This is a fanfic of The Gamer and various anime/video games/comics. I don't own the rights to anything except my OCs Keep in mind before you read this that this is just something I write whenever my Lustful personality likes to take over. Just think of this 'personality' as just Lustimura. -------------------------------------------------------------- So, the MC dies and becomes a Gamer. Normal stuff right? What if the Gamer is Chaotic Neutral in all of his morals? What if he had golems? There will be many what if's and many answers as well. Read to find out more! Also take this with a grain of salt since this is me just mostly writing 'plot' with plot. Keep in mind that I hold nothing back, and anything is possible in this. (Except anything that I personally refuse to write about.) English IS IN FACT My native language, so if you see spelling errors, let me know through comments because I will fix them. Every character depicted in this is over the age of 18+ for all intents and purposes. Hit me up on discord: Under construction
You know, when I told myself that all of that reincarnating stuff that I read in all of those fanfictions and watched in anime can't be true, I didn't expect it to happen to me. Wanna know why I thought that? Because I'm American and normally, if not almost all the time it doesn't happen to Americans. Also I died in my sleep so I didn't die to [Insert vehicle here]-kun. I didn't even get to meet some bomb-shell goddess or a wise old man of a god. When I could see though, was that I was in a white room with a note in the center that I picked up to read. It stated as follows:
"Dear Jake, sorry I can't be there at this time, I kind of forgot about you for a few thousand years while your soul was in hibernation. So while it may seem that you just woke up, you were actually asleep for a long time. As compensation I will provide you with five wishes and the ability to choose any world to start in. Yes I said start in, because whenever you complete certain objectives of the main story, then you can visit other worlds of the vast multiverse! Keep in mind that whenever you visit another world you can either start over with a new game+ or continue as you are. That's not all, since I kinda read your thoughts and figured out what one of your wishes would be, I gave you a hub which can act as your base to be accessed at anytime, anywhere, even if you are under attack. That about sums it up for me.
With lots of love,
Eltia, Goddess of lust and compassion."
Of course I get forgotten by this type of goddess. I already knew what my wishes were so I went ahead and thought of them. I wanted the ability to create any material I can think of as long as I have the mana, except for food. But I want to be able to make food ingredients instead. The ability to create golems that can grow in level overtime and get closer to a humanoid as they grow in level. As well as the ability to observe beings and be able to make a golem that can copy their power. The Gamer from that one manhwa I read and all those fanfictions. Endless stamina and lastly the ability to create a 'will' similar to that of a soul but artificial and can act in the exact same way. I will decide what world I want to go to after I explore my hub world for a bit. After all the wishes were accepted, I appeared in front of a small house that was just one story but then a notification popped up in front of me.
[Welcome to the Hub World!]
[In this place you can customize the looks to be any way you like. Due to the ability 'Base Creation' you don't have to pay in order to modify this place to your liking. You can also section off different places of the Hub to be separate from each other.]
After reading that I decided to check my status as a gamer before moving on.
Name: Jake
Level: 1
Race: Human
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Titles: Golem Creator, Gamer
STR: 10
INT: 12
WIS: 14
DEX: 10
LUK: 2
Other than the fact that my luck is absolute dog crap, my stats seem pretty good. I'll have to raise that luck though, I know from reading a lot of fanfictions that not raising it will only cause more problems in the future. Alright, hit me up with dem SKILLS!
Gamers Body: The User's body is that of a video game character, therefore resting can fully heal them and their health just decreases instead of you dying to things like dismemberment.
Gamers Mind: The User immune to any interference to the mind, they process information faster, and the user can turn emotions on and off at any time along with choosing said emotion.
Observe: Can see the Name and level of the chosen target.
ID Create: Instant dungeons, pretty self explanatory.
ID Escape: Leaving the said, instant dungeons.
Material Creation: Can create any type of material or food ingredient as long as sufficient mana is used.
Golem Craftsmanship: Allows the user to make any golem they can imagine as long as sufficient materials are used. The higher a golem's level, the further they can evolve into a being intended for them by an imparted will. If no will is imparted, they will evolve based on how they are commanded instead.
Golem Observation: Allows the user to observe any target, copy any aspect of the target, and give the ability to incorporate that in the creation of a golem. Can't be used if the target's level is vastly higher than the user's.
