
Chapter 43- Mito’s fear and Yugito’s new past

Mito Uzumaki POV

Fear gripped her as she stood outside the familiar house. A house that once belonged to her and her husband. A home where they had raised their children and grandchildren.

Anxiety twisted in her gut, urging her to flee, to retreat from what lay ahead. She couldn't bear to confront her granddaughter after abandoning her like this. This was too much to bear.

A small hand slid into her own and she looked down to see Ren giving her a supportive look. "You can do this, Mito-san."

She bit her lip and nodded even though she a hair trigger away from using Hiraishin to flee. Ren must've realised this as well since he didn't let go of her hand and gently pulled her toward the house.

'I can do this. I need to do this. I can't run away anymore.' She told herself. And then, they stood just outside the front door of her former home.

"Tsunade-sensei!" Ren called out, and she steadied herself as the sound of approaching footsteps echoed. Moments later, the front door slid open, revealing Tsunade's apprentice, a cheerful smile on her face.

"Ren-kun. What are you doing here?" Shizune inquired before glancing at her and tilting her head in confusion. "Oh... greetings. Have we met before?"


She shook her head.

"We're here to meet Sensei." Ren spoke on her behalf. "Tell the drunk to wake up. It's urgent family business."

Shizune glanced at her once more, noticing the scarlet locks cascading down her back, and nodded. "I'll go wake her up. Please, make yourself comfortable in the living room until then."

With that, Shizune hurried back into the house, leaving Ren to guide her to the living room.

The familiarity of the surroundings stirred a bittersweet melancholy within her heart, prompting her to question whether leaving Konoha had been the right decision.

But she knew deep in her heart that it had been necessary. If little monkey discovered her survival, he would never let her leave the village. He wouldn't tolerate her running around the Elemental Nations, jeopardising his vaunted peace, all for the sake of rescuing the remnants of a clan that had ceased to exist.

Or she might be wrong. Maybe he would've understood her and allowed her to freedom to do whatever she wants. But she doubted it. More likely than not, she would become the bird trapped inside the golden cage once again.

Anxious, she tapped her finger nervously while surveying the house. Several portraits of her family had been taken down, leaving empty spaces on the walls. Dust had settled in the corners, and the wooden floors creaked with each step.

All in all, the house seemed to be in a slight state of disrepair. As if it was falling apart around Tsunade and her granddaughter didn't care enough to fix it.

'I shouldn't be here. Not after all these years. I have no right.' She thought to herself. But just as it had been necessary for her to leave. If only to offer her remaining clansmen a chance at a better life, rather than keeping them confined to that island like sheep.

Maybe she should have disclosed her survival to Tsunade. However, Tsunade had Dan Kato by her side during those times, and she believed her granddaughter no longer required her support. How could she have foreseen that Dan would pass away so shortly after her departure?

Any further contemplation halted abruptly as the sound of approaching footsteps reached the living room. Before she could entertain the idea of fleeing once more, Tsunade entered the room with Shizune, appearing slightly hungover.

Her breath caught as Tsunade's gaze briefly landed on her hair. Yet, Tsunade quickly disregarded her presence, turning her attention towards Ren with a displeased expression.

"Brat. You just woke me up from a really good sleep. This had better be important or I'll punch you back to the Uchiha compound."

"Mah, mah. So violent. No wonder you're still single, tch." Ren teased, earning himself a twitch from Tsunade's eye.

"Why are you here brat?" Tsunade asked again before turning to look at her again. "And who are you?"

She froze like a deer in the headlights. Out of all the possible scenarios she had imagined for this moment, her own granddaughter not recognising her hadn't even crossed her mind.

But then... it made sense. How many people could accurately recall the appearance of their grandparents in their younger years? Even if they had seen a portrait or two, would they be able to recognise them if a younger version suddenly appeared before them?

Not many. In fact, after all these decades, she found herself struggling to recall the faces of her parents, let alone her grandparents. No wonder Tsunade couldn't recognise her.

But still… this needed to be done.

"I'm Mito. Mito Uzumaki," she said softly, the words hanging heavy in the air. 'Your grandmother,' she wanted to add, but what right did she have to claim such a familial bond after all this time?

Tsunade froze, taking another, more discerning look at her. She braced herself for the expected flood of emotions—tears, hugs, questions, and ultimately, the possibility of rejection.

