
God's Eye and Moody's Doubts 

Chapter 9: God's Eye and Moody's Doubts 

Our first 50 stones of power: Extra chapter, my friends


Simon didn't care for the chaos and destruction he left behind. He kept pushing Stephanos' cage for a long time until he finally reached an underground room and rested for a while. 

- Simon 

- Just shut up 

- ... 

- I need to get some rest. 

Simon ended up sleeping leaning against a wall, while Stephanos just watched him from inside the cage. Stephanos's mind was confused. He grew up in a loving and caring home, but at age 11, everyone he loved suddenly started moving away from him. His daughter was taken away from him as well. 

And in the darkest moment of his life, he found himself "taken in" by a child. Stephanos felt a mixture of gratitude and hatred toward Simon at the same time. 

He felt an immense gratitude for giving him his humanity back, or at least what was left of it. But he also hated him for all the things he had seen and done throughout the time they had lived together. 

Stephanos had no right to ask Simon for anything, he had already revealed some things and said that as soon as his magic awakened, he would help him. 

He didn't know if this was just another futile search, but at least he had been given a chance, he had been given hope. However, he failed, at the last second, he hesitated and turned his back on Simon. Looking at the little boy passed out in front of him, Stephanos didn't know what to think or what his future would be like. 

- What will you do next, Simon?


Meanwhile, at the explosion site, the aurors were having a great deal of trouble finding anything. For some reason, they were unable to perform magic in that location due to how chaotic it still was. 

They tried in different ways, but all without success, to try to identify who was responsible or what caused such an abnormality. The firefighters had already left, and the location was isolated.

- Dawlish found something.? 

- No. We didn't achieve anything. We can't even use magic in this place. 

- I was informed that Moody would be arriving soon 

- Wasn't he hunting down some Death Eaters? 

- Fudge sent for him to come back. 

Suddenly, a man appeared, almost as if he were teleporting. He was imposing with shaggy gray hair and a prosthetic leg, but what stood out most was his face covered in scars and an extremely visible and intimidating artificial electric blue eye that seemed to see through anything. 

- Damn Fudge, I was about to catch those worthless people. 

- Moody 

- Huh? Dawlish, tell me, whatever that idiot wants with me, it better be important. 

- See for yourself. 

Moody had a certain contempt for Fudge, he knew well the cowardly nature and desire for power that the current minister had. He also knew that it wasn't because he was a great Auror that he was elected, it was actually more due to a lack of more qualified people who were currently unavailable. 

Of course, there was Crouch, but he had his image tarnished due to his son's actions. There were some others too, but due to their slightly lower positions or little time in the ministry, they were not eligible for the position. He also had the support of Dumbledore and Malfoy. 

Moody understood where Malfoy's support came from, after all, Fudge was greedy and could be kept on good terms with a family like Lucius's. As for Dumbledore, he just believed that it was due to Fudge's predictable manner, which could make Dumbledore more carefree and freer to act if necessary. 

Alastor looked towards the shed, and immediately his "crooked eye" lit up, and he approached. Looking around, he pulled out his wand and tried to use a few spells, but nothing was effective. 

- So what do you think, Moody? 

- Without a doubt, the work of a dark wizard. The chaotic energy of this place... perhaps a ritual? 

- The stars and planets were not aligned yesterday 

- Maybe it would depend on something else. 

Looking at the rubble and remains of the truck, he turned to Dawlish 

- What was in that truck? 

- We do not know. 

- Don't know? 

- We'll check the plate number and where it came from, if that's what you want to know. 

- Then? 

- We used Legilimency on the Muggles in the port where he left, but nothing was found, at least nothing useful. 

- We found the dead driver just 2 kilometers from here, with no further leads. 

Another Auror who was nearby spoke, and Moody remained silent. This case seemed much more complex than he initially thought.

As for the dead driver, well, Simon hid small explosives inside each gold bar that detonated after a while. Maybe it was guilt over the people he transmuted, but he didn't really want to give money to someone like Tao Xing. 

Moody began to search the place, his doubts about what happened there only increased as the hours passed, and his sixth sense seemed to vibrate, not allowing him to calm himself 


Back in the underground room, Simon was unconscious for nearly 12 hours before finally waking up. But the moment he opened his eyes, he felt a huge amount of information being received and sent to his brain. 


