
Chapter 21

The next morning the news was abuzz with the incident that happened at USJ, "This is a follow up report on yesterday's incident at the UA rescue training facility, where hero course students were attacked by villains. According to police investigation, the criminals call themselves 'the League of Villains' and have been plotting to kill All Might....

Police have arrested 78 villains, but they do not know the whereabouts of the ringleader-" I switched off the TV and went back to my room thinking about what had happened last night when I came home like mummy.

Mom went on a warpath, She was screaming curses, even her accent changed to her Kansai-dialect. I've never seen her this angry. She even went to grab All Might's collar and started shaking him, although due to his suze he didn't budge.

All Might visibly shrank with every word my mother had to say, but I had to intervene, "It was his fault to go around going around and catching villains, but you have to understand mom, that me getting hurt is inevitable. Me choosing to become a hero, you should have known that I would get hurt..."

All Might then told her about his quirk, the reason he chose my as a successor and why he needed one. Mom just sat there with a passive expression and took it all in not saying a word. She then looked at Toshinori straight in the eye, "If he is to be your successor, then make him the best. Train him to the extent that he won't get hurt. I don't care how you do it, but he is the only family I have left... Pls take care of him."

My mom was crying by the end and I had to appease her by promising to look after myself.

I plopped onto my bed when a call came, "Hello? Jiro-san? Ah yes. No no. Come on Jiro-San, anyone in my position would have done that.... Okay okay, I'll take care. One more thing, I forgot to send you the new track, so I'll be coming to the studio to give it to you. What? Party? Okay I'll be there."

I cut the call when I got another call. I kept getting calls from my classmates wishing me good health and good recovery. I even got calls from Todoroki and boom-boy... Bakugou.

When I picked up his call, "Don't think you're better than me!" I heard a *bonk* and heard a female version of him in the background, "Oi! Katsuki! Thank him properly numbskull!" he thanked me through gritted teeth. He started shouting again, "What the hell is wrong with you! BABA!!" I heard another *bonk* before the call was cut.

I had thought Hagakure would call, but guess I was wrong. But I was relieved that she dint, I don't need that heartache anymore. After waiting for her call and not getting one, all feeling foer her, that I had just come to realise was washed away. Although I couldn't understand why she did not like me, I will leave it at that and go my way.

It was 3 'o' clock in the evening and I was dropped of by mom in her new car that she had bought with a lot of persistant persuasion. She thought it was wasteful, but I thought of it as a necessity. We even got a villain damage insurance for it.

I entered the studio to find my whole class here, even Midoriya! They threw me a surprise party, I saw Jiro-san coming my way, "You made it! How's the party eh? It was all Kyoka's idea. come on join us, we are singing karaoke."

I shook my head, "I have something better." I grinned and showed him a pendrive. He asked, "Are you sure? This is not released yet...? I just waved him off, "Its okay, they are all friends."

When the music ended, I asked the crowd, "So what do you think?" to which Kirishima answered, "It was really good, it sounded a lot like DJ Blaze's style though."

"Of course... I am DJ Blaze." I realised only after I said that, I messed up. There were a lot of questions and answers, but all in all it was okay. They promised not to tell anyone.

The party ended a bit late and Mom was waiting for me outside. She insisted that Hagakure come with us as we lived in the same direction and it was getting dark. It was an awkward drive back home. When she got off, I explained to mom what had happened and that she had rejected me.

I slept pretty comfortably happy that have my emotion and feeling in check. *sigh* No romance stories for me I guess.

Girls are hard to understand!!


The next morning gave me a lot of energy. After a full day of rest my hands are fully healed, but are still on casts because Granny Chiyo told me to keep them on for the bones to set and get rest.

The bandage over my eye could be taken off but I insisted that my eye hurt. But we all know I just wanted to look cool. My neck cast and other things have been taken out because she diagnosed I was fit enough to do so.
