants is for me and Sagat to waste the lot of you and beat you to a pulp." That already happened with Guile, as Sagat had readjusted his entire nose on his face in that fight, "Step two isn't my problem. All I get paid for is to beat people up!"

To illustrate this he didn't even wait for the announcer to introduce the fight before he launched a lightning quick jab at Chun-Li that she swayed her head out of the way of. The surprised look on her face at the sudden attack had to switch to one of focus as she then had to lean her head out of the way of an uppercut from Balrog's attempted combo. She could feel the wind rip from that attack.

This really was a dangerous boxer. If she had been hit with that last move she probably still would have been up in the air from it.

Suddenly she found herself in a situation of having to dodge a series of punches that made Balrog's arms look like red tipped blurs. Head and body shots alike flew at her, forcing her to utilize her high body dexterity to keep from any of them landing.

"You're flexible." Balrog remarked as he watched Chun-Li constantly bend out of the way of his hits, "We could find some use for that that doesn't involve me beating your brains in you know."

"I'll pass!" Seeing a window to act, Chun-Li stepped forward with her right leg and moved it behind Balrog's while using her arms to throw him back violently in a sudden trip. Had he not heard her speak prior to it happening, Balrog wouldn't have even known that she was the reason that he was on his back staring up at the sky, "Sorry. You're really not my type. Hazanshu (Supreme Mountain Kick)!"

Balrog saw her flying above him, flipping and twisting in the air as she prepared to smash one of her powerful legs into the ground and against him in an ax kick. He instantly jumped back up to his feet and jumped directly into the air, scoring a hit on Chun-Li by slamming the top of his head into her body, "Buffalo Head!" After knocking her up into the air with a strong headbutt he tracked her landing area before she could right herself and rushed toward it like a tank before unloading with a powerful right handed punch, "Dash Straight!"

Chun-Li hadn't even gotten time to flip through the attack. She could see now how Balrog had managed to kill a boxer in the ring with nothing more than a headbutt if that was what he had going for it. But only falling into perhaps the hardest punch she had taken from any human being in her entire life didn't help things much either as she was shot across much of the field.

Her body smashed clear through a statue, breaking it and forcing it to crumble on top of her where she landed. She couldn't stay down though. That luxury wasn't present for her or else she'd have lost. Her dress had a few rips and tears in it and was absolutely filthy, and after only one fight too.

As she got up she could hear Balrog's annoying chuckles and dusted herself off as best she could before turning to face him, hands held out in a more open Tai Chi stance instead of her usual posture, 'Blocking him isn't going to do any good unless I want to get ragdolled. I don't have nearly enough strength for that.'

"So you're still up?" Balrog said before rumbling directly in her direction again with his fist cocked to fire another ultra-destructive punch, "Let's change that shall we?" Another attempt at a devastating Dash Straight only ended with Chun-Li leaning out of the way of the punch. She even ducked underneath the cheap little elbow shot he tried when he found her head at the outside of his punching arm, "You're lucky you're a chick!"

He then ate those words when he took an air draining double palm strike directly to the stomach that doubled him over, and that wasn't even accounting for the small, wispy energy ball that flew out from her hands and punched him back even further, "Kikoken (Spirit Energy Strike)! And what about me being a woman?"

It was a projectile, but that didn't mean she couldn't dredge it up in close to add some much needed pop to her palm strike. While her legs were uber-powerful, her upper body strength left much to be desired.

Balrog took a few steps back but kept his arms up in a boxer-reminiscent guard as the young Interpol agent started repeatedly kicking at him with one leg that was uncountable to the naked eye. He needed to put an end to it because the left arm that she seemed to keep kicking was going numb from the repeated strikes. While focusing his guard efforts with his aforementioned left arm, he crouched and swung his right arm low to try and sweep her leg.

It worked, but Chun-Li merely used a back handspring to remain upright before retaliating with a kick to the still lowered Balrog's face. Was that a tooth she knocked out on contact? Nice. What wasn't so nice was that now she had blood on her white boots.

Balrog's head snapped around before he turned back to her with a hateful glare, "Girl, it's not even about the money anymore! The next punch I land is snapping your neck like a twig!" And attempting to make good on his threat he rushed at her again.

Chun-Li simply jumped over him and trotted off his head before landing behind him and flipping forward to avoid a turning punch that Balrog moved to throw the moment the bottom of her foot touched his head, "That's big talk, but landing another punch just isn't going to happen."