Base Creation: Allows the user to create, modify, or destroy a base of any kind, whether it be a mansion with the outside appearance of a shack, or vice versa, it can be done.
Will Creation: The ability to impart an artificial will and powers to a target, non-living object. Mana will be consumed in comparison to the will that is wished to be imparted.
Endless Stamina: Pretty self explanatory but, the user no longer needs sleep in any which way and due to this skill, the gamer's body can passively recover the body to full condition without needing to sleep. The user can keep going for as long as they want as well, *wink*.
Other than that not so subtle reference at the end there, I'm pretty satisfied with what I've got here. After looking that over I checked my inventory and saw that it was empty, but didn't have a limit and there was a shop but I couldn't unlock it until I was at least level 50 but that was fine. I went ahead and remodeled my house in the hub to a giant, four-story mansion. When I got inside, I decided to check my appearance in the mirror. I was around six foot and two inches tall, had pitch black hair, purple eyes, and let me tell you, my equipment was packing! I decided I should make around ten golems, maybe 15 considering where I plan on going. I can't really impart any wills just yet, so I will be making some mindless golems temporarily until I can level up and up my mana. I can just focus my stat points on int and wis since I don't plan on going to the frontline with this type of build. Plus, with my endurance stat, I could just regenerate my health faster than I could take damage.
I decided to make three golems for now, one that can heal, one that can do basic magic like fireball, and another to tank. They didn't have any weapons, but I did clothe them. I can't make any weapons or armor since it is 'material' creation. I'll have to make a blacksmith golem soon enough. Once the golems were as ready as they could be, I tried to do meditation and make a mana bolt like it was done in the manga so I have some way of fighting. After a while, I managed to get it to work.
I activated ID Create and Escape until it leveled up and I got the zombie ID. When the four of us arrived in the ID, it was just a mirror of the hub world, which after I adjusted it, was an open grass field as far as the eye can see with my mansion at the center and a bright sun in the sky. The mirrored version however was dark and dreary with a moon in the sky. Zombies were all over the open plains but they were often in separate groups of around 2-4. When I observed the closest two zombies, they were both level two. Even though the golems had low intelligence, I could still teach them the concept of aggro, mobbing, dps, and the like. After a few mess ups with the first few groups of zombies, and a few level ups between the four of us, they managed to get the concept right and golem #1 was tanking away while golem #2 freely spammed fireballs and golem #3 healed golem #1. I sat back and occasionally fired mana bolts.
After a few hours of grinding, the golem team and I managed to get to level six and got a good amount of loot after I stopped to regenerate my mana.
[Level Up X5]
Loot Obtained:
X4 Crude Longswords
X2 Crude Short Swords
X3 Wooden Staff
X1 Undead Summon Skill Book
X4500 Currency (Base U.S. dollars that is converted to current world currency)
I had golem #1 equip a longsword, golem #2+#3 were given wooden staffs, and I equipped a wooden staff of my own. I had the mage golem use the skill book, since I myself didn't plan on being a necromancer, but I could have this golem become one. I also decided to provide this golem with a basic will so it had a general direction for evolution. When I used the skill, since I was doing a basic will, the custom option was greyed out and it provided me with a small amount of options that I could decide on. I choose for the golem to be female, have necromancy as its main focus and ice magic as it's secondary, and I wanted it to go towards becoming a dragon. What type of dragon will that be? Only time will tell. I called her Jane and once the process finished, she lit up with a faint gray glow which attracted a few nearby zombies, that golem #1 and #2 promptly aggroed and took care of. Once the light faded away, Jane spoke her first words.
[Jane] "I greet the Creator."
[Jake] "Relax for now Jane, right now the task at hand is to increase our level to at least 20 so I can create a moderately skilled blacksmith."
[Jane] "As you wish Creator!"
After she spoke, she summoned a zombie and two skeleton archers to help with the oncoming zombie assault. Another thing that changed was that she had a visible expression on her face now. My golems were all made out of iron, which was the best material I could use at the time with my current mana pool but, except for Jane, the others looked visibly androgynous. The zombie killing speed increased with the addition of the skeleton archers and the zombie that Jane summoned to tank more damage. Sadly golem #2 couldn't heal them since they were undead but Jane could just summon more.