
Chapter 6 -The Day Of-

I woke up with my head throbbing. My head hurt so bad that my ears were ringing.

I looked outside to see the sun was still slightly in the sky and the birds were still chirping annoyingly. The clock read 5:59.

I heaved a big sigh and slumped back on my pillows. I closed my eyes and thought of what happened.

We went into the trees, got trapped, ran away from the trap, then had to go back because Tomas got trapped, then Jack had a reunion with one of the kidnappers, got away from them, I hit my head on a rock, got out of the trees alive, and then I fainted, waking up here.

I wondered what had happened to Tomas. Was he ok? What happened to Jack? What happened to Hick?

Before I could think anymore somebody knocked on the door.

My eyes shot open in surprise and I looked at the doorway. I was shocked to see who it was. Jack was standing by the door with his head tilted slightly.

"Hey, Jack," I said propping myself up against my pillows.

"It's Saturday," Jack said blankly.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Saturday? I was out for that long?

"What happened?" I asked.

Jack walked into the room and sat in a chair that was beside my bed. He took a big breath of air and shook his head slowly.

"We barely made it out. You started laughing hysterically and then you fainted. Turns out when you hit the rock back in Trees, you got a concussion. Not that bad though, but they didn't know when you were going to wake up." Jack finished.

He hadn't said anything about Tomas, so it worried me even more. Jack had read my face.

"Tomas, he isn't doing so good. He got a concussion, too. Worse than yours." Jack said. He folded his hands together and leaned forward.

"He has a grade 3 concussion. The higher the grade the more severe it is. Grade 3 is the most severe grade there is. Tomas was hit with the bat, Mike." Jack's voice began to crack.

I sighed and shook my head, "It is all my fault. I was the one that led everyone into the Trees. I am responsible for Tomas getting injured. He was right, I am going to kill you all."

Jack began shaking his head wildly, "Mike, we all said we would go, it is all of our faults. Not yours, don't put that kind of burden on you. Tomas, if anything, was my fault."

I looked down at my hands and then something hit me, the couple was coming today!

"OMG! Jack, the couple, the couple is coming today. I have to be ready." I tried to get out of bed, but Jack wouldn't let me.

"Mike, the couple rescheduled for tomorrow because they heard about your injury. They didn't want to come with a kid like that." Jack said, still holding me down. For such a scrawny kid he was very strong.

He didn't look like himself at all. Jack didn't have on his glasses and his spikey hair was flat. He looked he did yesterday in the Trees, but cleaner.

"Oh," I said, stopping the struggle, "Well, that's good I guess."

For about until 7:34, Jack and I talked about a lot of things. Like his days with Hick and what they did. Jack also wanted to know why Hick knew me, so I told him about Hick's invitation to his gang.

Jack looked at his watch, "I have to go. Hope you get well."

Jack got up and walked out of the room.

Before I could go back to sleep another knock came from the door. I looked up expecting to see Jack, but it was Celiea.

"Hey, how you feeling?" She asked walking over to the bed.

She crawled under the covers and laid there with me. She made herself comfortable, cuddled against my waist.

"I'm doing OK," I said.

After a few moments she was asleep and so was I.

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