
A Generic Isekai Adventure

Tobi and Demo Yorinaga are twins. when Demo is killed in a devastating accident Tobi moves on and lives a full life until he dies and sees his brother again, just for a moment. Until he is swept away into another world. He awakens on a pile of corpses with one goal in mind find his brother. Meanwhile Demo awakens just after dying surrounded by a beautiful forest and ,with no knowledge of his brother in this seemingly peaceful world Credit to Overlordeath who designed Toba for me in the cover he is a great guy you should check out his book: A boy who dreamed.

Salyn_109 · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Dark Reunion

The interior of the building screamed high class, from the ornate stonework to the posh, leather-lined seats around tables that were dotted throughout the foyer. These seats where filled by all kinds of people, there wear the massive mountains, clad in full plate armour with giant swords attached to there belts, the more skinny, quick people were dressed in leather armour, dyed to make it look more appealing. The people where dancing ad chatting to the music that was being played be a single person on the staged, "I love this song" Toba heard someone drunkenly roar. Lost in the sea of sound and people, he pushed his way to the desk at the back. The rowdy noise of the foyer, nothing more than a distant hum. "What can I do for you", A tall man in a beret and officers' uniform". "I would like to start a guild" Toba asked, a look of shock briefly covers the mans face before fading back to normal. "Of cause", Toba started to smile relieved at the news, "of cause, there is the slight issue of the start up fee", the smile on Tobas face faded, "yes, its 10,000 gold". Tobas was shocked, even though he didn't know how their currency worked he could tell that was a hefty price tag. Just as Toba turned around to walk away the man spoke up, "you could earn the money", Tobas ears picked up at the idea, turning around he could see the man pointing toward a large bulletin board with multiple scraps of paper on them. Approaching the old, tattered board, Toba could see the bleached paper worn over time with faded markings on it. "These are missions that got sent to us a long time ago, we keep them here so no one picks them by accident", The man informed him while pointing to a nicer, well kept, board at the front, "Easy and more recent missions are over there, but if you want to make gold fast, and don't mind dying, you should do them". Toba was lost in though trying to decide the best option <Notice: Pick the one to the far left, I estimate it will be confident in making enough gold>. Toba reached out and took the parchment in his hands it was so old it felt like it would crumble to nothing in his hands. He Squinted at the parchment and could just about read: Subjugation mission, undead have begone to rise in an old cathedral near Trozod in the mountains. "Are you sure", the man asked, "A whole town was evacuated because of this", Toba said nothing but nodded. The man stamped the parchment with red ink and wished me good luck as I left.

Toba had been walking up the mountains for what felt like hours until he reached the border of the town. It was instantly obvious that this was the place. A malicious aura emanated from the town; he could see magic circle placed along the border to stop anything from escaping. Turning around Toba looked over the cliff and at Trozod below. The view was mostly obstructed by a black thick black cloud. All that mattered to Toba was finding Demo, if this would help him, he was willing to do it in a heartbeat. Giving up on finding anything over the cliff, with an emotionless stare, he crossed the border.

Toba noticed instantly that it was quiet, too quiet, as he walked past an old wooden sign that at one point probably said the name of this forgotten place. He moved slowly through the ghost town, empty house, after empty house. But nothing, no animals, no monsters nothing. Toba stopped in what was once the town square. There was an old fountain, that had run dry and cracked stones littered the floor wear time had taken its toll,


A sharp pain exploded in Toba's shoulder blood splattered onto the empty ground, Toba spun around, grabbing the assailant by the head, pulling it off of him. The rotting flesh peeled away in his hands. Toba threw him to the ground grasping his shoulder. <Notice: Class skill of shade <Highspeed Regeneration> has been Auto Activated>. Toba's shoulder began repairing itself as more decaying corpses came out of the shadows moving quickly to close the distance between them and him. <Psychic Blade> instantly 3 exploded in a shower of guts, organs, and blood scattering across the ground. One launched itself towards him, <Fear>… <Notice: Creatures that are Undead are immune to the skill <Fear>. Tobas eyes widened as more came from the shadows climbing over everything just to attack him. <Mind Destruction Lv2>. In an instant the battle was turned around all of the creatures fell to the floor, there conscience destroyed.

