
I no longer care

It had been a month since Kaho moved back to Japan.

She was working hard as usual.

The cold demeanour she had, came with her and the nurses and doctors were intimidated by her at first, soon realised her skills and efficiency.

Kaho's role of one of the most skilled surgeons had also followed her. Many of the nurses and doctors admired her.

Although she looked very unapproachable and cold, once your talked to her, she would have a relaxing vibe.

Shocking isn't it? Kaho decided that because no one wanted to approach her, she was afraid that if it was an emergency, everyone would hesitate to tell her and that could possibly cost a patient's life.

She tried to become more approachable with her workers. One nurse in particular liked her because she was different, so she stuck by her.

Her name was Ayuzawa Reika.

"Dr. Yukimura. You seem so scary from afar. Why don't you just be nice overall?"

"Nurse Ayuzawa, You don't know who to trust. The world is a cruel place. I prefer to stay away from people."

Although Kaho couldn't trust or care about anyone, the only thing she cared about was the lives of her patients.


While she spent her time in the US, the nurses and doctors were intimidated, but some couldn't stand her presence.

They always picked on Kaho, and she had gotten used to all the slander and assumptions. Everyone wouldn't go near her.

Adding the incident, she felt the need to stop caring about her life. It was because everywhere she went, it was the same bullsh*t every time.

She also realised her high school days. She was forced into things she did not want to do and was constantly picked on for her weight.

She had lost herself in a dark tunnel.


It was Lunchtime in the Yukira Medical Group. Kaho and Reika had their break together. As they were eating, they both talked about their lives.

"My family owns a confectionary shop. We should go visit them later! I'm sure you'll like something there." Reika munched on her tofu while she talked. She was shining as if she was enjoying her time.

"If you want to. Nurse Ayuzawa." Kaho stared at Reika.

"Y-Yes, Dr Yukimura?"

"Why do you hang out with me?"

"Because I want to!" Reika gave Kaho a big grin.

Kaho was stunned. But she kept her composure. "If you leave me, I won't do anything. Everyone always leaves me, so I no longer care."

Erika's eyes went wide. "Dr. Yukimura..." Reika jolted up and walked to Kaho's side and give her a tight hug.

"N-Nurse Ayuzawa?" Kaho's eyes also became wide. It had been a long time she had been hugged like that and it felt weird to her.

Reika finally came to her senses and stepped aside. "S-Sorry Dr. Yukimura, I went too far."

"It's okay. Let's go back. Our break is over."



Kaho and Reika walked towards the patient's rooms to check on her patients.

They went to check on an elderly lady first. As they walked into a V.I.P room, They saw a couple standing beside her bed holding each other's hands.

"I hope I get better in time for your wedding." The elderly lady smiled.

"You will Grandmother." The man replied. Then the Grandma noticed Kaho and Reika.

"Ah! Dr! Nurse! I'd like to introduce you to my grandson and my granddaughter-in-law."

"Hello, Nice to meet you." The man bowed

"Hello" the woman next to him also bowed.

Kaho stood there dumbfounded. She froze for a second and she soon went back to her senses.

"Hello. Your grandmother has been very kind to us." Kaho bowed back.

If she wasn't wrong, The couple was Keiichi and Risa. And that grandma was Keiichi's grandmother.

How could this happen to her? From the way they talked, it seemed that they did not recognise Kaho. Was it because she lost weight?

"Nurse Ayuzawa, can you please get refreshments?"


Reika bowed at the guests and walked outside to get refreshments.

"You can stay if you want. It will just be a checkup."

"Thank you, we'll stay." The man replied back. He locked eyes with Kaho. Does Keiichi recognise her?

Reika soon came back with refreshments. She handed the cups to the couple. "Here you go."

"Thank you" they said.

While Kaho was checking up on the grandmother, she felt someone watching her. She glanced at Keiichi. He stared at Kaho, watching her every move.

Why was he staring at me like that? She thought.

After the checkup, Kaho gave the results to Reika and she took the document towards the reception.

"The results of your blood test are fine and everything else is also good to go. You will be able to leave the hospital today."

"Grandmother you are able to come to our ceremony now!"

"Keiichi I will help Grandmother up and you can go pay the hospital bill."

"Okay I'll be back."

