3 Chapter 3

It has been several years, in total 8 years since I arrived to this world, my physical age is 17 years old and since I discovered the existence of magic the first years in the orphanage it produces me to find out if I was one of the lucky ones to possess it, I did not know much about the magic of this world, but I knew I had read many web novels, light, fanfic and so on so I was going to experiment with that knowledge.

Every day I set aside a moment to try different knowledge of magic, starting by remembering what magic was or to say what they thought magic was in the novels, fanfic and so on, in most of them it was said that magic was the power to manipulate the elements directly or others told that it was the power to connect with nature and control it, almost always based on that, so I came to the conclusion that magic is to be able to control the elements of nature.

With that logic, I asked mother Marta about what kind of magic magicians did and to my luck magicians controlled nature, this proved my theory, of course I imagine that there is more than just controlling the elements, but as I didn't need to go deeper into that now, I didn't pay attention to it.

After this, it was time to check if I could be a magician, my plan was to try to manipulate some sand, for this I filled a glass of sand and brought it to my room, after a month in my free time after helping at the orphanage, I went back to my room and closed myself inside for a few hours trying to make the sand move, But nothing worked, I tried to remember and think why nothing happened, in that moment I remembered that some people said that the magicians controlled the elements because they had magic particles inside their body which they called magic power and that these particles also existed in the air.

With this new memory I started again, but this time imagining myself moving these magic particles into the sand and so two months passed, months in which sometimes I wanted to give up and stop trying because I thought I could not be a magician, that for me it was impossible, I got depressed and threw the sand, but always after a few days I came back to keep trying, because in truth I did not want to give up without even trying, because there was still a glimmer of hope in me, because although I did not want to accept it had always been a dream for me to be a magician, I remembered that in my youth on earth I dreamed of the existence of magic and the more novels and anime I saw the more I wished that this strange and unique power was real.

To look for evidence of it I did several crazy things, I went to old places and when they uploaded on SNS news about magical creatures I always saw them first to see if they were reliable, but as time passed my spirits were waning because they always turned out to be false, only that I was left to appreciate the magic in movies and novels and nothing else without being able to experience them for myself.

But now it was different, I had it closer to me as I had never had it and that's why I would keep trying, because I still had hope.

So time passed, 6 months had passed since I was in the orphanage, it was morning and like every day I went jogging in the park that was in the city, this had become part of my morning routine, run and then perform exercises to increase my strength and endurance, 3 months ago it occurred to me that it could be that it was my physique that did not allow me to do magic, so from that day my exercises became more intense.

Already after running and doing my morning exercises, I took some time to meditate this was also a method I came up with so that I could feel the magic particles, after meditating I proceeded to do my practice of manipulating the sand.

I started as usual, I closed my eyes, touched the sand with my hands and concentrated on moving it, I have to say that thanks to meditation I can concentrate faster and better than before, it really helped me a lot.

A few minutes passed since I had started my practice and for the first time I could feel it, something inside me was moving slowly, I could not describe it with words this feeling, but I was sure that it was what would help me to use the magic, I proceeded to move it from my belly to my hands, I did not know how much time had passed but I did not worry about that and I continued without stopping, little by little it approached my hands and came out of them, at the moment it came out of my hands I did not know what to do, I did not know what was next, after calming down I remembered what my hands were touching sand, so I proceeded to handle it, I controlled it as if it was a boat in the sea and I was the captain that I can direct where to sail, while I was directing it little by little I began to feel a fatigue, not physical but mental, so I proceeded to finish it quickly with the strength I had left.

After a while, I opened my eyes and observed with joy, the fruits of my determination and effort, and suddenly it started to rain, but the strange thing was that it was only raining in my eyes.

Calming down a little, I took another look at the sand and the shape I had given it, it was just a square made of sand and nothing else, but for me it was more than a simple square, it was a before and after in my new and old life.

