
A Militarized New World

Altrainia is a continent filled with warlike yet interesting countries. Needed someone to ensure peace in this war-torn continent. As a result, a Great Being has decided that in the world's best interest, it was best to send a human from another world to deal with this either peacefully or aggressively. Join Hodgkins in his journey to create a nation of peace and democracy in this story.

Daoistww4pWg · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Chapter 1 "A Man Of Great Power"

(This is the Novelized Version)

Page 1

June 25, 2025, 10:34 a.m.

On an Ordinary Sunny and bright day, Cars were seen driving through the road as People were walking on the sidewalk either talking or using their cell phones. With modern skyscrapers being seen in the distance.

'What a nice day.'

A young man wearing civilian clothing thought as he wore a small grin while taking a glimpse at a playground and what some people were doing. However, some people who passed by looked at him weirdly as if he was crazy.

Hodgkins felt genuinely happy that most of the kids playing were having fun since he was mostly a lonely introvert when he was younger and a military enthusiast.

The man in question was an average young man with a mixture of black and brown hair who was wearing a greyish t-shirt and some long brown pants while also wearing a pair of green sneakers.

He continued his walk to the mall as he was planning to buy some groceries for his mother and sister who was currently busy at home.

"Looks like people are busy."

He muttered to himself as he watched as some people passed by him while also noticing that some of them in particular, were dressed in formal civilian clothing which indicated that they were going to work.

'Although I must be careful since I might bump into someone.'

Hodgkins carefully reminded himself as he almost bumped into an Adult man who was bringing a suitcase with his left hand. Which showed that he was a man with important business to attend to.

Page 2

He continued to walk for at least a few minutes until he finally reaches the mall's entrance when suddenly a black suspicious van stops in front of the entrance.

The door to the side of the van suddenly slides open as a team of 10 men wearing black masks with military vests got out of the vehicle. Armed with some stolen Kalashnikov Assault rifles, the men then aimed their rifles at the nearby civilians and security personnel several feet from the vehicle and opened fire on some unlucky civilians, killing several of them.

Causing any Civilians to immediately flee the area with Hodgkins taking cover behind a metal bench. While also trying to analyze the armed men. To help the authorities in stopping them.

'FUCK!! WHAT THE HELL Did I get myself into?!!! This was just supposed to be an average day?!?.'

He is interrupted in his thoughts as the men proceeded to enter the mall. Bursts of Automatic Assault rifle fire were heard as the men battled the security personnel within the building.

'SHIT! I can't let those fuckers enter and cause some casualties?!!'

Hodgkins thought in anger and hatred as he ground his teeth. Unable to let the men responsible cause more destruction and deaths, he immediately sprinted in an attempt to follow the men but some of the armed terrorists who were guarding the entrance spotted him and fired at him as he had to dodge several bullets which were merely several inches away from hitting him.

The men then trained their Ak-47 rifles at the spot he was taking cover underneath a thick security personnel's table which was protecting his body from being hit by the bullets.

Page 3

Fortunately, a Police car on patrol heard the gunshots and immediately drove to the scene to engage in a fire-fight with the conspirators of the attack.

"Stop right there you bastards!"

One of the policemen shouted as he shoots his colt pistol to distract the attention of the men who were peppering a metal table with bullets, which he presumed had an innocent civilian taking cover.

A sight that filled him with rage at how despicable and evil the men were.

Gunshots rang as both the policemen and terrorists were in a gunfight. However, due to the experience of the terrorists. The policemen were slowly getting overwhelmed as their standard pistols simply could not compete with the assault rifles used by the armed men, to their credit however they managed to kill 2 of the terrorists laying waste to the car they were using as cover.

The fighting gave Hodgkins a chance to relocate himself to a position where a terrorist was coincidentally taking cover at least a few feet away from his position.

'I think I should tackle that guy to help the police control the situation as I have the element of surprise here.'

Hodgkins thought as he was pretty confident he could do such an insane task where the risk of him getting killed was extremely high.

But then again he was always such an eccentric guy.

Page 4

He then sprints toward the armed terrorist with nothing but his wits or fists.

The man in question suddenly turns around catching Hodgkins off guard and continuing to sprint as fast as he can. The armed man although surprised then attempts to train his rifle on the lunatic sprinting toward him before he can do such a thing. Hodgkins lunges at him quickly tackling him as the two men battled for the rifle.

