
A Little Grudge

After a mugging in Brooklyn, a young man is brought to the Naruto World as Kakuzu, just before the age of the hidden villages. He is enthralled to meet a new family, but when that all goes to hell, he has few options left. The one he takes? It won't end well for his enemies. Somewhat AU. Taking liberties with the timeline, as, to be fair, there really isn't a good one before the third war.

King_Rattata · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Rise, My Glorious Creation, Rise!

"... can't let him keep going on like this." A familiar voice found itself in Kakuzu's ears, obviously young, but it contained a bit of bloodlust directed at Kakuzu.

"I know, and agree, but to go against him would be bad, right? What if he decides to fight us?" Just by listening, you could tell this guy was an "underling to a young master" type, with a weaselly, flattering voice.

"Who cares? Not like anyone would care, even if we killed this outsider. We all know he'll never wake up, and the old chief and principal are so focused on him it interrupts their work! Plus, we're about to start hosting talks about making this place the new Takigakure because of him, so we should punish him for that too!" Bryce spoke in a sinister tone.

Kakuzu was only partially focused on the conversation. Bryce and Sam. Two people each a year older than him, only amounting to weak bullies. They tried to beat up Kakuzu multiple times, but he would just walk away while dodging their attacks, until they attacked him seriously one day, so the last Kawakami left them struggling to breathe. The aftermath was a nightmare too, as their parents were rank four shinobi. They obviously hated him now.

As Bryce pulled out a kunai, Kakuzu was still feeling out his eyes, going through the information he now found in his brain, as well as the last thing he remembered: the conversation with his alter ego from earth. He seriously had almost lost himself. He really valued family, but to put it above all things? He mentally shook his head. However, he still needed more power. He was only as strong as Itachi was at 13. Two years ahead of the fourth strongest Uchiha was not enough for the threats he saw in the future.

(This statement will end up with a bit of controversy, but yes, Itachi was only fourth strongest. First comes Juubi Madara, then Rinnegan Sasuke, then Juubi Obito, though deciding between Sasuke and Juubito is difficult, then Itachi. At least, so it seems to me, especially considering Itachi has a bad disease and only normal MS.)

He paid more attention to his surroundings when he felt a kunai enter his heart. Luckily it was the earth one he didn't need from the old woman. Pain tolerance had its ups and downs. One of the downs was not thinking of the knife entering his stomach as a bad thing or good thing. Just a thing.

He sat up slowly, looking deep into the eyes of his shocked attacker, shocked both at the fact that Kakuzu was awake and still alive. "Oh, Kakuzu, you're finally awake! I came to wake you up, but I was allowed to do whatever I thought might wake you up, since you've been out for three years! Hahaha, haha...ha?" Bryce was stunned even more when Kakuzu's left eye turned from it's normal black and green to a red and green Sharingan, then an odd red Sharingan with a green cross inside it instead of black.

"Takemikazuchi." Kakuzu put in a tenth of his chakra.

"Huh?" Bryce cocked his head. Hundreds of tiny lightning blades shot from his eye, covering the entire wall and killing Bryce and Sam. 'Well, I guess that's two people with a hate boner that won't bother me any more. Explaining this will be a bit awkward though.'

Kakuzu, David included, never had qualms with killing. After all, the raids in his old world were very common in the apocalypse.

Kakuzu tried to leap up, but his muscles seemed to have atrophied a tiny bit. No surprise there. So, he got up and went outside. He almost lost his mind at what was there though.

Around 1,000 people had apparently built a town outside the cave system. Kakuzu just gaped at it for a while, but then began running off to get used to his now taller and somewhat wimpier body, as well as chakra levels, and finally the real treat, Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. The Jiongu had taken all of the eye chakra and stored it overtime, mixing the two eye chakras on its own and demonstrating its OPness once more.

After reaching a few miles away and ducking behind a large hill, he began practicing, starting with stretches and some calisthenics. Because of chakra, Kakuzu's muscles were only somewhat weaker than he had been, the same way the Third Hokage only deteriorated a bit despite never training much. However, Kakuzu's chakra had only increased just enough for him to awaken the EMS.