- Simon? 

- Shit, what the hell 

- Simon, are you okay? 

Simon didn't respond to Stephanos and stood with his hands covering his left eye. He noticed that even with it closed, he could still "see" his surroundings. He quickly transmuted into a small mirror and looked at his face. Likewise, he was still normal, but his left eye was glowing a deep blue with strange circles spinning inside it. 

- What? 

He tried to open his eyes, but again, too much information was transmitted to him, causing him to keep his eyes closed. Luckily, this didn't interfere with his life at all. He still had his right eye, and the left one, although closed, still allowed him to see normally.

- I need to go back and study this. Furthermore, with this energy, it feels like I really had my 

magical awakening. So my letter should arrive soon. 

Simon continued pushing the cage that kept Stephanos trapped through London's grand sewers. After two hours of extensive exercise, he went to take a shower and then eat something.

Meanwhile, in the place where Simon kept his test subjects, Stephanos was being stared at by a dozen wild, animalistic eyes. They displayed hatred, anger and a ferocity that could frighten even the cruelest of animals. But most of all, everyone had a mocking look on their face 

- The butler was fired? What a shame 

- Hey, want to work for me now? I think it's almost tea time, and I need someone to serve me

- That's true. Ahem, James, please bring me some tea 

- And bring extra cups as we have guests 

- And don't forget the cake, James, hahahaha 

- ... 

While the six mocked him, Stephanos stood silently staring into space, only one other person was silent. And he spoke at that moment 

- Quiet 

- Come on, Anne, let us have a little fun. 

- I told them to keep quiet. 

- Hm... Whatever 

Anne was special. She was the only one transmuted with the DNA of a wild animal. Simon once went into the Zoo to try to steal some DNA samples from the animals, but it didn't work out very well, and he only got the DNA of a puma. 

Anne was also the only one who adapted to the animal's DNA, and when he tried to create others like her, he ended up failing and wasting what was left of the material collected. After that, Simon just gave up on getting more animal DNA from the zoo; it was time-consuming and laborious, and he was running out of time and too lazy to move around much, so he used the DNA of rats, cats and dogs for his other guinea pigs. 

- Old man, we won't ask what you did because we don't care. We just want our freedom back and to get back to normal 

- Impossible 

- Are you still loyal to that monster? 

- Don't you understand... 

- Understanding what? He's still a child. Even though he has those weird powers and has turned us like this, he's still just a kid. We can defeat him if we come together. 

Stephanos looked at the young woman before him. She was a young student who came to this place to look for her boyfriend, who turned out to be an addict, and ended up becoming one of Simon's guinea pigs. She had a good heart, but Simon didn't care much and just continued his experiments, transforming her...into this. 

- You are a good girl, Anne, and I know that all you want most is to return to normal, but that is impossible. 

- What do you mean? 

- I asked Simon once, and he confirmed that when he fused his DNA and that of others with animal DNA, it became impossible to undo it. Sure, he might try to do a reversal if he studies, but I doubt he cares enough about any of you to spend any time on it. 

- This... 

- Fuck you, old man, if we can't go back to normal, at least we can kill the boy 

- Yes, at least we can get our revenge. 

- That's even more unlikely. 

- How so? 

- Look around. What do you see? 

Looking at the surrounding cages, he noticed that although some held ferocious chimeras, most were empty. 

- When Simon isn't studying, he's training. Whether it's his physical conditioning or his ability with what he calls alchemy, he has already become much stronger than any adult man.

- Screw it. We are beasts now; with our skills, we can destroy him, and he will have no chance 

- Another fact is incorrect. He uses most of the chimeras here as combat partners, always fighting battles with them, although he used to drug them a little at first to get used to them. Don't think you're special or safe. If I can guess, he's going to use you before he starts classes at Hogwarts as his training partner, and you'll probably be killed. 

Everyone was silent for a while before Simon, now wearing a cloth to cover his left eye, entered and dragged Stephanos away.

- Come on, Stephanos, it's time to become a wizard. 

Hearing these words, Stephanos momentarily didn't know what to say and was taken out of the room in silence.