The nearby terrorists however failed to notice this as they were distracted by two Police cars that had just arrived to subdue them.

Tired of these civilians' antics. The terrorist pulled out a knife in an attempt to stab Hodgkins however uses a brick to hit the man's arm causing the man to drop the knife in pain.

With the man trying to hold his broken arm, this gave James the opening he needed to defeat one of the fuckers involved but being a young man he hesitated in doing such a task because of his reluctance.

The masked man in desperation or fear then quickly pulls out his pistol and hits James in the head with it causing him to be slightly incapacitated and enraged. Knocking the man off him, the man quickly tries to take ahold of his rifle and shoot the young man who had caused him trouble.

However, Hodgkins quickly recovers and reacts by grabbing a rock and bashing the man's head. Incapacitating the terrorist, but being in such an enraged state and need for revenge for those this man and his comrades had murdered. The young man continued using his strength in bashing the man's head for 5 minutes with his brain and skull matter continuously being splattered on the nearby area every time Hodgkins bashes Man's skull.

Page 5

'Jesus Christ?!... What the hell!!... Did I just do it?!! NOOOO!!?! I just murdered someone?!! I'm just as bad as them FUCK!! What have I done?!?'

Hodgkins thought as he finally recovered from his rage and his guilt and shock at what he had just done took over. Being a Christian Killing was not allowed in the ten commandments which only further filled him with guilt.

But before he can drown himself in his personal feelings and wallow in shame and horror. The sound of automatic gunfire and the screams of people brought him back to reality. The reality was that people were dying and he needed to sacrifice himself and his morality for the lives of other people.

Looking over at the Ak-47 rifle just in front of him. Hodgkins took a hold of it with cold wood and metal resting against his skin. The handle was currently resting against the palms of his right hand whilst he uses his left hand in opening the rifle and looking at the magazine if there were some remaining ammunition.

Noticing that half of the bullets remained he returned it and loaded the rifle while taking some magazines from the deceased and bloody corpse of the man he had just murdered.

'Such a beautiful piece of technology shame that this weapon has cut the lives of many people in this mall.'

James thought as this was the first time he saw an Ak-47. But his appreciation of such a weapon as he grimaced in horror at the thought that this weapon claimed the lives of people who possibly had families and cut the lives of some unfortunate souls.

But he needed to do what he could stop such a horrendous act even though it was quite ironic that he had also cut the life of one of the conspirators.

One may think that this inexperienced young man may be a fool for using such a dangerous weapon. But Hodgkins wasn't an ordinary person he had experience handling a hunting rifle when he was a teenager so it was safe to say that at least he wasn't blind to the fact that he may get injured or killed if he used such a weapon recklessly.

He rifles the weapon on his shoulder and aims it at a nearby exposed pair of terrorists. He pulls the trigger. The weapon answers with a burst of automatic fire at the unfortunate terrorist on which Hodgkins had aimed the rifle on.

Turning one of the masked men into a bloody mess who dropped to the floor dead with the bullets hitting the man in the chest and head. Whilst the other man was hit in the shoulder and stomach causing him to drop the rifle he was using to pepper the police officers taking cover behind some of their vehicles.

From Hodgkins' perspective although he was surprised at the firepower of the Ak. He immediately took cover barely managing to dodge some fatal automatic gunfire directed at him by one of the vengeful terrorists.

Page 6

Which injures James in the palm of his hand as he takes cover. Causing crimson-red blood to pour out of the wound. While James could only wince or grunt in pain as he bandaged his injured, taking cover from the automatic fire. He checks the magazine when he finds it empty, he loads it with one of the 3 magazines he found from the dead terrorist, he murdered mere minutes ago and reloads the rifle, intent on taking vengeance.

The hail of gunfire continues until the man shooting at him eventually run out of bullets. James retaliated by exposing himself from the cover and opening fire, catching the man off guard and shooting him dead.

The hiding terrorists seeing the opportunity try to retaliate but he shoots them in the head.

But he made a terrible mistake that would cause him everything, he failed to notice that a terrorist emerged from his hiding spot behind him.

'OH SHIT?!!? Fuck!!'

Hodgkins thought as he turned around just in time as the terrorist shot him.

His eyes widened as his expression was that of horror and shock at the realization that he was going to die. The gun in the hands of the man who decided his life fired hitting him in the stomach and leg.

Feeling a searing rip through his stomach and leg, causing him to immediately drop to the floor with a thump.