Balrog let out a yell and turned his body halfway around before dashing at Chun-Li faster than she'd seen him move until that point, "Die! Gigaton Blow!"

She had moved herself close to a wall and Balrog had figured that she was nearly cornered. His strongest attack would be the only suitable thing for a bitch like this, and he threw it with reckless abandon. The power of the punch was so much that it destroyed the high wall sitting underneath one of the stands for the audience and causing a mass panic as it was turned into a wrecked mass of pebbles and stone.

Smoke and dust concealed the entire scene, making many worry and wonder about what happened until they heard Chun-Li's voice cry out, "Senretsukyaku (Thousand Rending Kicks)!" The sound of a solid thud landed that sent Balrog stumbling out of the debris, staggering aimlessly. He was quickly followed by Chun-Li who began kicking at him rapidly in the same manner she had done so earlier, only it was on her opposite leg and at a far faster rate.

Just the sound of her leg moving was evocative of a buzzsaw whirring, and the resulting damage that the kicks dealt backed that right up. Her leg wasn't even visible any longer as Balrog's head was ping-ponged back and forth between each kick, looking like a vibrating molecule as he kept being driven back by Chun-Li who was slowly moving forward due to her kick's own momentum.

With a sudden stomp of her foot on the ground to end her attack she turned to walk away before Balrog even fell to the ground. He dropped to his knees, face bloody and swollen as if he had been stung by a hundred bees and had an allergic reaction. A quiet moan came from him before he fell facedown and didn't get back up.

The moment she heard him fall out a smirk plastered itself on her face and she stopped walking for long enough to raise her index and middle fingers into the air and shout, "All men bow before me! I'm the strongest woman in the world!"


While the crowd cheered, Naruto stood watching with fresh bandages on his face and a dry expression as well, "Someone's humble aren't they?" He commented offhandedly, "You know, that whole 'Strongest Woman in the World' thing is really subjective."

"You mean like being the 'Best Ninja in the World' the way you say?" Ken commented with a grin, flicking Naruto on the ear.

"Okay, fine. Name every other ninja that you know." Naruto stated flatly, fixing Ken with a look of expectancy and only getting one of stumped alarm in return, "Don't worry I'll wait." Even Ryu and Cammy seemed to be interested in hearing what the red-clad fighter would come up with in return.

He thought that he had several examples ready and on the tip of his tongue, but each time backed off after realizing that he had nothing, "Yeah, I don't have anything here."

"I met a ninja named Guy once in the past." Ryu said, trying to add something to the conversation only to get a shake of the head from Naruto, "No? What does that mean?"

"I already beat him." The most shit-eating grin humanly possible was emblazoned on Naruto's face as he just kept proving his own point, "So if you can't bring up a ninja that can beat me that means that I'm still the best until it actually happens! Boom! Hey!" Naruto cried out when Chun-Li pulled his headband down over his eyes, "Could you have gotten beaten up anymore in that round without losing?"

"Yes, I could have. Now shut up Naruto." Tiredly walking past everyone else, Chun-Li sat down on the bench next to Cammy and looked up at the sky with a dull look on her face, "I'll be fine by the next round for sure but for now I just want to sit down." Her leg was tired from kicking so hard for her final attack. It was actually numb. Damn Balrog and his cast iron head.

Ryu looked from his friends to his right hand and formed a tight fist with a look of intent on his face, "I can't wait until it's finally my turn to fight." He was definitely looking forward to the challenge. He wouldn't like anything more than to prove his skills against an opponent that would push him to his limits, "I hope my opponent doesn't hold anything back. What about you Ken?" He got no answer from his best friend and turned around to see what he was doing, "Ken?"

Both Ken and Naruto were both staring like a pair of deer in the headlights as Cammy kneeled between Chun-Li's legs, massaging her very shapely thighs and focusing on the one that was knotted up and tight, "Huh? What do you want man?" He asked, not really paying attention.

"…Nothing." Ryu said, eye twitching at his best friend outright ogling their female compatriots, "Nothing at all." He was telling Eliza when he got the chance.

Chun-Li seemed to be infinitely more relaxed with Cammy's delicate hands rooting out the forced tension in her legs, "Mm, this was a good idea Naruto, thanks. I didn't know Cammy could do things like this."