But to her surprise, none of that unfolded. Instead, Tsunade merely cocked her head in confusion. "Like my grandmother? Now that I think about it, you do bear a resemblance to me. Are you perhaps a distant cousin or something?" Tsunade inquired, before swiftly redirecting her attention to Ren. "Brat, where did you find her?"

"Call me daddy, and I might tell you" Ren said, eliciting an almost smile from her as Tsunade's eye twitched once more.

"Brat, do you have a death wish?" Tsunade retorted sharply.

"Of course. Planning to crush my head between those powerful thighs of yours?" Ren quipped, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. Tsunade's expression twisted into one of disgust before she closed her eyes, shaking her head.

"I should've never introduced you to that damn pervert," Tsunade muttered, then turned her attention back to her. "So… where did the brat find you?"

She moistened her lips, uncertain of what to say to Tsunade. However, before she could utter a word, Ren spoke up for her.

"If you're asking where I met for the first time, then that would be in the R&D Department of Kiri during our attack on that village."

Instantly, any remnants of Tsunade's hangover vanished, replaced by a sharpness in her gaze as she fixed her attention on her.

"Repeat that, brat," Tsunade demanded sharply.

"I found her in the R&D Department of Kiri," Ren reiterated. Tsunade fell silent, her expression going blank as she glanced down at the cup of tea Shizune had set before them.

A long moment of silence passed before Tsunade nodded. "I see. You have my thanks for rescuing her from that dreadful place. Ask of me whatever you wish, and if it's within my power, I'll make it happen."

'That's not how it happened.' She wanted to say but couldn't bring the words to her lips.

This was wrong. She should tell her granddaughter of what truly happened. That she had been hunting for other captured Uzumaki. Not been one herself. But no matter how much she tried, she couldn't say anything. Couldn't bring herself to tell the truth to her granddaughter who would no doubt reject her for leaving her when she did.

"I believe there's a misunderstanding here. I did nothing worthy of a favour. Though, there is something else you need to know." Ren said.

"Rescuing my cousin… or whoever she is, is not nothing." Tsunade said sharply before her gaze softened slightly. "But please, go on. Tell me what else I need to know."

Ren gazed at her and gestured for her to take it from here lest there be any further misunderstandings.

"I… Ren and I have been rescuing other Uzumaki ever since that day in Kiri." She said, cringing at her own lies and knowing well enough that they were going to bite her in the ass one day. Nevertheless, she pressed on. "We've rescued over two dozen of them by this point. We're currently hiding in the runes of Uzushiogakure. We wanted to return here earlier… but then the war broke out."

She could sense Ren giving her a deadpan look from the corner of her eye, but she couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze or confess the truth. Everything was spiraling out of control. Yet, as long as granddaughter didn't despise her...

"Maybe... just maybe, this could somehow work out," she thought to herself, though deep down, she knew it was nothing but a delusion.

Tsunade remained silent for a prolonged moment before finally speaking. "If you wish to come to Konoha, you're welcome to reside in the Senju compound. There are several vacant houses in the area... though they may require some repairs."

Tsunade rose from her seat and directed her attention to Shizune. "Shizune, please inform the Hokage to dispatch an A-rank mission to repair and tidy up the Senju compound." With that command given, she turned and began to make her way out.

"Um… where are you going Tsunade-sama?" Shizune inquired, hurrying to catch up with her Sensei.

"I need a strong drink," Tsunade replied tersely before departing the house.

With only her and Ren left in the room, she locked eyes with him, noticing the amusement dancing in his gaze.

"You know that this is going to bite you in the ass in the future, right?" Ren asked.

She nodded in acknowledgment. She was fully aware that such a lie couldn't be sustained indefinitely and would eventually unravel. However, until that moment arrived, she hoped to establish a bond with her granddaughter. Not as a family member, but as the close friend the girl definitely needed.

"I understand," she replied, rising from her seat. For the time being, she had to head back to Uzushiogakure and instruct her people to support her fabricated story. Perhaps she could manipulate the truth just enough for them to believe she was a clone of the original Mito Uzumaki or something similar.

As dreadful as it felt to deceive her own granddaughter, she deemed it preferable to facing Tsunade's wrath and disappointment, even if the deception could only be sustained for a few weeks.


Yugito Nii POV

She sat beside Rin Nohara and Kushina inside a dark cave and listened attentively as Ren-sama instructed them on mastering the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

When she first learned about the existence of such a unique Transformation, she had been skeptical. That skepticism that lasted right up until Ren-sama showed them his own Perfect Chakra Mode.

