
Beautiful but Audacious

Gosh! Hayden thought, the goddess of a young woman he so kept staring at was alluring and attractive in a way that was just beyond measurable for him. To describe or call her beautiful has definitely to be an understatement as to him she was the most gorgeous and stunning woman he'd ever seen in the entire world.

Licking his soft lips when his eyes landed on her ample bossom again, he couldn't control or stop himself from zeroing his eyes much into it when he caught the slight sight of it.

Standing looking down at her, he could see that the gown she wore revealed an obscene and little amount of her cleavages. Her bossom where big and just a longing look on them he was sure that they where going to be damn soft. He just couldn't take his eyes off of them.

Fuck! His mind thought again seeing how drawing and enticing they were. Bedazzled by her looks, he couldn't do anything nor speak. 'What's wrong with me? Why am I acting and feeling this way? Have I been charmed by looking at her? Why was she having and gaining effects of strange reactions on me?' He began pondered looking at her consciously.

Suddenly, he realized just how dangerous she was within herself. Very well, he knew that extremely beautiful women like her could succumb men like him just with their endearing charms and looks alone. Although, he wasn't a pervert nor flirt he couldn't help imagining her ample bossom in his hands with him having the feeling of squeezing and nibbling in them continuously all the while looking intensely at it.

Reflectively, realization dawned hard on him, 'Like fuck he was now feeling horny! What? Can you blame him? He was an adult male with raging and hungry hormones as body part'

Hurriedly, he closed his eyes then shakes his head to stop thinking about and get the explicit thoughts out of his mind. Intensely, he'd been so into her ample bossom that he hadn't notice she'd caught him and cast a really cold glare his way but much to her surprise he didn't see or rather chose to ignore it.

Hearing that deep and icy cold voice of hers, he'd been chased and brought out of his world of admiration for gratification. Snapping out, he came to meet her unwelcomingly serious and not so nice gaze. Shocked and surprised, he was both at the same time seeing the don'-you-dare-try-as-much-mess-with-me vibe she now exuded swearing around her.

'How can such a mere young woman utter such a cold personality as this? How could that kind of emperor like voice dwell in an angel as harmless as her?' He wondered to himself inwardly. Knowing she seriously meant business, he instantly found out that she was someone who wasn't supposed to be played, delayed or messed with.

His eyes met hers again but she still has that dead serious in joking face on. Becoming quite shy with the looks she gave him, a cold chill went down his spine. Speechlessly, he looked at her as she watched him closely waiting for him to start talking and answer her question but just a look into her really pretty eyes left him at great loss of words something that has never as much happen to him before.

Unsure and couldn't think of a good reply, he calmed and recomposed myself and put back my right hand behind my hair out of sheer shyness when he saw how impatient she was getting. Then, in order not to make her upset he came out with whatever sprout forth from his mouth.

"I'm sorry to bother you, but I'll like to show you something really important. Please, could you step out of your car for a minute, ma'am?" He said asking in a calm and serious like manner averting her gaze occasionally.

Another long while, he noticed she stared at him throughout making him to take the cue of reading her face. Stunned, she looked at him left in awe of what he doesn't know. Again, he saw that she shook a little at the sound of his voice and he couldn't just help but smile faintly.

Heading into the route of thoughts, he didn't know why he'd called her ' ma'am' and also couldn't believe he'd done it. It was the only thing he could think of and what came on his mind when she gave him a really hard gaze that sent him into a deep state of naivety and shyness.

Panicked, that was what her face grew into as he watched her ever so closely. Then, he saw great fears in her adorable puppy like eyes. Knowingly, he knew she would be wondering 'who he was?', "why he wanted her to step out?' or 'what he wanted from her?'.

Right now, he was also certain that her mind would be filled up with bad thoughts about him and he couldn't blame her for that as they were total strangers to each other. Trying to ease the tension he was making her have inwardly, he stepped back a little to make her feel calm and safe.

Frightened, she looked up at him and he gave her much of an friendly smile that did nothing as much to try relax her nerves of fears.

What do you think of Hayden? A nice and compassionate guy, right? I mean, i t so kind and generous of him to help Alyssa out like that.

Rbaloguncreators' thoughts