"Yeah neither did I Naruto." Ken's eyes didn't turn away from, elbowing Naruto lightly in the side as if to congratulate or thank the boy, "Good idea." God there was something wrong with them. And they just didn't care.

"Cam's talented." Naruto remarked before pointing and angling his body as if he were trying to see something before he got hit in the head with a white boot thrown by Chun-Li, "Ow! What? You said it was helping!" Both he and Ken turned and ran away in different directions when her other boot went flying at them as well.

"You're both deviants!" Chun-Li shouted after them as Naruto ran into the garden house and Ken ran down the stairs to avoid any potential angry female retaliation. His fight was next anyway so he'd have to go down there eventually. He might as well do it now and keep Chun-Li from breaking his arms.

Of course from how she was continuing to compliment Cammy on a massage well done it didn't seem like she was too keen on getting up to pursue either of them anyway.


(Elsewhere at the Martial Arts Temple)

"You wanted to see me?" Sagat said, standing by the door in Bison's personal office while the man in question was sitting in the dark. His solid white eyes were clearly visible even though the rest of him was in shadow. The grin on his face was clear to see as well, "I want to watch the rest of the fights for the first round."

He wanted to see how much Ryu had grown since their last meeting. This was an interesting crowd of fighters this time around. He was intrigued to say the least.

"This will only take a second of your time." Bison assured him, hands interlacing fingers and elbows sitting on the armrest of his chair, "My lovely Killer Bee has returned to me. She's wandered back to the hive as it were. And it comes to my attention that she's clear to the next round to face you."

"I'll be careful." Sagat said with a roll of his eye, "I know better than to underestimate the strongest of your Dolls, I'll win and punish either the Naruto child or the Chun-Li woman in the semifinals." He didn't care about any of this. The only reason he was even involved in all of this was for one reason that he'd spoken on loud and long. Were it not for that sole reason for being there he'd never have gotten involved.

But his desire for a rematch overrode everything else without fail.

All Bison did was chuckle, much to Sagat's confusion, "No, no I don't have any concerns with your ability to handle Killer Bee even at her strongest. No, I want you to do me a favor in your fight with her. Either determine that she still has use to me, or kill her."

Kill her? Sagat raised his only visible eyebrow in response, "I don't think she even knows who you are. I highly doubt that she'll take orders now, so are you just telling me that I'm to kill her outright?" Slaughter a young girl that would have no idea why it was happening? That was far too much, "She doesn't remember you. She has no idea about what she used to do or used to be. There's no need to kill her."

Any pretense of good humor dropped from Bison's tone and the room filled with a crushing killing intent. There was no grin on his face any longer, and his body was fully visible in the sick purple outline of his Psycho Power, "Oh but there is. Killer Bee is my property. I made her everything that she was and everything that she is. All of her skills, all of her power… that was me. And I will not allow my own commodity to aimlessly exist."

Sagat's face didn't show it as he had barely flinched at all much to his credit, but the instinct inside of him told him that directly in front of him was a devilish power that he couldn't comprehend, "Why don't you just ask me to kill her then and be done with it?"

"Because I don't want you to kill her." Bison said as the pressure in the room dropped back down to serviceable levels, "Killing her is merely a last resort. In her first bout against the beast-man, it became clear to me that she has retained all of her skills from her time amongst my Dolls, even if she isn't consciously aware of some of them. That means that my conditioning is still present inside of her. I want you to trigger a failsafe to her programming to reactivate her. All it will take is a simple command."

"A command." Sagat repeated with a frown on his face, "That's all? I just have to say one thing to her?"

"One thing and she'll be as obedient as she was before the unfortunate incident that broke her from my control."

"Why didn't you use it during the attack on your base back in the spring?"

"I found the Dolls obsolete and wished to dispose of them for their vulnerability. Killing them and indulging in the pain of their newfound emotions in a struggle would have only served to boost my Psycho Power, thus I fought to harm her instead of simply resetting her. But now I believe that having Killer Bee back with us would be beneficial. I am looking for a third Grandmaster due to Vega's death during the spring incident and her fighting prowess can be utilized in that manner once more."

"How fickle."

"Usefulness to those around you is fickle Sagat." Bison said in a frigidly cold tone, "You had best remember that. All you have to say to her is Shadow Law Zero: Killer Bee, and that will be that. If it works we will leave it at that."