After what happened, I had to reevaluate my plans, I had been doing all this practice in the mornings and well I still planned to continue doing it, first to practice my magic and perfect it, I would also continue with my exercise routine to perfect my body, improve my stamina and strength, what I would have to add now would be, a few hours of experimentation, this I would do it to know what my magic is capable of, I would have to do all this in the morning because not long ago I had gotten a job in a restaurant as a dishwasher and cleaner, although they did not pay me much, I was trying to save to buy a magic book, and these books were expensive, because Hargeon being a port city you could not find many magicians, much less people who were interested in buying magic books.

Something to keep in mind is that, the money of all this kingdom is the jewels and therefore also of Hargeon, the value of the jewels can be compared to the dollar in my old world, comparing it would be: 1.00 dollar is 1,000 jewels, 10.00 dollar is 10,000 jewels and so respectively with all the others, it would only be to remove one zero more to the jewels.

The truth is that I would have liked to work with Filiph, helping him with his sales and thus getting to know the world better, but for that I need to know how to read and write, at first I thought it would be easy because I already knew how to speak, but so far I have not made much progress in that part.

With the pay I get in the restaurant it will take me some time to buy the book I want, because if I calculate that I get paid only 20.000 jewels per month and that the book I saw is costing me 370.000 jewels, it would take me almost two years, and an important fact is that the years and months are the same of my previous world, I don't know why it's worse, I'm not complaining, it makes my life easier.

After 3 years since I was reincarnated, my life has been going well, since I could do magic I have made much more effort, every day without fail to perform my morning routine, which consisted of doing exercises, meditate, practice magic and perform experiments with it, thanks to that my physical condition is better than ever, I can now perform magic faster, is that at the beginning it took me quite a while to invoke it, but practice has helped me with that part, also my magic experiments have progressed, slowly but surely, one of the results of them is that I was able to use magic in other elements besides earth, although at the beginning the summoning speed was slower, practice seems to be a key factor if I want to accelerate my magic summoning speed.

With this I have theorized that the speed with which I summoned magic and also its control depends a lot on how much I have practiced with them.

Another thing I wanted to mention was about the book, I was able to buy it after almost two years, although Filiph helped me to get a discount.

The book I bought was called "Magic World" in it is explained more deeply the definition of magic and its functions, reading it I learned that the magic particles have in this world the name of "Ethernano" and that particle is everywhere in the air, also I was surprised by the definition of magic in the book the one that says: "Magic is the connection that the spirit of a person makes with nature" I don't know, it sounds very spiritual to me.

One of the new information I learned was the magical classification, which divides magic in 3 classes, being them: conjugation magic, carrier magic and ancient magic.

As there is so much information I have not been able to read it completely, what I also concentrated on is learning to write and read, I can say that I have improved a lot in that area, although it is thanks to Filiph's help that I was able to advance, I also proposed him to help him with his business and he accepted my help, but he said that I had to learn to write and read more fluently if I wanted to help him.

In the time that has passed I have learned many new and interesting things, although my information of this world is not complete, I can live for now with what I know, like, for example, I can say that I know a lot about the port city of Hargeon, so much that I can walk blindfolded.


For now I've been thinking about updating my plan, now with my health recovered and with my physique more robust I can start learning swordsmanship and other combat styles, because, even though I'm a mage that doesn't mean I can't handle a weapon besides magic.

I also feel that the more I understand how a magic works the more easily I can master it, so I should get more magic books, but specialized in a particular element, all this is for when I want to join a mage guild, but I will only go there when I feel ready.

What I struggle with the most is my amount of magic power, unfortunately I'm not like those protagonists that when they reincarnate they have immense magic power, but the good thing is that it feels like as I meditate and practice it grows, although their growths are not that fast, I'm still glad that I can grow.

So my plans will be to add weapons and combat training to my morning routines, meditate whenever I can to grow my magic power and earn more money to buy more books.

I think that by working with Filiph I can earn more money and buy more various books, for the combat and weapons training part I can ask to be taught by the group of mercenaries Filiph hires.

I know that I am only 12 years old, but I will use all I can to prepare myself for the problems of the future, I do not know what awaits me in this world where there is magic and monsters, but I will fight to continue living a good life here, because from the moment I arrived in this world I have called myself Shun, leaving my old life behind to concentrate on this one and live without regrets.
