
Chapter 36: Satan is Rising

The tension dialed down as the boys carried each other to safety. Jin's attraction was tethered toward Minhyuk, with every breathe that escaped Minhyuk's lungs Jin watched, something inside him worried more for Minhyuk then he worried for himself. For the first time in his long life he's worried about another living being. This newfound passion was confusing to Jin. The boys carried each other back to the school. By the time they made it back on campus, the ambulance had already left. Namjoon was still holding on to Jackson. No being was able to even glance at Jackson for Namjoon had him cradled in his arms tightly. Young and Taehyung stared at each other awkwardly for a while wondering who was going to break the news to Namjoon. Who was going to tell him that Jackson was pregnant, and who was going to tell him that the baby has attracted the attention of the gods? Still, they continue to approach their vehicles, two separate black SUV's remained in the barren parking lot. Jimin stood in front of Y/N's parking spot that now has one of their cars parked in it.

Jimin: Why? Why won't she just come back to me?

He slammed his hand into the side of the car leaving a sizable dent in it.

Jin: Fuck i bought this one, my insurance is about to go through the roof.

He shakes his head in disappointment. Jimin realized his mistake and pulled his hand off the car.

Jimin: oops my bad i can fix that... i think

Jungkook walked behind him extending his arm, he used his control of earth and nature to manipulate the metal to bend back into its original form.

Jungkook: Focus brother there is no time to let your emotions run rampant, clear your mind and focus on the mission at hand.

Jimin: I know getting Y/N back

Jungkook: Noooo getting out of the parking lot is mission number one.

Taehyung: He has a point I'm sure the police has taken the license plates of the cars

Yoongi: my mission is sleep all this drama today has made me tired

Minhyuk: Games maybe

Wonho: workout

Shownu: Food

Namjoon opened the back door and laid Jackson down on the seats.

Namjoon: All of u are idiots, its quite sad

The boys look at each other in agreement for a moment before bursting into laughter as they split off getting into their car. Happiness kept them from noticing their wounds, Shownu tapping into the power or Fenrir made them heal but the burns of hell aren't just a physical burn, it attacks the soul, and those who aren't strong enough burn to ashes instantly.

I.M: It's so itchy

I.M scratches his chest relentlessly.

Namjoon: My apologies hellfire is unlike any pain, mere healing will not cover its effects.

He looked down at Jackson who laid in his lap sleeping from exhaustion, his burns were healed as if they were never burned to begin with. Namjoon scanned his body with his eyes admiring his beauty while his hands followed his guidance. Taehyung and Yoongi noticed Namjoon as his hand glided down his body, they stared at each other with fear crawling down their spine. Namjoon's hand finally met Jackson's stomach. His eyes widened frozen in a stare.

Namjoon: Th-Th- This warmth I feel, this dormant flame in his stomach.

Sweat traveled down Namjoons face as concern and worry consumed him. Yoongi and Taehyung mouths dropped, they knew what was wrong but Namjoon still has yet to understand.

Namjoon: My child, I can feel you.

Jackson's belly began to light up bright orange as the baby reacted to its father. Namjoons left eye began to be engulfed in hellfire, the same eye that almost transformed him into the devil originally. Yoongi flicked Namjoons handoff Jackson's stomach severing the connection making Nmjoon lose his transformed eye.

Yoongi: Jackson is pregnant yes but if you keep the connection with your child you'll risk transforming into the devil yourself.

Namjoon: My child is already a threat to this world just by laying in Jacksons' stomach, the end will come and my child will be the one to bring it forth. As he grows in Jacksons' stomach his energy alone will cause the earth to encounter multiple changes, volcanos, storms, hurricanes, drought, every disaster u can think of will take place. Then if the four horsemen don't kill my baby before then, god will cause about the rapture and he'll land on this earth with his angels looking to kill it.

Taehyung: You think we don't know that?

Shownu: so Jackson is carrying a timer and when that timer goes off kiss this planet goodbye

Namjoon: Jackson is carrying the end of days, and I'm afraid that things will not be getting better from here.

Yoongi: Worst for you all but ill be sleeping as this happens

Taehyung: We get it as long as you're sleeping your body is invincible not even god can destroy u then.

Yoongi: exactly I'm going to sleep through the rapture and when you all die i'll make your graves for you.