Sagat nodded hesitantly, still mulling everything over in his mind. So he was either to take a young girl's freedom away from her or end her life on the spot. All for a chance to battle against Ryu once more? Was it really worth it to do so?

Years ago, and even months ago he wouldn't have hesitated to say yes. But he had seen what Bison was willing to do in order to acquiesce with his request, brainwashing Ryu himself and 'improving' his powers just to give Sagat the challenge that he so desperately desired.

He had seen the light in Cammy's eyes. It was… beautiful. He didn't realize what a beautiful thing it was until he thought back to the way all of the Dolls used to look. Nothing in their eyes. You wouldn't know if they were alive or dead unless you felt their hearts beat.

And now he was being told to take that light away from her one way or another, either by taking her freedom once more or taking her life.

All he could do was turn and try to exit underneath the doorway only for Bison's voice to stop him again, "Sagat…" He turned around only to see Bison's serious look once more, "I'll give you this warning only once because you're a smart man. But don't fuck me. Don't you ever fuck me. Do the mission. The final round is a long way away and Ryu hasn't even fought his first match yet. There are any number of things that I can do to prevent you from meeting him in your intended duel."

Sagat tensed up with his fists shaking at his side. The scar on his chest began to glow red as he gnashed his teeth, "Who do you think you are?"

"I know exactly who I am, and so do you." Bison said darkly, "You knew what this was when you agreed to join me. You swore that you would never defy my will as long as I gave you what you wanted. I've done this for you twice, given you exactly what you asked for. I am only asking you for one thing. Return my property to me, or if it cannot be retrieved as desired destroy it. You may not care about your life, so killing you will do no good."

"But what will you do when the name of Sagat becomes synonymous with drug cartels all over Thailand? National hero no longer. And all it would take is my word. Do you know how many of these groups I have under my command?"

"You can't!"

"I can."

"I'll kill you!"

Before Sagat could even turn around, Bison began to cackle loudly as he levitated from his seat, seemingly relishing the challenge, "You say you get your power from anger? You know nothing of anger and hatred! Compared to me, you're just a newborn babe, just discovering what anger and hatred is all about!"

Sagat stood firmly in the face of the force in front of him, even as the walls began to quake and the door behind him began to crack from the force within.

"Without the Psycho Drive you may believe that my powers have diminished when compared to yours but do I seem weaker to you? I would find it amusing for you to try and test that theory against me! Fight me and I will take the source of your power and turn it against you! I'll leave you alive and ruin you!"

The glow of Sagat's scar faded and he felt as if his soul was being drained through his mouth. After the feeling faded, Bison slowly lowered himself back into his seat, grinning once more underneath his cap, fingers interlaced once again in a casual manner.

"…However this can all be avoided and all of this could be for nothing. All it takes is one girl. Is that really asking for so much? You, who have killed challengers in the ring for less important matters, beaten them to death in your rage?"

Sagat continued to walk out of the room, touching at the scar on his chest as he left. And Bison's words rang out in his head like a bell in a chuchtower.

"All it takes is one girl."

Omake: Fighter Interviews (Cammy)

(Taped Before the Opening Introduction Ceremony)

You seem a bit… frazzled I guess. There's no need for that. We just want to ask you a few questions so that the viewers at home can get to know you a bit. Is that okay?

"I guess so. Let's get this over with then. I don't think I like this very much."

Alright, well could you tell us your name and where you're from?

"My name is Cammy White. And where I'm from? I have no idea to be quite honest with you. It could be anyone's guess, and people stopped trying to figure it out a long time ago, myself included."

Your accent would indicate that you're British if anyone cared to point that out.

"I've heard that before, but I have no way of proving or disproving it. I have no memory of things that occurred before eight months ago you see."

*clears throat* Ahem… well okay. Tell us how you feel about the tournament. Any thoughts on the experience, or what you hope to get out of fighting here?

"There are far too many people around. I don't like how they're all watching me, and when I think about even more people seeing me I feel a bit… naked I should say. I understand that this entire tournament is supposed to be on television all over the world. Does that include this part as well?"

Yes. It's supposed to air in the downtime between the first round fights before your own particular one is supposed to go on.

"…I see."

Well you probably shouldn't think about that right now then. So what do you like? I'm sure a lot of the men out there would like to know the way to the heart of Miss Cammy.

