


It was when one of her vampires came to tap him on his shoulders that he angrily turned and pulled the Vampire's head out of his neck. At this point Victoria knew that Felix was uncontrollably angry so she had to go by herself to stop him.

When she got to him he felt like doing the same thing to her but she was his lovely sister.

"Let go of me!! We are not going back to the hotel, we need to find Luciana and her team right now, this search must continue." Felix thundered.

"We cannot do that. The weapon that they used on her, I suspect that it is the white oak stick.." Victoria stated.

"And if my suspicion is right, I don't think we can win them like this, we need to go back and restrategise. Then we'd have enough strength to conquer." She added.

Felix hieved a deep sigh of sorrow, as he gathered Tracy's ashes and put them in an empty container that he found by the road side. "I promise that I would never did get this day, Luciana.. I Must avenge Tracy's death.." he muttered as he wept bitterly.

Victoria and the rest of the Vampires watched him until he wept to his satisfaction... When he was finally okay.. they followed him back to the hotel.


Lucifer was about to comment on the delay that had held Luciana and Azrael from returning with the wine and stuff that they had gone to buy for the celebration when they unexpectedly ran into the room.

The people already inside the room became at alert when they saw Luciana and Azrael run in.

"What is it? Is everything okay?" Lucifer asked  as he tried to posed to defend Sia incase someone was chasing after the people that had just run in.

"We encountered Felix on our way back from the supermarket." Luciana stated panting hard. 

"I guess I was so shocked that I lost control of myself after I hit him with a bottle of the wine I got from the supermarket that I almost got stabbed with demon knives by one of his vampire girlfriends. I was lucky that Azrael was there to save me, he had gone out with one of the white oak sticks." She explained.

Lucifer sighed in relief as he slowly let go of Sia whom he had be shielding incase of necessity. "You killed one of Felix's vampires r with a white oak stick?" He asked. 

"No, I'm not sure she's dead, I mean she was still gasping for breath when we ran back home. But I stabbed it through her heart." Azrael explained.

"Well she's more likely to be dead. Because no vampire can survive a stab to the heart with the white oak stick." Divina chipped in.

"Well in that case, that means we can be rest assured that he is not going to search for us for sometime. This could buy us some time to plan our strategies." Lucifer stated .

"Yea, Lucifer is damn right..." Wendy interrupted, walking out with the monitor mirror on his hands .

"I mean, I was just looking at the mirror right now and our dog is still alive and walking with them back to Divina's hotel right now, I'm supposing that they are probably retreating right now." He added.

"Okay so that means that I can still go to work today right?. I have some cases that I really need to summarize before things get messy." Sia stated.

Lucifer turned to look at her with his eyes widened. "Oh, no you won't!.. I mean.. it's not safe, and also, don't forget that you are carrying a baby... Our baby,.. my precious seed."  He replied.

Sia blushed. "Then come with us, I'm sure you would not let anything happen to me or 'our prescious baby' " She said, giggling.

"Yeah that's right and also, you'd get the chance to help us sole the case of our changed sherrif who dies not seem to be the same person that we have known all these while." Tiffany added.

Detective James nodded in support, " yeah she's damn right."

Lucifer looked at the both of them suspiciously, but then he decided to ignore what he had noticed and concentrate on the bone of contention.

"Alright, fine .. I'm going to let you go. But only on one condition." Lucifer stated.

"And what's that?" Sia asked.

"I get to watch you every time ." He replied.

Everyone in the room bursted into laughter.

"Alright then, that's fine boss." Sia answered.

"Let's just go freshen up and then we'd be on our way." She added as she held Lucifer's left hand and dragged him to their bathroom.

"Yh I'm already dressed see you all at work." Tiffany stated before leaving.

"And I am behind you" detective James added following Tiffany smoothly behind.  

"So if everybody is going away, who's gonna drink the wine?" Josh asked dragging the bottle of wine away from Luciana's hand. 

"Arrg" Luciana groaned as she ran after him trying to get back the drink. In the process, they both landed on the longest sofa in the living room laughing loudly at their childishness.

"Love birds." Azrael mutterd walking out of the room.

Wendy just stood where he was smiling


"Oh come on! I can walk on my own, and besides the baby is barely up to four days old." Sia said giggling as she removed Lucifer hands from her waist, he was trying to hold her to help her get into the car as though she was already 9 months pregnant.

"I know, I just wanted to make sure." Lucifer stated. He stood their and made sure that she was well sitted before going to his own side of the car.

He drove as careful as possible and soon, they where already at the police department. He opened her side of the door and they both walked into the main building.

Immediately they got inside, the first person that Lucifer saw was Magedon (in sheriff Dan's body) and they recognized each other as soon as their eyes met.

"Holly shit!" Magedon muttered.


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