Taheyung: There is only one thing we can do at this point.

Yoongi: wait, let time be the final judgment

They chatted about it a little more. It didn't take long for them to reach their house again but with everything that has happened today, they didn't have the energy to even look at each other. So they all walked to their rooms, Namjoon carrying Jackson.

Time passed by dramatically from that day. Jackson laid unconscious in Namjoons room for forty days and forty nights. The length of time god flooded the earth. On the 41st day Jackson rose. For how often we see the dawn and take for granted the sun, that we see the blackness become a vista, the world we love, our home... yet after that, do we think of the light and how it brings our world to life? Do we think of how it shows us color instead of only grey and warms us from our skin to our core, ignites our thoughts to beauty, inviting that light and warmth to enter our hearts also, before respectfully giving us time to dream, to accept it as part of ourselves if we wish.... yet always giving us the moon and stars. So, this dawn, as the blackish-greens take on their vibrant and verdant hues, I let it soak in a little deeper. As the sky changes from charcoal to soft dove grey I already cherish the blue that is to come. For the dawn is the invitation to the day, to the gift that is the present if we have the courage to see it fully and to love it with all that we are.

Jackson: * Deep gasp*

Jackson rose from his slumber. Panting as if he just ran a marathon he grabs onto his stomach, his stomach has grown a lot since he's last been awake. He's now one-month pregnant going onto two months. Feeling the warmth of the sun bracing itself above the horizon all he could think of was Namjoon. Looking up he sees Namjoon sitting at his desk facing Jackson, he was sleeping with the sn shinning perfectly in his face. Jackson smiled and tried to get out of the bed. Moving his legs to the sit of the bed he takes a stand, it took everything he had to stand on his feet and even more to take a step. Moving his right foot forward he lost all balance and began to fall to the floor. Right before he hit the floor Namjoon caught him.

Namjoon: My King! don't exert yourself.

Jackson tried to get up on his own, Namjoon felt him using his body to attempt to carry him but refused to let him do it alone. Jackson is unaware of his pregnancy, and Namjoon will have to inform him of the new development.

Jackson: How long have I been out?

He asked as Namjoon helped him sit on the bed.

Namjoon: 40 days and 40 nights, A lot of things have changed, so let's go out, let's take u to explore again.

Jackson: The world couldn't have changed that much in 40 days

Namjoon wants to take him out just to get alone time to tell him that he's pregnant.

Namjoon: True but i think we should go out anyways, you haven't been out of the house much.

Jackson: Fine

Jackson and Namjoon proceed to shower and get ready together. Not much time passed since he's awoken, Jackson still can't perform like he used to but that's not because of the coma he was in but the baby in his stomach. Namjoon helped him every day possible even helped him get into the car. The boys were too busy at school trying to maintain the cover as humans to joining Namjoon and Jackson. Driving all the way from the mountains into downtown Namjoon planned to have a good day with Jackson in the city. Next to a playground, he parked the car leaving it for him and Jackson to begin their adventure.

Jackson and Namjoon took a troll around the city. Jackson saw so many beautiful buildings and statues that he could resist taking a picture of. Still, as he walked he got this weird feeling in his stomach, he couldn't make out what it was but he knew it was no normal stomachache. Namjoon smiled and held him tight as they walked down the city streets putting Jacksons' mind at rest. Then slowly Namjoon walked into a crowd of people, the people were protesting in the middle of the day. Loud screams of justice and pleads for change engulfed the two as they accidentally stumbled into this protest.

Namjoon: What in satan's name is this?

Namjoon questioned what was going on. He held Jackson tightly while trying to navigate the crowd. Jackson was also confused as he's never seen a crowd as big as this. People flooded the streets, the building, and the space that a body could fit there was a human. For Namjoon he couldn't make out what was going on because everyone was screaming at the same time, but as soon as he saw the sign one of the protestors was holding he could do nothing but pause in rage.

Namjoon: I-I-I can't believe this

His blood began to boil, stopping dead in his tracks the anger began to take over his body.

Jackson: Baby calm down

Jackson tried to hold onto him hoping his presence would calm Namjoon, but it was to late, a flame was ignited in his soul. Anger was unleashed upon his being bringing forth his devil.