"I like cats. They really put me at ease. I have a kitten at home named Agent Jack Bauer, and no I didn't name him. My friend did and it just stuck. I'm not very excited when I fight others. I do so as a means to an end, but I do like watching other people fight, especially skilled fighters. I have a knack for analyzing it. I can usually determine what kind of person you are from how you fight. Naruto says it's weird."

Naruto? Isn't he another competitor in this tournament?

"Yes! He's actually very strong, and he's my closest friend. I lost my memory not too long ago, and he was the first person that I saw when I awoke, and he's always been very supportive of me. He went through a lot of trouble to help me even though we apparently weren't too friendly before I suffered my amnesia. Apparently I tried to kill him before. I couldn't imagine though."

Okay? Moving on from there… now is there anything you want to get in particular out of your participation in this tournament?

"Nothing really. It's just that a very close friend of mine, Naruto, is competing in it, and he tends to get into a lot of trouble, so I decided to try and put all of my training to some use and accompany him. I don't want much from this tournament honestly. Winning wouldn't mean anything to me, but I certainly don't plan on going out there to lose."

What if you fight your friend?

"Guess I'll punch."

Heh, that's cute. You're such a tiny girl though. What makes you believe you can win against some of the best fighters in the world. Several competitors are well over three times your size."

"All the size and muscle in the world doesn't mean a thing if you can't hit what you're aiming at. I can almost assure you I'm the most difficult target any of these other fighters will ever find themselves facing. And I don't need much to win. Just a single opening. I think I can create that much of an opportunity for myself, don't you?"

Anything you want to say to the world or anyone in particular?

"Ah, no that's okay. I'm fine thank you."

Fighter Interviews (Blanka)

Would you please move back from the camera sir? You don't have to sit down, but you're fogging up the lens, these are very expensive. Thank you, now could you introduce yourself to the audience? Your name and where you're from.

"Blanka, and I'm from Brazil! The jungle! But I live with Dan right now in Japan… it's not as great as the jungle, but it's still a pretty nice place!"

That sounds hard.

"Oh, the jungle's not that bad if you survive long enough to get used to it. I was there ever since I was little. I got separated from my mama when our plane crashed, and I ended up living in the jungle by myself ever since. It's hard, but it made me strong."

What are your thoughts on the tournament? Are you excited to be here?

"Yeah, definitely! Thailand's jungle is nice! I don't like the tigers though. They're way bigger than the cats I had to deal with in Brazil. Don't tell Cammy I had to beat up tigers… she'd probably get really mad at me. She likes cats."

I think she'd understand. So I'm sure you probably get this a lot, and sorry if it's personal, but what's with the green skin?

"Oh. It's the green stuff in plants that makes them green. When I was little I needed to learn how to hide better so that less things tried to hunt me, so I started mashing up plants into mush and smearing it on my body to blend in. I went a lot of times without taking baths since all the rivers aren't really safe, so it started turning my skin greener and greener until I looked like this."

That's weird.

"Really? I thought it was a good idea, and it worked."

So what makes you think you can win in this tournament?

"I've fought some people since I left the jungle, some really good people too, but they all just don't have any instinct. Even when you say that there aren't any rules in a street fight they always go by the little rules that they keep in their heads. It's a weakness. As long as my opponents keep fighting and adhering to the rules of humans I'll always have the advantage!"

Anything you want to say to the world or anyone in particular?

"Hey, whoever's in charge of cutting down the jungle could you stop it? It's really annoying."

Fighter Interviews (Guile)

Introduce yourself to the audience. Give everyone at home some insight on who you are. Your name and where you're from please.

"Guile. A major in the United States Air Force. And my hometown? A little place called None-of-your-goddamn-business… next question."

Alright, whatever you say. How do you like the tournament so far?

"It's getting in my way. I might feel better about it later after I beat someone's ass that I'm looking for, but until then I have to say that the whole thing absolutely sucks. It's just one big ego trip for someone, and I hope that the someone I'm talking about is watching and gets offended. I want him to do something about it. This time it won't be two blonde brats that beat him and leave him for dead. Apparently that's a man's job."

You're a really angry man Guile.

"We can't all be sunshine and lollipops. This ain't no ice cream social."

Ice cream social? What the f-? Ugh, nevermind, you already said you wanted to beat someone, so I'm assuming that's why you're here. What makes you think you can get the job done?