'Aaaaah fucking Bastard!??! SHIT!! It fucking hurts?!! How did the fucker get behind me?!!'

He thought as he looks at the one who shot him.

Looking at the masked man in dark glasses, he could sense that this man hated him possibly due to him killing some of the man's comrades.

"So you are the American PIECE OF SHIT who killed them!", The terrorist said in English with a foreign accent. James swore he could hear the feral extreme rage and hatred this guy had for him and he knew his end was coming.

Page 7

James doesn't react, he merely just hardens his expression and closes his eyes as the terrorist shoulders his rifle to shoot him in the head, it was merely going to be a quick death.

But suddenly his head bursts into a red mist as the man is shot in the head by a group of swat-armored men. This leads to him opening his eyes in shock and surprise that the local Special Weapons and Tactics was a team here.

The sight immediately gave him hope that any of the remaining survivors could be saved.

"Jesus! did a civilian do this!?", One of the men which James presumed to be the leader said shocked and in surprise since a civilian holding off a terrorist attack was something only seen in fiction.

One of the men immediately rushed to Hodgkins' aid as the bleeding simply could not be complained and he began to cough blood.

Hodgkins knew that the end was coming as young as he was. He had enough knowledge to assume that he wasn't going to survive this. With the mall being far from the hospital it was clear that he was going to bleed out.

"Hey please calm down sir you'll be okay"

A SWAT member in Black tactical gear said attempting to calm James as the man knew that James will likely die due to blood loss.

'Looks like this is it.'

James thought to himself as he closes his eyes a blank darkness begins to consume his vision.

"Where am I?", James Hodgkin asks in surprise as he was surrounded by total darkness. Mysteriously his body was the only thing glowing with it being his only light source.

He then looks around for someone to ask but he only found darkness with no one responding to his questions.

"Come on, there's got to be a source of light in this dark void"

'Although I expected, a god or goddess to come out like those damned isekai shows or works in fiction'

Hodgkins thought as he recounted the times he would watch them. He always had mixed feelings about them as one he always hated that most of the time there were harems and magic. Bloody Fucking Magic?!!?, the type that would get you viewed as a heretic or affiliate of the devil in the 14th to 17th Centuries.

But suddenly, a flash of bright light erupts, Hodgkins in a panic immediately covers his eyes as the bright light covers the young man and sends him to an unknown fate.

"With the End of One Story. A New Story Begins."

Page 8

"Where the Heck am I?!!!", he shouts in shock as he looks at his surroundings to find himself surrounded by trees taller than 6 meters.

From his perspective, He seemed to be in a forest with wild animals. When he spotted the animals near his vicinity immediately ran away from him.

'So it looks like I am in a forest but it feels like I am wearing something... Wait did I just get isekai'd?!'

Hodgkins thought as he tried to either explain how he ended up here. He then notices that he is wearing a Military Battle Dress Uniform with a backpack on his back, including a silenced M4 assault rifle, silenced pistol, several grenades, and many ammunition magazines.

Which was covering his body instead of the civilian clothing he wore since the incident.


Hodgkins thought trying to find an explanation as to how this supposedly impossible action had occurred

'So it looks like I am well armed... Looks like I don't-'

He thought trying to immediately calm down.

When a phone suddenly appears 6 meters above him and drops onto the forest floor with its mysterious 'thin' cover protecting it.

Not even trying to comprehend it as trying to understand what had just happened would be more trouble than it's worth. He just takes the phone with a sigh and turns it on. Wanting to expect that there was something important about this mysterious phone.

{" Current Military Equipment (Inventory)"}

[(BDUs): Currently wearing]

Silenced Assault Rifle

Silenced Pistol

Grenades x 8

Magazines x 30

{Current level in the military system

[Level 10]

Unlocked Equipment and personnel:

WW1 era soldiers:





And Many more

WW1 era tanks:

Mark 4 tank

A7V tank

Renault Ft-17

WW1-era Field Guns and Artillery

WW1-era fighter planes and bombers

WW1 era AA guns

WW1-era cars (Both military and civilian)

WW1-era medicine and medical equipment

WW1 era warships

And finally

WW1 era civilian technology and architecture.

To unlock further equipment and personnel please increase the level or research new levels of each unit.}

Fuck. Hodgkins was sure he was losing it. He must be hallucinating as this was just too absurd. The fact that he had the power to summon soldiers and build a country was just too much. But then he noticed something. He was sure that he was probably using something like cocaine or crack at this point.

