
A Little Grudge

After a mugging in Brooklyn, a young man is brought to the Naruto World as Kakuzu, just before the age of the hidden villages. He is enthralled to meet a new family, but when that all goes to hell, he has few options left. The one he takes? It won't end well for his enemies. Somewhat AU. Taking liberties with the timeline, as, to be fair, there really isn't a good one before the third war.

King_Rattata · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs

Death To Those Who Deserve It.

This one really went off the rails. I fucked this story up very badly, as is reaffirmed by many comments I've received in the past few months despite being rather inactive. I will be not quite completely but sort of redoing everything, but not for a long ass time. Like, remove this story from your library and just follow me or something long time. You see, I prefer the Naruto anime to the pokemon anime, but I really prefer the writing about pokemon to Naruto because pokemon is simultaneously well flushed out and has plenty of room to do wacky stuff. So don't expect a new chapter of this. Hell, don't expect a new chapter of pokemon either. It isn't my responsibility to bring you new chapters, I write for fun and when it becomes more stressful to write than to not, I won't. However, I would like you to follow the pokemon story if you like pokemon, since I will be trying to post on it. With how many ideas are bouncing around up there in my noggin, I kinda have to. BTW, anyone who wants has my permission to continue this story (for whatever godforsaken reason you might want to. My recommendation is that you not since it's dogshit).

TLDR: This is shit, I'm dropping it, someone else can pick it up but shouldn't, again, because it's shit. Follow my pokemon story because I will most likely be doing something with it.

Last thing, my last note said some stuff about me and I received a few well wishes. To those people, I give my sincerest thanks. My grandma is doing pretty well now, and can walk and drive on her own again. My uncle has had it worse for a while, but should come out alright as well. Another thanks to all 300 of you that stuck around. You mean a lot.

Alright, that's enough. See you around, bitches.


King_Rattatacreators' thoughts