"Because he's a coward hiding in the shadows behind his henchmen and money. He's a criminal, a shyster, an arch-bastard of the highest order, and a murderer. If he chooses to fight me like a real man we'll see just how strong he is, but until then I stand by what I say and I will until my death."

A little extreme don't you think?

"The only way this person is going to prove me wrong is in battle. And on the battlefield you don't get second chances. If I can't beat him I'm fully expecting him to kill me… the way I should have died back then."

Well is there anything you want to say to anyone watching?

"Yeah, Bison if you're watching somewhere close by and I know you are, I hope you're smirking and laughing at all of this. I can promise you that by the time this is all over you won't find anything very funny ever again."

Fighter Interviews (Sagat)

…Wow. I'm interviewing Sagat. He never does interviews.

"Aren't you going to ask me any questions? Like my name? That's why I'm here. Or am I just supposed to sit here and stare at your cameras?"

But everybody knows who you are Sagat... err, sir. You're the hero of the entire country. The most powerful Muay Thai fighter that has ever lived.

"Humor me then would you? I could be preparing for today's matches instead of wasting my time here. If I'm supposed to be introducing myself I could at least actually introduce myself."

You're the boss sir. What do you think of the tournament?

"I think there's too much spectacle behind it. Fighting tournaments of this magnitude are supposed to be purely about the combat, not about the pomp and advertisement, but it can't be helped I guess. I promoted the first one myself and kept it as small as I could given the circumstances. I only wanted the very best in the world, and I painstakingly scoured the globe for the best fighters that this planet had to offer."

You don't think the fighters here are equal to the ones that fought in the First World Warrior Tournament?

"I think they're better. Far better. I've been impressed with more than a few of them that I've seen or heard of in person in the past. It's exciting."

Then what's the problem sir?

"Do you have any idea how much chaff we had to cut aside to get to the wheat? We have sixteen fighters here. Take a wild guess at just how many hopefuls there were that needed to be weeded out before we managed to thin the number down this far? It was pathetic to watch. There was a reason I selected the fighters in the first tournament myself, to avoid that entire farce of a situation. You could say I have an eye for talent."

Good one sir.

"Shut up."

Yes sir. So why do you think you can win this tournament? Stupid question I know, but-.

"No, it's okay. I want people to know why I'm going to win. I'm going to win this tournament because every day for the last four years I've been thinking about my defeat in the previous one. I swore to myself that I would defeat the only man that I've found worthy and capable of defeating me in a true live-or-die battle. I won't lose until I face Ryu in this tournament. I live for fighting and proving that I am the best, and I can't rest until I've proved that I can beat him."

Is there anything you want to say to anyone that may be watching this?

"Yes, to Ryu you had better bring all of your power when it comes time for us to do battle. And to everyone in this tournament not named Ryu, you would be better off surrendering if you wind up facing me. I won't suffer weaklings lightly."

Fighter Interviews (Fei Long)

I'm pretty sure everyone and their grandmother knows who you are, but for the sake of the segment could you introduce yourself?

"Fei Long. I hail from city of Hong Kong where I was born and formed developed my skills as a fighter as a young man. I'm more than an actor. Before I ever became an actor I fought the best martial artists that China had to offer. Powerful men and women of many different styles. Those were the best of times. Very difficult, but very fun and every victory and defeat made me the man I am today."

What do you think of the tournament?

"I find the entire prospect very exciting. Five years ago I had just started focusing on my movie career more than my fighting career so I can understand why I wasn't invited to the First World Warrior Tournament. To be considered a legend by the promoter of this tournament, enough so to be specially invited here, it's a great honor. I'm looking forward to the challenge."

Why does a famous actor like yourself want to take part in something like this? Isn't it a bit dangerous?

"While many of the stuntmen in my movies are rather skilled martial artists they aren't much for sparring against me. They would rather save their bodies for the fight scenes and don't want to risk getting hurt. It's very boring. I've had to visit underground fighting clubs periodically just to keep my skills sharp. I find street fights inspiring. Making movies is my art, but fighting is my muse. There's nothing in the world like a good fight to get your heart pumping faster. It's pure adrenaline."

So if you've been keeping your eye on the fighting scene, who in particular do you wish to fight?

"Sagat, Ryu, Ken Masters, I've had some meetings with Chun-Li as she's a prominent Interpol officer from Hong Kong as well and she's an extraordinary woman, absolutely incredible. There are former champions of their respective arts like Balrog here… I can't pick just one there are so many people that I can test myself against."