Page 9

'Ok how the heck?!! Do you know what never mind?! This looks like what I read from many isekai stories my cousin read... But if this is legit?.... We'll Screw it. I'll try asking the information function on how to increase my level.'

Hodgkins thought.

He then types on the cell phone using the (Information Function of the System)

<How do I increase the level?>

{You can increase your level by doing quests which will give you more advanced technologies or if certain innovations of some of the tech trees cannot be given using such a method, you can start researching new levels that need resources and time to finish.}

He then proceeds to press ok which closes the message.

'Huh?!? Looks like this is legit then I need some troops to protect me from any nearby threats no matter how small they are. We can't take any risk.'

The young man then proceeds to type on the Phone.


10 riflemen (German and British)

6 German stormtroopers

3 flamethrower

2 Ft-17 tank

2 snipers (1 German and British)

1 officer

1 armored car

And finally

5 field guns (Both German and British)}

He then pressed ok. Confirming the order.

Which summons them in front of me with a bright light.

"So are you our general?", The officer leading the group asked. His tone was that of suspicion and he looked at Hodgkins with eyes that spoke of disappointment.

Hodgkins personally wanted to ask but decided against it as he already knew who the officer was disappointed in.

"Yes I am"

I respond in a straight and confident voice, not even allowing my panic to take over me.

The officer and soldiers then sigh in disappointment before saluting and I also salute in response.

"Well everyone please prepare to camp"

Hodgkins said in a clear and confident voice with an air of authority as I notice that it is currently noon and after 4 hours night would set in.

The soldiers comply with the orders and began to prepare the tents and set up the campfire. Some would prepare to stay awake during the night to act as night sentries just in case some of the Jerries/ Tommies betray them.

Page 10

Unbeknownst to them, a young elven boy 11 years old was watching them with genuine concern and fear.

"Who are they?"

The young boy asked himself as he proceeds to run back to his village, hoping to warn them of the Barbarians in Brown and grey uniforms led by one in Greener yet much-advanced uniform

Istmael was a young elven boy with blonde

Hair with black tips. He wore medieval clothing with shorts and medieval boots.

He ran as fast as he could. Istmael swore that he could feel his heart beating frantically as he ran while also looking behind him in fear that 'they' had spotted him or were running after him.

After a few minutes of running, The young boy returns to his village in the forest. He runs straight to his grandfather who leads the town as its chief.

His grandfather was an extremely old and wrinkled elf who had lived for centuries. He was the only remaining family member he had ever since the plague nearly 9 Centuries ago which laid waste to the elven Population of Qota. Causing the one great and old kingdom to crumble with its territory being split by the Major Powers who were mostly inhabited by humans.

"Grandpa! Grandpa!"

Istmael Yelled as he called for his father as he burst through the room where a meeting was being held between the many elven elders of the Place.

Although the boy knew that his grandfather was less than pleased by the boy's action. But alas this was something of an urgent matter that would likely decide the fate of the whole Elven race.

"What is it?"

While Shoriez was quite angry by the boy's action, he still tried to ask the young boy because this child might have a reason for bursting into his meeting. It better be urgent and not be another one of his 'pranks'.

His fellow elders however were quite offended by the young elf's disrespectful behavior and wanted to punish the boy. But he would deal with them later.

"Grandpa Shoriez I found a group of soldiers wielding wooden sticks (rifles) and there seemed to be two metal wagons among them."

The grandpa heard it and his once stern face immediately hardened.

'Is that so?... It couldn't be the major powers the Billian Republic promised to defend us in the face of Charatian Aggression. But then again they seemed to be a small group so it's highly likely going to be a racial anti-elf hate group or an Armed militia group. Either group seemed too troublesome since both would pose a threat and cause a war.'

From the old elf's perspective. It seems that the fate of the whole elven race was at stake. But he needed to know their location.

"My grandchild, where did you find them?"

He asked with a soft voice.

"I found them just near the river in the distance."

"Oh... Now I want you to gather the village militia. Tell them it's something urgent."

"Yes grandpa"

Istmael said happily that his grandfather now knew of the men he found.

The child then proceeded to tell the large militia of the village to gather.

Page 11

Back to the meeting, the elder informed his fellow elders about what his grandson had announced to him.

