Floating in a void for a long time with nothing to do but wish that something would happen. Well someone once said to be careful what you wish for Now, in a new world with fragmented memories and powers, and items of incredible power waiting to be found. Warning: Dark
A Multiversal Mistake
#Unknown POV#
Floating around in a black void is boring
I stopped panicking and screaming after a few months, maybe years I couldn't tell anymore as I lost count.
I don't know where I am the last thing, I remember was going to sleep, and then I felt like I was falling sideways and boom I am here.
I know I went insane, but I just got bored of it and I went sane
I am so bored, I wish something interesting would happen
Rejected by the child of the stars
One who was given incredible power to do what is right.
One who was freed from the limits imposed on his kind.
One who was allowed the freedom to reach the potential most of his counterparts could never dream of.
One who was favored by the multiverse nearly as much as his prime version.
One who stripped his own children of their heritage.
One who rejected his destiny and allowed his world to fall to the rampage of the Anti-Monitor.
As the child of stars rejects destiny so too shall destiny reject him
On a planet called Earth which is one of the many versions of it that is being destroyed in the war between two multiverses
One of Light, The other of Darkness
A golden woman fights a being of the dark as they clash in battle
A being in the last Sun in the multiverse watches as the final battle has destroyed this reality.
The Sun god Rao watches as the 'heroes' and 'villains' perish trying to survive the conflict
Rao watches on as he sees the battle coming to an end with the dark one winning
Reality itself begins to crumble as Rao sees his last descendant in the multiverse rejected by destiny itself as he once rejected it.
The child is launched out of this multiverse as it ends
Rao gathers whatever power he can manage, to grab items to help this last child survive by picking them from what remains of the child's original universe and a few others.
From the remains of his own original timeline
He desecrates the corpse of his universe
He gathers the blood and suit of the scarlet speedster as the Speedforce burns black in evil. He gets a black and blue suit from the child's timeline and merges them together.
To make a suit that will be a seed for a new speedforce.
Black and gold as the colors for the color of the suit
He obtains the Green ring that his descendant rejected and frees it from its own rules to only serve the child.
He gathers three stones of knowledge as they rightfully belong to the child. He merges them into one and puts it on the ship where the child is located.
He also obtains the star blade.
Rao with the items in his possession sees the child nearly out of the multiverse and does something he swore he would never do again after saving his race from the rest of creation.
He frees the potential of the child by letting him wield the magical prowess that he himself does, but it will be up to him to discover its true potential as Rao once did.
He spends whatever time is left to obtain a gold sword wielded by one of his descendants but he goes further as he retrieves whatever metal from the forge of worlds is left and makes it anew with the metal of pure creation.
It is still unrefined, and imperfect, but in time it will find the child as it is tempered by time and any type of cosmic energy it may come across. When it reaches the child it will be in his darkest hour. But, unlike its prior version, this one will stay with the child to wield as he may please.
Be it for good or evil
Before the child truly leaves this multiverse, Rao reaches him in the final plank times remaining before the book is closed.
He nearly misses the child as he makes the ship attract the items as they follow him on his journey. Free from the idea of fate and destiny as the Last Son Of Krypton
The last Son Of This Multiverse leaves for a place unknown
The last sun fades away
A book is closed as five beings finally finish reading the story and as they close it, they did not notice a light escaping
This was their mistake
As someone who lives far past the end of his home
He is free
Truly free
Five beings of unimaginable power stand up from the table and most of them leave except one.
The last one puts the book away and puts the chairs on the table and leaves closing the door as she does so with a sigh at the ending of the book.
The child sleeps peacefully unaware of the calamity that happened as his ship flies through the empty void.
Several items of incredible power follow him through the vastness of the void.
So boring at this point I don't know whether to go insane or just stay here floating around doing nothing.
I just stare ahead as something finally happens
I see a light that is coming toward me as I realize that I am finally going to die
I close my eye or what counts as them as I wait
I can rest in peace
I scream in pain as the object slams into me
I see what can only be described as a blue spaceship with red accents
I see inside the ship where a baby is sleeping.
I look at where my hand would be and I feel cracks in them and I know that I am turning into pieces soon I can feel them stretching towards the child as soon as try to move my hands the child does as well.
As the child opens his eyes and looks at me I can see myself for the first time.
I am humanoid in appearance but that is as far as I can see as soon I can feel my face crack and I scream and the last thing I see is a familiar symbol which is yellow in color in a red blanket
A diamond-shaped symbol with the letter S in it.
(No way,) I thought before I felt my consciousness go away as soon my memories began to turn fuzzy and soon I passed into the child who I know his true name is...