What makes you think you can win this tournament?

"Because I am completely determined. The worst opponent you can come across is one whose aim has become an obsession. For instance, if a man has decided that he is going to bite off your nose no matter what happens to him in the process, the chances are he will succeed in doing it. He may be severely beaten up, too, but that will not stop him from carrying out his objective. That is the real fighter."

Anything you want to say to the people watching?

"There's nothing more I can say that my Hitenryu style won't say for me when it comes time for me to fight. Don't blink everyone, you might miss something!"

Fighter Interviews (Naruto)

Well you look like a lively one. So for the benefit of those at home right now could you tell us your name and hometown? Just some basic background stuff.

"Sure thing. My name's Naruto Uzumaki, seventeen years old. I'm from Aohura City in Chugoku region of Japan. And I'm the best ninja on the face of the damn planet! What?"

What kind of ninja tells people where he lives?

"The kind of ninja that wants people to hire him. I'm a one-man operation here. I don't have a clan to set this kind of crap up for me, I've got to do it myself. I don't have the luxury of not letting people know where I live. How else would I ever get anyone to hire me?"

People actually hire you?

"All the time. I get business from all over Japan. I'm kind of a big deal."

But you're so young. They hire you for what exactly?

"You know… ninja-ey stuff. In actuality I'll hear out anything that anyone wants me to do, and if it's reasonable enough I'll send them an estimate of how much it should be. I can guarantee you I've got the most competitive ninja prices you'll find anywhere. If you can find lower prices for the same kind of work I'll either match them or call bullshit and hang up on you."

Nice. So what are your thoughts on the tournament? What do you think of the whole thing?

"I think that whoever let them host it here at this temple is gonna find out that it was a really bad idea, because this place is pretty and it's going to get crazy around here really quick. I don't know about the whole temple, but that courtyard definitely ain't making it through fifteen fights, I promise."

Why do you say that?

"I've met a lot of the people that are here before one way or another, and I don't think anyone here is fully sane. Everyone here needs psychological evaluation. Every. Single. Person."

Even you?

"Especially me, dattebayo."

So if you've met some of the people here, who in particular are you looking forward to meeting up with again?

"Well I came here from Japan with Cammy and E. Honda since we all qualified together. I know them, they're really good friends of mine. Cammy actually stays in my town. Guile is a friend too, but he's being a moody jerk right now. So are Chun-Li and Ken Masters. I owe Ken an asswhooping for back when he set me on fire, and I kind of want to fight Chun-Li again just so I can get a good look at her legs again. Have you seen those things? Sweet Kami."

Yes… yes I have. And I agree. Hey why'd your face change all of a sudden? What's wrong?

"…This is going to be seen by other people isn't it?"

Yes again.

"…Goddamn it. Eh, I'll apologize later."

To who?

"To Chun-Li… and other people. Long story."

Is there anyone in the tournament that you don't like? Someone you'd rather not have to deal with or see at all?

"Sasuke-teme. Fuck that guy. We've known each other since we were kids and I owe him a beatdown ten years in the making. Have you ever tried to one-up someone for ten years and never done it once? Do you have any idea how frustrating that is, to come up short every single day? It's absolutely terrible. If I died and went to hell I think my eternal punishment would be to give me the power of a God and have me fight Sasuke for my freedom, just to never find a way to get it done."

Wow… that's pretty intense. Well is there anyone else?

"*sigh* Well since we're being honest and I've dug myself enough of a grave already I might as well go for broke and just spit it out since we're here and you asked. I've fought alongside him and fought against him… but I just don't like Ryu. I'm sorry. He's not a bad guy at all, and he's never done anything to me. I couldn't even tell you why I don't."

The champion of the last tournament? The man that beat Sagat and took his place as the best fighter in the world? That Ryu? You don't like him?

"Like I said he's a good person. I should like him, but I don't. My best friend idolizes him and I've never seen a reason why. I've got friends that swear by the guy and think he's incredible like Sakura-chan. Chun-Li does it too… and I don't see why. And it's not even anything he's done, it's everyone else. I know he's strong. Really strong, but-. I mean I don't hate him or anything at all… ah, I just don't know."

No, no, you've said enough. So what makes you think you can win this tournament?

