7 A very over exaggerating person

Xavier: " Enjoying that smoothy." I nodded. Jay: " Why did you say it like that?" Xavier: "I just wanted to see your reaction, I realized that you react to certain things so wanted to test my theory." Jay: "O..Okay." Xavier: "Sorry, If I made it awkward." Jay: "No, it's okay" I started to day dream, But I could still tell he was staring at me, I wonder what he's thinking. Hmm..i wish I could read his mind. Xavier: " Jay, what are you doing after this?" Jay: " Just studying..for a Exam and other school stuff." Hopefully this has nothing to do with the park and bleeding. Xavier: " So why were you at the park if you have to study instead?" I jinx myself..ugh..why is he so curious. Jay: "Some problems with people.." Xavier: " Why? What happened?" Ugh..oh my gosh. Jay: " Long story." Xavier: " We have time come on spill the tea." *Giggle* Somehow that was funny and cringe worthy at the same time. Jay: " Fine, Here's the story...." -Flashback* Will: Why are you here go back to the Russia you don't belong here..." Jay: " We are in college not high school or any below leave me be." Will: Your a Foreigner you don't belong anywhere in Japan." I'm so confused I was born here so that means I am at least half Japanese. Jay: " Actually, I was born here in a hospital, that's actually a few blocks away." Will: " So now your smart." Jay: " Okay I'm going now." Will: " Meet me at the park tommorow at 10pm on the dot..if your not there I will ruin your life." I'm gonna just walk away. *Next day* Where is Will at..*Blackout*.- Present. Jay: Then I woke up on the bench with a wound in my palm." Xavier: " That's terrible, do you see Will everyday?" Jay: " No, it depends on what I have to do that day." Xavier: " I could help you... if you want." I looked at him for like the 6 time this whole time...but why is he asking to help me..i don't need help it's not that bad. Jay: " If you want to....i don't have a problem with Will though." Xavier: " You should have a problem with him, He did a crime on you...i'm worried." He grabbed my wrist and looked at me. Xavier: " I just met you kinda, but tommorow I'm going to your school to help you deal with this asshole."-To Be Continued