To say that he became a living god walking among the humans in that Chakra Mode would be an understatement. The surge in power and speed surpassed anything she had witnessed with the standard Jinchuriki Transformation she had mastered under Killer Bee's guidance.

Suffice to say, his demonstration on that first day had lit a fire under her ass and since then she had been doing her best in order to attain her own Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

Her perseverance and dedication had finally borne fruit. In the span of just a few months, she had progressed from having only rudimentary control over Matatabi's chakra to mastering it to a degree even surpassing that of Killer Bee.

This level of mastery was what Killer Bee had asserted defined them as the Perfect Jinchuriki. However, in retrospect, it seemed clear that claim was either false or based on incomplete knowledge, given that she still hadn't gained the Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

She might have been upset by her repeated failures to gain that state, if it weren't evident to her that she was significantly ahead of both Rin Nohara and Kushina.

Rin Nohara fell behind because her seal was not as effective as Kushina-san's or her own. And also because she was new to being a Jinchuriki.

As for Kushina-san, she struggled with her Tailed Beast, Kurama-san, who had a formidable ego and adamantly resisted her attempts to access his chakra.

"Alright. That's enough for today. Take an hour to rest, and then we'll return to Konoha," Ren stated, prompting her to bow in acknowledgment.

Ren might be younger them all of them but he was also stronger than all of them and served as their teacher so this level of respect was owed to him.

Mini Matatabi leaped from her lap and scrambled up onto her shoulder as she exited the cave, while Rin Nohara cradled mini Isobu in her arms. However, Kurama, displaying his characteristic arrogance, declined to accompany Kushina, instead lifting his head haughtily before departing on his own.

She chuckled at Kurama's behavior, then reached into her Storage scroll and pulled out a piece of sushi, feeding it to Matatabi who eagerly devoured it.

As they emerged from the cave, she spotted a clone of Ren-sama distributing food to the various large animals residing on the Giant Turtle's back.


Ren-sama had clarified that Genbu, the giant turtle, was a Nature Chakra user. While not a sage, it possessed a unique ability to naturally accumulate Nature Chakra from its surroundings, owing to a freak genetic mutation within its body.

This unique ability accounted for its extraordinary size and longevity, as well as the mutations observed in the animals residing on its back, causing them to grow larger than their counterparts on the mainland.

This was also why they chose this location for training to control their Chakra Beasts. The abundance of Nature Chakra in the area helped to soothe their Tailed Beasts and fostered improved cooperation between the two parties.

"Yugito. Do you want to join me in feeding them?" Rin Nohara asked her as she patted the head of a giant giant rabbit and nuzzled against its neck.

"Perhaps later. I need to talk with Ren-sama." She said, making her way toward what she believed was Ren-sama's real body.

As she walked, memories of her past flooded her mind.

She had been an orphan, raised in the midst of a war-ravaged city. Every day was a battle for survival, where she resorted to stealing food from vendors, risking punishment just to quell the gnawing hunger in her belly and avoid going to bed on an empty stomach.

She and her fellow orphans were subsequently taken in by Danzo-sama, who recognized their potential and brought them to his facilities, where rigorous training commenced.

Only a handful managed to endure until the conclusion of the training, with her excelling in every test, achieving the highest scores among her peers.

Following that, she became an official Root shinobi and received personal training from Danzo-sama for a prolonged infiltration mission of significant importance to Konoha.

Upon completing her specialised training under Danzo-sama's guidance, she was dispatched to Kumo as a covert operative representing Konoha's interests.

Even her memories had been temporarily locked away by a Yamanaka, leading her to believe she had always been a member of Kumo.

Following this, she enrolled in Kumo's Shinobi Academy and steadily rose through the ranks. Her impressive skills and dedication caught the attention of the higher-ups, ultimately leading to her selection as the next Jinchuriki of Matatabi.

Subsequently, she dedicated the next few years to training under Killer Bee, mastering the control of her Tailed Beast, completely unaware of her true origins.

This state of affairs persisted until Kumo initiated war against Konoha, prompting Danzo-sama to dispatch another Root infiltrator to unlock some of her memories and remind her of her true allegiance.

Following that revelation, her path became clearer. And when the opportunity presented itself, she seized it by launching a suicidal charge into Konoha's lines, leading to her eventual capture by Ren-sama.

However, contrary to her expectations, Danzo-sama declined to take her into his service this time. He informed her that her days of living in the shadows had concluded, and it was now time for her to emerge into the light.

Though before his untimely death, he entrusted her with one final mission.

