
A Fatal Attraction

When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Samy_Davis · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter Four

Dani's POV:

"Dani why are you scowling so hard? Are you trying to scare our customers away?" The manager at the club asked me.

"Ma'am, the man at my table is really annoying. Can you believe he suggested a one night stand with me? So of course I gave him a piece of my mind and I left." I replied still fuming with anger.

"Dani are you stupid or something? The men at your table mates are all very rich and handsome. How could you just refuse such an offer! You just lost a once in a life time opportunity, I can assure you, you will never have such a chance again." She scolded looking at me with so much disappointment.

"Ma'am, I can't do that. I can't just trade myself for money. I have a child and I don't want my son to ever grow up and find out that that is what I had to do to provide for him. "

"Oh my gosh Dani! Keep that self righteous justification to yourself will you? It is so difficult get money theses days, so whatever opportunity you find, it's best to grab it, but then if that's your decision, go ahead. Just don't chase away the customers." She said and I was relieved.

I decided to go back to my normal task of waiting regular tables. I've had enough of VIP tables for tonight

As I was carrying a tray full of drinks to the table, I suddenly slipped on something and missed my step, causing me to drop the tray I was carrying.

Oh God!

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to…" I nervously apologized to the group of guys who were seated close to where I was. The drink spilled on some of them.

One of them stared at me with pure rage which turned into something else which I couldn't quite describe. He was probably already in a bad mood before and then decided to come to the bar to calm himself and then I worsened it with my clumsiness.

"I don't accept apologies" he said eyeing me in a way that made me nervous.

"I'm really sorry, I'll pay for your dry cleaning or for your drinks tonight as a way to make up for spilling the drink on you" I pleaded.

The expression on his face remained the same.

Hard and unforgiving

"Lick it," he said and stared me in the eye.


"I said, lick it. Take off my polo shirt, then lick my chest until the spill disappears." The man repeated.

"Excuse me?" I asked, not believing my ears.

"My clothes are more expensive than your life, there's no way you can pay for it with whatever peanut you earn here so if I were you I'd just lick it and save myself the stress."

I close my eyes tightly as my boss's words play repeatedly in my head 'just don't chase away the customers'

I took a step towards him and then heard someone's voice behind me.

"How much is your polo?"

I turned around and was shocked when I saw Logan aka 'one night stand guy' standing behind me

"Who are you? " asked the young man and sitting up

"Who do you think you are to order someone to lick your chest? Logan responded

"You know nothing of what is going on so I'll advise you to just butt out or think carefully before you choose your next words." He said angrily to Logan

"You know what I think? I think you're just a stupid bully." Logan said and I was just standing there wondering why he was helping me after the way I spoke to him just a few minutes ago.

Next thing I knew, a group of guys, about 5 or six stood up surrounding Logan.

I got scared because I didn't want to be the cause of a scene, but Logan just laughed, he didn't seem fazed at all.

Behind him, a group of heavily built bouncers stood up, making the other guys look like little kids, with a wave of his hands, Logan dismissed the men that had surrounded him.

"What's your problem?", I asked him.

"I believe the word you are looking for is 'thank you' or is that word lacking in your vocabulary?" He asked.

"Thank you for what? To my recollection I never asked for your help. I'm not some damsel in distress that needs saving. I was doing okay on my own before you came in and almost caused a scene" I scolded him

"You are really something Ms. Dani"

"I guess it must be strange to see someone who isn't willing to kiss your ass and lick your feet" I said as I walked away from him.