

The classes went well.And finally it was time for them to go home.The three friends slowly walked home together.The days went fast and in a blink of an eye,it was December.And it was also the time of their term exams.Sandriya had been preparing very hard for it.The schedule for the exams were posted and she was really tensed.As she was doing a part time job at a cafe in the evening she had to study late into the night and that made her show up to class even more late.

It was December 17.She was late to school as usual.She ran as fast as she could only to find the gates closed.With her hands on her knees she was gasping for breath.That was when she saw that she was not the only one waiting outside.There was this handsome boy,tall and fair with thick black hair.His eyes were dark brown and he had a charming smile.He was wearing a white shirt with dark blue jeans and nothing but a hand oven scarf to protect him from the cold.His body emitted the vibe of a prince.

"Who is he?Definitely not a student from my school.Then why is he standing infront of my school?"She thought to herself still staring at the side view of his face as he was requesting the school guard to let him in.

He was not wearing an uniform,so it was hard to tell who he was.That was when she noticed the tag of her school id hanging from his pocket.The name card was in his pocket so she couldnt see his name.

"He must be a newbie or howelse will he have the tag?" she reasoned to herself.

She slowly approached him and asked" Do you want to get in?This man is really strict.He wont let you in no matter what."

"O...I see" his voice sounded disappointed.

"But if you want , i can help you get in" Sandriya offered

"ok then"he said accepting her help.

Sandriya took his hand and lead him behind the school building where the cherry tree stood and started reaching for it branches.As it was winter,snow had covered the branches and it was a little hard to climb.The two carefully climbed down the trunk of the tree.

"Thank you"he said

"You are welcome"saying she waved him good bye and hurried to her class.

It was already 3 pm.The afternoon classes were quite boring so Sandriya was gazing out of her classroom window.That was when she saw a familiar face standing in the snow.

"Why is he standing in the cold without attending his class?"She thought.

Seeing her friend staring through the window for long"Is that the guy you mentioned earlier?He sure is handsome."Cathy questioned.Sandriya nodded.She had already told them about him during their lunch break.

When the guy saw the two girls staring at him from their class he gave them a friendly smile.Sandriya smiled awkwardly as she was caught by him while staring at him.

Soon the final bell rang and the class started to disperse.Sandriya, Cathy and Elena walked towards the entrance that was when Cathy noticed the same guy running towards them.He waved for them to wait.So the three friends stopped walking.He went to Sandriya,took her hand and placed a school id in her hands.

"Sorry for the trouble.Can you please return this to the rightful owner.I looked all day and dont know where to find her.So far you are the only person I know in this campus.So can you ple-"

"So what you are saying is this is not yours?Then you are not a student here?"Sandriya asked puzzled

"No!no.I just came to return the name tag of this little girl i saw earlier today.She was crying so i gave her a chocolate to console her.Then the school bus came and in a hurry she left her name tag in the street.So i thought of returning it."he explained

"O...so I brought a stranger into the campus.If the principal comes to know of it i will be suspended or even worse.I might be dismissed."Sandriya started to panic.

Cathy and Elena tried to calm her down.

" Dont worry no one except the four of us know about this.Besides noone saw me.So as long as you keep it a secret know one will know"he said.

He was right.So Sandriya relaxed."Ok,i will return the id to the little girl for you"she said softly

He then added,"Can we be friends?That is if its okay with you.I would really be happy to have a friend who climbs trees as good as you" he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

Sandriya chuckled."Sure."she said smiling brightly at him."Friends"he said stretching out his hand to shake.

"Friends"Sandriya replied as she shook his hand,"I am Sandriya" she introduced

"I am Jonathan" he replied....