To seduce and marry Ren Uchiha. And have many children with him.

It was an unusual mission, particularly since she had never been trained in the typical seduction skills typically required for such an assignment.

Danzo-sama believed that Ren-sama would emerge as this era's God of Shinobi. He asserted that the more children Ren had with other formidable kunoichis, the brighter Konoha's future would be.

And after witnessing Ren-sama's true strength on her own, she realised that Danzo-sama was right. As always. And she resolved to give her utmost effort in seducing Ren-sama.

Only… she had no idea how to seduce anyone. Let alone a 7 year old boy.

So after floundering for the past few months, she'd finally come to the decision that she would let go of all subtlety and ask Ren-sama for his hand in marriage.

Which is what she was going to do right now.

"Ren-sama, please marry me!" she exclaimed, bowing perfectly at a ninety-degree angle.

Ren paused from giving belly rubs to mini Saiken and gazed up at her.

"Okay." He said and her eyes widened. Both in shock that he accepted his request and surprise that that's all he had to say to her.

"Okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, I accept your proposal," Ren-sama replied, his expression tinged with slight guilt for some reason. "Though, you're aware that I'm already planning to marry Ringo and Mei Terumi as well, right?"

Oh, is that what he was feeling guilty about. "Of course, Ren-sama. I have no issue with that, as long as you can provide me with many children to care for."

She felt a bit guilty abusing his trust like this but it was for the good of Konoha. Plus, it was also the last order Danzo-sama had given her so she would give it her all.

Ren offered her a strained smile and nodded. "I don't have an issue with that either, Yugito. Although... perhaps we should take the time to get to know each other better before we proceed with marriage."

"That's an excellent idea, Ren-sama," she responded, feeling a bit awkward as she attempted to contain her excitement, akin to an eager puppy in his presence. Nevertheless, she couldn't help but feel incredibly happy.

"Very well then. Come. Sit beside me." He said and the two of them started talking about their lives, their hobbies, and ambitions. Just basic stuff about each other.

She chose not to disclose her mission from Danzo-sama, intending to keep it hidden for the time being. However, she resolved to eventually reveal the truth to Ren-sama, acknowledging that a secret of this magnitude couldn't remain concealed from him indefinitely.

After conversing for about an hour, it was time for them to depart. Before they left, Ren-sama decided to present her with a gift as a token of their engagement.

"Is this Samehada?" she inquired, holding the sword close as it happily nuzzled against her body, greedily absorbing a significant amount of her and Matatabi's chakra.

'What a glutton,' she thought with a smile.

"Yes. I have no use for the sword. I initially intended to give it to Itachi but she has too little chakra to feed it properly. Ringo has her own swords and Mei mainly rely on Ninjutsu during a battle." He said. "I believe that this sword would serve you better than any of them."

"I see. But don't you need this sword for yourself Ren-sama? I mean, the Chakra Metal sword you're using isn't bad either, but this is one of the 7 Legendary swords of Kiri." She said.

"Yes. Samehada is pretty impressive. But I have already figured out how its Chakra Absorption works and have created Fuinjutsu seals based on that ability. So I have no need of it anymore."

"If you're certain," she replied before leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. "And thank you for this sword, Ren-sama. It's the best gift I've ever received."

"Don't mention it." He said with a smile before his clone came along with a content looking Rin Nohara who was carrying mini Isobu on her head and a frazzled looking Kushina-san who seemed to have gotten into a scuffle with mini Kurama who had a smug look on its tiny fox face.

"Time to go home," Ren-sama announced before he held them with his chakra strings. In the next moment, they found themselves back in Konoha.


AN: Mito finally meets up with Tsunade. But a slight misunderstanding leads to Tsunade believing that Mito is her distant cousin that was captured and experimented upon by Kiri. Mito chickens out and takes advantage of this misunderstanding instead of coming out clean with Tsunade.

Well, at least the Uzumaki would now be able to return to Konoha.

We also see what has been done to Yugito Nii with Kotoamatsuki. She now believes that she has always been a part of Konoha, and that it's her life mission to seduce Ren and bear his children.

She doesn't love him right now, but that will come with time and affection.

Aside from that, I gave a brief explanation about why Genbu is as big as he is. And showed that Ren has starting training his fellow Konoha Jinchuriki in attaining the Perfect Tailed Beast Chakra Mode.

That's it for this chapter. Hope you guys enjoyed reading it.

8 advanced chapters in Patreon.

Have a nice day. 