Knowing that his taijutsu would only require a few weeks and spars to get back to original, he moved on to what he was excited about. His new eyes. He began by opening the Mangekyo. It was completely red with a green cross in he middle. The left eye held the power of Takemikazuchi, allowing him to shoot what were effectively unbelievably fast and sharp lightning senbon, moving nearly four times of Amaterasu, which moves at about the speed of the caster's reaction time.

The right eye was a bit odd. He knew it to be named Grekynbawt, but had no clue what it meant, nor quite what it did. He could only feel the ability to be available for 1/1000000th of a second after casting Takemikazuchi, and cost around 70% of his chakra, despite it being incredibly high. He would need to train for an incredibly long time to master the timing of using it even once.

To be fair, Kakuzu only had three hearts at the moment, and the wood style one would be gone for good after a few months, having used up an unanticipated amount of its vitality to ensure Kakuzu's revival after taking the eye chakra of both elderly Uchiha and attempting to merge them without having enough chakra himself.

The same thing that happened to Kabuto after taking Orochimaru's DNA almost happened to Kakuzu, but the Sharingan was already made his own because of the Jiongu's ability to make the chakra of others into the user's own, allowing him to sacrifice a strong heart's life force in exchange for the EMS. A good exchange in Kakuzu's mind.

However, he would have the Senju's heart for a few months, and didn't plan to give up on wood style either. Next, he tried the EMS. It created a green X in the middle of the red eye instead of a cross, and each of the four ends of the X had another X on them. Finally, inside the middle there was a small +, but without any X on the ends, making the eye look something like a bastardized asterisk with an X at each corner.

There was only one thing left to try. "SUSANOO!"

A green ribcage sprouted slowly but powerfully from Kakuzu's eyes, but soon, it disappeared. 'Not enough chakra to use it for a prolonged time. I'll need to get more hearts. I can use Earth Style from myself, but the Water Style and Wood Style will need some work, as I haven't even started training the nature transformation for either of them, same with Yin release, though I have no clue how to work that. Hell, I have yet to finish Earth Style transformation, only to such a degree that I can use jutsu with it. To infuse an elementless jutsu with any of the five or create many new jutsu without years of work for each one, I'll need a ton of work. I was hoping to do this later, but it looks like I'll be working on my fourth, err fifth, wow, sixth original jutsu. Rasengan and Rasenkiri both came at the same time. I think I'll take some missions for a little while. My power is already pretty high at this point even with only three hearts, nearly that of Red Raven, seventh strongest in the village, but I'm only a rank 4. Also, I need to explain the two dead guys in my room so it doesn't look like I went rogue right after they took care of me for three years without me helping. And explain the Sharingan. Fuck, that's a lot.'

Spongebob Narrator: "A few hours later..."

"So, that's the gist of it. I got a super Sharingan from two elders of the Uchiha. Oh, and I also took the heart of the Senju clan head, so I can use Wood Style for the next few months."

The new clan head, Sun Staff, now known by a fake name, Ryeta Takira, nodded sagely. "Ah. THAT MAKES NO SENSE! You left a bunch out of the story, mostly how you knew so much about the Jiongu, which was a clan secret of the Noibaro!"

The boy, already having anticipated this question, lazily nodded, but before he answered, "Ryeta" karate chopped his head. "Never mind, I know I won't get a truthful answer. Make sure this only happens to enemy clans. The wood release will be a problem, so don't use it unless you're alone. I don't have too much of an issue as nobody saw you. More importantly, a lot happened over the past three years while you slept. We had talks with the Daimyo about your suggestion, but he didn't accept, nor will he until some other hidden villages form. Next, we sorted out all of the jutsu you got from the Noibaro, though none of their S Rank jutsu were among the ones you brought back. The final among the most important things is our new alliance with the Senju. They were severely harmed during the Uchiha attack, but since we won the war quickly, Hashirama prevented complete destruction, giving the Uchiha massive damage themselves, as well as taking Izuna as a prisoner. He recently died, supposedly due to Madara killing him and taking his eyes, though I personally believe that claim to be nonsensical, considering the closeness between the two. Hisaru and Brock haven't been doing too well after that war. They former only has a few years to live, and the latter likely even less."

Kakuzu nodded, falling deep into thought about how to move forward from there.

I'm going to lower my words per chapter to 1500-2000, that way I get more out, starting with this chapter. Something about knowing I only have 1500 words to write makes it easier for me to do it.

King_Rattatacreators' thoughts