Keiichi and Kaho walked down the hall together. It felt a little awkward so Kaho had spoken first. "Sir, your Grandmother's results are good but she does need to have a check up regularly."

"Yes I'll tell her that. Also your last name is Yukimura."

Kahoru halted and gulped. Did he recognise me? Why was he asking such a question? "Correct."

"I see. Is the CEO a family member of yours?"

"He is my brother so yes." As they talked, Kaho wanted to run away to the end of the world.

But as a doctor she had to stay put and professional. They finally reached the reception.

"Here is the reception area. You will be able to pay here."

"Thank you."

"I will be going now." Kaho bowed and quickly walked off before he said anything else.

All of a sudden she got dragged into a room. "Nurse Ayuzawa?"

"Dr. Yukimura you were acting kind of strange with that man. Don't tell me you like married men?" Reika squinted her eyes at her.

Kaho then pulled her cheeks. "OW! Stop it Dr. you're going to pull my cheeks off!"

As soon as Kaho let go she turned to look at the window and sighed. "He was my ex boyfriend."

"Oh ex boyfriend. EX BOYFRIEND? What happened between you two?" Reika shook Kaho like she had done something stupid.

"Why are you so nosy? Okay you cannot talk about this to anyone else. Okay?"

"Okay!" Reika put a serious face on and saluted.

"Okay so...He cheated on me then humiliated me in front of the students in my year level..." Kaho had told the whole story to Reika. She wondered why she did, but it somehow lifted a bit of weight from her shoulders.

"Oh that's why he didn't recognise you. What a scumbag. He doesn't deserve you. Hmmpf!"

"It's in the past, so don't let it get to your mind so much."



kaho went back to her office, and signed a few documents. A nurse came in and said, "One of the patients have been discharged but they want you to sign these quickly."

"Okay I'll sign them now." As Kaho signed, she noticed that one of the documents looked off but she brushed it off.

"I'm done."

"I'll take them now." The nurse bowed and hurried off.


As Kaho was working one of her male patients called for her. Kaho of course responded to his call.

"Yes sir what can I do for you?"

"I believe it's bath time." The man smiled.

"Okay, I'll get the nurses bring a warm towel and a bucket of water." Kaho walked out for a moment and calmed back with a new hospital gown.

"Once we finish bathing you you can change into this."

The man Kaho was taking care of was a middle aged man, he had broken both of his ankles, arm and a few ribs in a car accident so he could not take care of himself.

Kaho took his hospital gown off and only his underwear remained. they covered his body with a towel. Reika and Kaho started wiping his body.

The man was full of excitement and his eyes filled with lust. But Kaho and Reika were too busy to notice the man's thirst for them.

He watched the women and resisted the urge to assault them. He had to hold everything in otherwise he'd get kicked out of the hospital.

After giving the man a bed bath, the ladies put on his gown and left the room. As soon they were gone, he could not hold it in anymore.

"Dr... Something did not feel right." Reika looked at Kaho. Her face was full of worry.

"Don't worry, I won't assign you for his next bed bath. I'll get a male nurse to do it."

"Thank you Dr.!"


Kaho would've loved to swap but she was assigned to him, so she didn't have a choice.

Soon she finished her shift for the night. She then walked off of the hospital and surprise surprise, Keiichi was standing there.

Kaho was about to walk the other way but he had spotted her on time.

"Dr. Yukimura! Please wait."

Kaho stopped and turned around. "How did you know I finish now?"

"I asked the receptionist for your schedule."


"Thank you for taking care of my grandmother. For that I'd like to treat you to dinner tonight."

Kaho stared at him. "From the conversation I heard earlier, you are about to get married. I believe I do not want any misunderstandings. So no need"

As Keiichi was about to say something, Kaho's phone rung. "Hello father. Do you need anything?"

"Yes, can you please keep tomorrow night free? I want to have dinner with you."

"Okay I will. Mm. Bye." After the call ended, Kaho bowed at Keiichi. "I am sorry. Something has come up."


"If you'll excuse me." Kaho hurried off and out of the hospital. And took a cab to her apartment. As soon as she got home she did her night routine and headed straight to bed. But she couldn't sleep.

She kept thinking about Keiichi. Why did he want to have dinner with me?

Is Reika a potential friend?

Keiichi is quite fond of Kaho. What will his reaction be if he recognised her?

There are so many questions to ask!

Sei08creators' thoughts