11 The Beginning Of Something

The Air Conditioner in Detective Judith's small office did only little to abate the heat she was feeling as she stared at the man sitting opposite her. There was a mug of chilled chocolate sitting on the messy table in front of her. Judith took a gulp and continued looking at the man, waiting for him to open a conversation.

It was Max.

Max on the other hand, watched her with interest, his fingers carressing his beard.

"How are you and Jessy Paris getting along?" He eventually asked. "Heard you two are in a game of wits of some sort regarding my brother's case?"

Judith took a second gulp and looked at him over the edge of the mug and then snorted. "Well, she is an interesting woman. Obviously smart. That's why you hired her in the first place isn't it?" She dropped the mug.

"So you agree with most of her opinions and suggestions then?" Max interlaced his fingers and placed them on his laps.

Judith rested her elbows on the desk in front of her. "Why are you asking, Max?"

He just shrugged.

Judith took a deep breath. "I don't like her. She doesn't like me. She is a fairly good detective but yes, her and I do not agree on many things regarding your brother's case. And we are both very aware of our loathing for each other."

Max shook his head in agreement. "Anything from the forensic lab yet?"

"Not yet. In a day or two I'm sure. I called an acquaintance of mine that works there to help me fasten up the process."

Max wanted to remind her of the corruption she had accused Paris of but knew it was a bad idea so he kept quiet. "Why did you join the police department?" He asked instead.

"One is passion. Two, I love to serve other people and I love to do good. Three, I love challenges. If I had not become a Detective, I would probably have ended as a Criminal Defense Lawyer."

"You must be proud of yourself. You've got your own office and you are usually assigned to difficult cases which you mostly win. If there was s bottle of wine here right now, I'd clink glasses to you."

Judith smiled and drowned the remaining chocolate in the mug.

Max furrowed his brows. "I sometimes wonder why I needed to hire Paris. Why do you think I did?"

"How would I know? You were desperate so I understand."

"Yes yes I agree. But somehow, I do not want her to get off the case."

Judith heaved again. "Jessy Paris clearly stated she is not in this case to find your brother. She is in it to find who abducted him and killed him as she is very convinced he is already dead. Even without proof. And whatever she is doing, whatever word she says, whatever claims she makes only drives her closer to her goal. I know she is not stupid. I'm only afraid she is being too ambitious. She has a major suspect already though. But don't worry, Max. Your brother may be alive. I'll find out the truth. But I will need your cooperation to be able to do that."

Max nodded and pursed his lips. "What were you two arguing about the other night back at my mansion?"

"We weren't arguing." She said, biting the tip of her thumb.

He nodded again and looked admiringly at her. "You are indeed a charming lady."

"Thank you for the compliment. Is it true you have been sleeping with your therapist?"

Max withdrew in surprise, "Woah! Wha...?!"

Judith smiled. "It's okay, I'm not going to tell on you." She laughed roughly.

"No, we are not sleeping together."

There was a minute of silence in which past failed relationships flashed before Judith's eyes. At the moment though, she was in a relationship with one of the most amazing persons ever.

"I'm Bisexual, Max. And I currently have a girlfriend."

"You must be lucky then. What's her name?"

"Hasley. She is a hairstylist."

"Impressive." Max said with a kind smile.

After another minute of silence, Max groaned and sat up straight in his chair. "Why is life this way? though?" He said. "Why does it take away the things we love most? The things we do not want to ever let go?"

Judith parted her lips and seriously wished she could answer his questions. She knew the feeling of loss and grief. "Why do you ask?"

His voice quivered this time when he spoke; "My mum died the day James was born. It is till date, the most devastating thing that has ever happened to me. I'm not sure my brothers and I will ever recover. James always felt guilty about her death. I grew up with my siblings under a father who toiled day and night to provide us with the best of everything, so he barely spend quality time with us. Just two years ago, he died in a terrible road accident. Just after he had built his dream house and accomplished everything he always wanted. Just when his company had begun to go global. Max blinked back a tear. "And now James? Let's not even talk about failed relationships."

"I'm so sorry, Max." Judith whispered.

"It's okay." Max rubbed his face. "Before he died, while he was fighting for his life in the hospital some hours after the accident happened, he made me promise to always take care of my siblings. He entrusted James in particular to me because he was his favourite and... actually, the one he willed most of his properties to. I was to take care of him until he reached 18 and old enough to handle everything himself. I feel somehow that I have failed my father. How can James go missing? Under my very nose?" He broke into sobs.

Judith let him cry; "This life is a mystery Max. No matter how much you want to find answers to why things happen, the harder you will get them. Life is one bad bitch. It does what it wants with us and gets away with it. And you know what's worse? There is nothing we can do." She stood and strolled to his side and wrapped her hands around him. "You will be fine."

He composed himself and stared at her with renewed interest. The lady was attractive. Not only outwardly but inwardly too.

"Thank you." He said when she released him.

She shrugged but remained there. Their eyes locked and in that moment, something tender passed between them.



He stood up and kissed her.
