
A Mystery Of The Gunman

Sarah connor gets to Canada and ends up saving Alex's life accidentally unaware of what she just dragged herself into. and as misery befalls upon her she is forced to ask alex for help life becomes perfect until gunman reappears he will go after what he wants their life is in danger what does he want and why no one knows will Sarah and Alex be able to protect themselves and stop the gunman the truth of the past is discovered and the gunman is thirsty for revenge

zehrashf · 若者
134 Chs


Till Sarah regained her consciousness and was out of her daze she found herself being on the floor of her new office room. She struggled to get free of the guards. They were not listening to her. She screamed, kicked in the air, tried elbowing them. She finally pulled herself away. She saw the girl who had delivered her pizza that night again passing by the quarrel and trying to ignore. Sarah read the panicked expression on her face. She must be scared of what was happening at the party that was now turning to a blood war. Sarah pulled her hair away from her face and fixed her dress before putting up her hands in front of the guards to tell them she was cooperating. 

"You want me to stay locked in m room fine just let me take her with me" Sarah negotiated, wondering why were they not listening to her. But she had to do something about the war going downstairs and staying locked up in a room was the last thing she wanted.

The guard shrugged hearing her pleas.