"I can win because I'm awesome. Because I won't get tired like the rest of these jerks. I'm sorry man, but I've got magic-, no I've got poetry in my fingertips. Most of the time, and this includes naps, I'm an F-18 bro. And I will destroy you in the air. I will deploy my ordinance to the ground."

Is there anything you want to say to anyone that might be watching right now?

"Um, yeah. Don't bitch me out because I have an opinion. The people that I'm talking to know right now who I'm talking to, and I'm probably still gonna hear it from them once this airs. The only people that are close to me that I'm not going to hear it from are the people I was actually talking about. Ryu and Sasuke never care about what I say."

Fighter Interviews (Chun-Li)

I don't mean to be presumptuous, but could I ask you to introduce yourself to the people watching that don't know you. I'm sure they'd like to know a little something about such a beautiful lady.

"Oh, well thank you, that's sweet. Let's see. My name is Chun-Li, twenty years old from Hong Kong, and I'm an agent of Interpol."

Wow. A law enforcement officer. That sounds tough.

"It can be, but I can take care of myself. Trust me, pulling a gun on me doesn't even bother me anymore. I don't even carry a firearm when I'm working. No need for it. It's not that I'm a bad shot because I actually compete in competitions in my spare time for fun, I just don't like using them on people. I'd rather arrest perps than kill them, and I can do that easier with my fighting skills instead of just shooting first."

Do you… carry handcuffs?

"…I can break your arms right now. That'll pretty much do the same thing smart guy."

Ehehe, that's not necessary. You really are a strong one aren't you? Is that what makes you think you can win this tournament?

"Heh, well I certainly didn't come all the way here just to lose. That's not what I'm about. I'm the 'Strongest Woman in the World' and if you don't believe me I'll prove it today to anyone I wind up facing! If anyone has a problem with a woman being in this competition they can feel free to say it to my fist."

Or to your legs I'd surmise.

"Or to my legs especially. And damn fine legs they are."

Indeed… *damn it that Naruto kid was right*

"Huh? What about Naruto?"

Nothing. So why are you in this tournament to begin with?

"Oh I received an invitation to try and qualify… and when I found out who the sponsor of the event was I just couldn't refuse. You couldn't have kept me away from this thing."

You know the promoter?

"Yeah, we're old acquaintances, we go way back. You could say that we have a rather explosive relationship haha. But it's not my place to talk about such a thing really. Any other questions?"

Just a few. First off, do you have a boyfriend?


Do you want one?

"Not really."

Are you sure?


Okay, moving on to the last question. Is there anything you want to say to anyone that might be watching right now?

"I don't have any time for amateurs, so if you're not sure you're up to fighting with me you should just sit down and quit. It'll save you an asskicking."

Fighter Intervies (Balrog)

"Did you just say I'm not getting paid for filming this crap? What the fuck, where's the boss? I've got to talk about this!"

Uh, ah could you introduce yourself to the viewers that might not know you sir?

"What idiot watching this doesn't know who I am? But fine. To chumps and sexy ladies all over the planet, this is Balrog: the undefeated world heavyweight champion! You got that pencil-neck? I never lost that goddamn strap! I was stripped of the belt for killing that wimp in the ring. If he couldn't take the heat he needed to get out of the uh… the place that was hot!"

What about the several other fighters that you crippled during your reign as well?

"Hehehe… what about them?"

Moving on then. What do you hope to get out of being involved in this tournament?

"I ain't here for any other reason than to make some cash. I'm here to get paid you see, and cracking a few skulls while I'm here just puts the icing on that cake. I don't give a damn about the prestige of being the best, leave that for the broke losers doing katas at some dusty monastery somewhere trying to unlock the 'truth of the fight' or some lame bullshit like that. The only reason to fight is for your own benefit. Balrog is here to break some necks and cash some checks. That's all."

So you don't care about winning the whole thing?

"Pssht. The only three things that I'm about are knocking chumps out, getting laid, and getting paid. And not in that order either."

Is there anyone here you're looking forward to fighting?

"I want to fight whoever gets me the most money from beating the crap out of them."

Okay, anything you want to tell anyone listening and watching right now?

"Yeah, anyone I end up fighting in this tournament should listen up. If you pay me enough money I might tone down the beating I give you just a touch. I'm a kind man like that. A month in intensive care is better than a lifetime in a wheelchair isn't it? Hahahaha!"