
A Mystery Of The Gunman

Sarah connor gets to Canada and ends up saving Alex's life accidentally unaware of what she just dragged herself into. and as misery befalls upon her she is forced to ask alex for help life becomes perfect until gunman reappears he will go after what he wants their life is in danger what does he want and why no one knows will Sarah and Alex be able to protect themselves and stop the gunman the truth of the past is discovered and the gunman is thirsty for revenge

zehrashf · 若者
134 Chs


She had unconsciously dozed off on the couch. Her body swayed to the side and she felt her herself falling down, causing her to  flutter open her eyes. She rubbed her eyes looking around the now empty room.Leo was supposed to be on the bed with the Iv stand. But the Iv stand was there and Leo wasn't. She got up from the couch and walked out of the room. She looked around the dark penthouse. They had moved into a hotel penthouse after the building had fell. Snoopy, Leo and her had gotten the penthouse while the rest of the delegates were given the rooms in the hotel booked by Sarah. The organization's doctor had checked up on all of them including Leo because they all were too tired to go at the hospital, only those severely injured were taken to the hospital.