
A Fatal Attraction

When Dani finds out that the arrogant and rude man whom she insulted just few minutes ago was her boss her job flashed right in front of her eyes and is willing to kiss it goodbye but to her utmost surprise, her boss had taken an odd obsession to her and she must do everything it takes to avoid him. He saw her for the second time today and his heart seemed to stop because she bore an almost unrealistic resemblance to the woman whom he loved with all his heart but abandoned him. To save himself from looming heart ache he must do everything in his power to avoid the seductive waitress, but doesn't understand what he's doing when he finds himself in front of her house talking to her five years old son

Samy_Davis · 都市
15 Chs

Chapter Eight

Dani's POV

I walked over to the table where the cellphone was and picked it up. I don't have his number saved so I scroll through the call history and trace the numbers to the call Ivan received from him two days ago

Immediately I found the number I punched dial before I could talk myself out it due to embarrassment.

"Whoever you are, call later! I'm busy!" He shouted into my ear and the line cut off.


I swallowed my pride and dialed the number again.

"Fuck! Didn't you hear me?" He shouted again as soon as he picked up the call

"Hold on! I'm Dani, you offered me a position at your company yesterday. I agree to be your secretary" I said so fast into the phone, I'm not sure he understood what I said

"Dani? Oh shit! I'm sorry. I forgot to save your number last…."

"I don't need or care about your explanation." I

"Okay, so you're really ready to work as my secretary?" he asked I could almost see the smirk that was definitely playing on his face through the phone.

"Yes, I'm ready to start tomorrow but…"

"But?" He asked, waiting for what I would say next.

"But on one condition."

"What condition?"

"The job has to come with an accommodation. I mean you have to find a place for Ivan and I to stay, I don't care about how much you're gong to pay me or any other benefits, just the accommodation" I said biting my lip in fear.

The line went silent and I could feel my panic rising, did I take a wrong approach? I should have just plainly told him I needed help with accommodation but my pride wouldn't let me.

"Get your things and wait for me, I'm coming to pick you." He finally replied and the call ended

As Logan instructed, Ivan and I packed our stuff and are waiting for him to pick us up.

The minute I told Ivan that Logan was picking us up he became bubbly and really excited, he obviously couldn't wait to see him again.

I honestly do not understand how they are so close even though they only spent a few hours together.

"Logan!" He yelled excitedly as the car stopped right in front of us.

What a show off! I said in my head and rolled my eyes when I saw him. Yesterday he was here with a Range Rover and today he's here with a Mercedes-Benz.

Typical play boy

"Logan, are we going to live with you?". Was the first thing that came out of Ivan's mouth as soon as Logan got down from his car.

"Ivan!" I yelled and slapped my hand over his mouth mortified

What did I do to deserve such a big mouthed child? Most times the things that come out of his mouth absolutely surprise me.

Logan just laughed. He was putting on a light blue shirt and navy blue pants. The first three buttons of his shirt were opened, exposing his bare chest. His eyes were covered with dark sunglasses, he looked like someone straight out of the movies as he walked towards us.

Our neighbors all stopped what they were doing and stared at him without shame.

"I guess we're all on our own. Dani's going to be fine, she caught a big fish." I heard the someone say.

"How can she not catch a big fish when she works as a stripper?" Another lady replied.

I looked sharply at Ivan hoping he hadn't heard what they were talking about but he was too busy staring at Logan so I just smiled bitterly.

It's really disappointing to find out that this is how low and dirty the same people who smile at me to my face really think of me

"Let's go?" Logan said when he approached taking the luggage from my hands.

"Logan please where are we going to? I asked

"You said you needed a place to stay, so we're going to my house"

"Please, I-if it's possible, just take us to another house, reduce my salary, as long as it's not in your house." I pleased with him.

"But you said–",

"I don't want to be gossiped about, besides it'll be really embarrassing if we live there with your family" I tried to reason with him

"Dani, I have my own house. So my parents aren't there, besides, my house is close to the company where you'll start working from tomorrow. It'll be easier for you and for Ivan" He said to persuade me to agree.

I turned and looked at the women talking on the side, they stared sharply at me.

He followed my eyes and stared at the women "why do you care what they say about you? People are always going to talk no matter what you do." He said

I did not answer, instead, I walked towards his car.

But he suddenly twisted my arm, causing me to stop.

"What do you think you're doing?", I asked frowning.

He tightened his grip even more and moved slightly away from me.

"Listen everyone, I heard about the eviction of you by the owner of this land.", He began.

I was confused about many things.

First of all, how did he find out? I never told him

Secondly. What the hell does he think he's doing!

"I have decided to buy this land and return your houses to you"

Wait. What!

Before he could complete his statement everyone started shouting and cheering in joy.

"Just keep Dani's name out of your mouth. I will not tolerate anyone saying trash about my woman because if I do hear anything unpleasant about her from you I will be the one to evict you myself without any warning." he continued without mincing words

What! My woman?

What nonsense has gotten into his brain to make him think he can talk like this?

"Logan!" I hissed his name as I glared daggers at him.

He just winked at me, making me want to pull his hair out.

"Don't worry 'girlfriend' I'm here to take care of you" he teased.

Fuck! This is a terrible idea.