Toba followed the piles upon pile of dead corpses caused by his constant use of mind destruction until he reached the cathedral on the hill.

<Level up, Level up, Level up>

<New Title Acquired: Conqueror of the Undead><When an undead target is killed their power becomes yours>.

<New Skill Acquired: Ruler of the Dammed>< Can summon up to ten undead creatures to follow you, more if there are bodies to use as sacrifices>

<New Skill Acquired: Summon: Chains of Hell><Can be used to bind a target in chains from the underworld and drag them into the hell that awaits them beneath their feet>

Toba looked up towards the sky and then behind him at the piles of corpses he had left in his wake. <Ruler of the Dammed>. The once dead army, having only moments ago wanted nothing more than to kill him awoke to serve their new master. With a single flic of the wrist, the army had their direction, the cathedral. "Kill whatever's inside", Toba instructed enforcing his will upon them. The Army, with very little instructions became a shear mass of death that rained down upon the cathedral. A few minutes had past, and the sounds of fighting had stopped. Toba approached to find his army dead and the culprit floating at the alter at the end of the church. Slowly A skull turns to face me, "Who are you, who controls the dead", It whispered inside my head, addressing me by raising its bony hands in front of it. "I must apologise but you have to die", it whispered flying into the air. <Summon: Chains of Hell>. Before it had time to react, charcoal back chains erupted out of the ground flying towards the creature. It tried to doge and escape, but it was to no avail. The chains bound it hands and feet. The chains dragged him back into the earth. He was gone, and Toba was left standing there alone. <Notice: the destruction caused by the chains have opened up a hole>. Toba, throwing caution to the wind stepped through, and was greeted by a massive open space filled with gold that seemed to glow in the darkness. Toba smiled.

A few days had past and news had spread quickly about the lone warrior who had save the town of Threzids from the grasp of the Lich. "I heard it was an Idol coming to help us", "No way, it was a member of Golden Dragon or Tempest that did it". Rumours and gossip spread quickly throughout Trozod, but no one knew the truth. Zybsel was sat in the guild hall drinking with the adventures after having another meeting about raising taxes and building a great military force. He stared at his empty cup trying to will more liquid into it. Just then a man walked past him in a dark suit and tie. He could make out his face or anything else about him other than he walked to the back desk and began talking to the guild manager.

Hilda was normally a very hard person to shock or surprise, after being guild manager for so long, but when one of her employees came in saying that a man had just given them 10,000 gold in order to start a guild she was struck into silence, who dose this man think he is, he is very brave or stupid to think he can trick us, she said to herself. She stared at the man intently with her cherry red eyes. This gold was real. "well," She began, "please fill out this form and your guild will be formed immediately". The man, tall, dressed in a dark suit and a face, a face that was hard to see, he took the forms looked at them then signed. As he got up to leave Hilda asked, "Oh and what will be the name of your new guild", without turning around, the man spoke softly in a deep voice, "Dark Reunion".

In a white Chapel paved with gold the head priest was on his knees, A tall man and a woman stood over him. "I'm sorry the man begged", we didn't realise it was you, are goddess Cien please forgive m-". That was all he could say before his head was removed from his shoulders put him with the others said the man to a priest, "Oh course", he stammered. Don't you have anything you want to say", the man whispered to the woman. As the young priest carted off the body her voice rang in his head, all of there heads. "People of the Church, you worship and follow me, but these men didn't they only wanted fame and power, they sought tov deceive you. I decree as you goddess close the border call everyone back for, I have a plan". The young priest looked at the body, a one point he felt sorry for him, but now he felt nothing but disgust. He spat on the body before throwing it into the giant pit of rotting corpse that would later become known as the pit of the betrayers.