"So my fellow elders, My beloved grandson had found a group of barbarians that might seek to attack so I want you to inform your respective chieftains to arm themselves and their villages in preparation for a war that could decide the fate of our great race. While the men under my combat are going to ambush them."

There were murmurs among the old elven elders sitting on chairs behind the long table. As they simply could not believe what they might have heard but they knew that they had been anticipating this ever since the fall of their beloved Elven Kingdom years ago.

The Old Wrinkled Elf felt like he was making a mistake. But it needed to be done since this group could be on their way to exterminating the elves and begin to mine the resources on the land they had been living on for years.

The announcement shocked the elders who agreed to fight for the elven race.

"Well if you'll excuse me I simply need to inform the militia currently waiting outside my door."

The elder then proceeded to go out of the room. As his fellow elders were talking to each in a discussion about this new threat.

Outside the room, the elder is greeted by an elven militia member wearing a long coat and holding his musket with his left hand.

"So dear Elder, What is it that may be worth our assistance? Forgive my ignorance."

The militia man with long blond hair and blue eyes asked in a clear and well-disciplined voice.

"Well Kendricks, if you didn't know my grandson had spotted a group of militiamen that may pose a threat to our way of life. The men he found were armed with weaponry similar to the firearms and rifles used by the Billian army so we believe that this group may belong to some outlaw bandit group or a militia group. So I have given you the authorization that your men will deal with the hoodlums? Right?"

The wrinkled elf asked in a loud and clear voice.

The blond elf could merely nod and walked away to meet with his men.

The elder, However, could merely hope that the militia could deal with this new and enigmatic threat. As the consequences of letting this unknown force wander around unabated might cause danger to him and his fellow elves.

Page 12

8:00 a.m.

After the sun had risen the men of the British Expeditionary Forces would ready themselves for an expedition to a nearby village they had located using some old maps their general had found while exploring the old chest they found.

"Alright, lads keep your eyes peeled I don't want any enemy ambushing us."

A British officer told his squad just in case an attack occurred.

The British officer was a young man with Brownish hair and a mustache on his face. Wearing a standard British Military uniform during that era with boots on.

The Officer could not shake the feeling that they were being watched almost like someone or something was hunting them like rats.

The troops under his command were armed with rifles and shotguns to deal with any opponent unlucky enough to face them in battle.

After a few minutes, they found several pitfall traps which they discovered and reported to their 'leader'.

"Sir you got to see this."

A British soldier armed with a bolt-action Lee Enfield rifle told his superior as he directed him.

When suddenly gunshot is heard and the head of the soldier directing him explodes into a bloody mist bullet lets hits him in the skull, killing him instantly.

The officer just realized what they had done they had walked perfectly into a trap.

"FUCK!! Ambush!"

The officer yelled as he quickly took cover while pulling his standard pistol from his holster. The sound of Gatlingtling's gun firing immediately caused the men to spread out and take cover behind some fallen logs.

From what the Officer could see they had at least 5 men were unlucky enough to have been killed during the ambush.

"Shit! Private Beckett try to find where that bloody machine gun is!"

At the officer's words, A young soldier barely 20 years old responded.

'"I don't bloody know sir?! But from what I could see it's gotta be close."

The soldier responded in a loud voice, barely heard amongst the sound ofGatlingtling gun firing on the soldiers.

For Kendricks, they knew they had the chance to decimate the enemy so he immediately yelled out his orders.

He knew that the militiamen men had the advantage as Gatling gun provided them the opportunity to cause massive casualties on the enemy.


The elven leader yelled as he and his men charged the squad's position. Who was currently pinned by the hail Gatling gun fire?

However, the British soldiers knew what was coming. When they heard the yells of the enemy forces.

Loading their rifles and placing their bayonets on.


At the officer's yell, the soldiers instantly opened fire on the approaching elven force.

In minutes, the bullets tore through the 30-elven militia bayonet charge. With 10 dying to the bullets. But the elves never gave up, instead favoring to close the distance between them and their enemy, and a close-quarters battle would soon take place.

Melee weapons would clash between the two opposing forces and bayonets would clash with shields as some of the elven militia chose to use shields as protection against the bayonets. While some would use spades against the elven militia members.

After at least 10 minutes of fighting the carnage would end as Kendricks would prefer to cut his losses and withdraw leaving a pile of dead bodies between both sides which would be buried by the Forces under Hodgkin's command.

Chapter 1 End