
A Fairy’s Journey

What does it mean to be free? Is it the right to do as you please? To live as you want? To not mind other’s opinions? Is it to live without regrets? Watch as a soul who tirelessly worked for others use his new life to understand and find his own freedom. *** [Note: I don’t own anything other than the OC’s] [Note: Cover is not mine]

SaintlyPervert · アニメ·コミックス
13 Chs

Main Quest?

-Chapter 7: Main Quest?-

[Error detected?!?!]

[The perk 'The Liberator' hasn't been awakened]

[Evolve the perk 'The One Who Eludes Fate' to fully awaken 'The Liberator']

[Ding! The system has assigned a Main Quest]

[Quest: Desperado]

[Main Objective: Shatter the chains of fate that binds you.]

[Bonus Objective: Defeat the Twin-Wings.]

[Main Reward: Evolution of the perk 'The One Who Eludes Fate']

[Bonus Reward: Blazer ability: Contract Administration]

[Time Limit: 5 Years]

[Do you accept?]


Zephyr looked speechlessly at all the prompt that appeared before him. Unawakened? Desperado? Chains of Fate? If his memories weren't blurred he may have some idea of what was going on, but right now, he's clueless. All he can infer is that Luna actually revealed one of his perks, which is related to fate, and he needs to become a desperado to evolve that perk which in turn allows access to 'The Liberator'.

'I accept'. Zephyr said after some musing, after all he had five years to think about it, so there was no need to rush.


[Would host like to transfer to the world of Chivalry of the Failed Knight?]

Zephyr widened his eyes and immediately declined, 'No! Don't transfer me now Luna!'

[Ding! Host has rejected transfer]

[Note: Host can transfer whenever he's ready]


Zephyr let out a sigh of relief when he saw that he could transfer whenever he wanted.

"Master~? Is there something wrong?" A sensual voice asked in worry.

Zephyr looked down and saw that his hand was still on Daji's cheek. He pulled his hand back, much to her dismay, and said, "Did you just call me master?" 

"Of course~ Does master not like it?" Daji asked in worry and continued, "Do you instead prefer Master Husband? Or just husband?" 

Zephyr raised an eyebrow at the titles but just shook his head and replied, "Call me whatever you want."

The corner of Daji's mouth curled upwards as she said, "Yes, Lord Husband~."

'That wasn't any of the ones you mentioned,' is what Zephyr wanted to say until he saw the playful smile on her face. Now that he was focused, Zephyr had to point out that she was sitting in a compromising way, an "M" shape to be precise. Shaking his head from those useless thoughts—well, not useless, but now was not the time for such things, especially with Lazuli and Sera here.

"Daji, how do we make a contract?" Zephyr inquired since he didn't have any information about the world she came from.

"We need to kiss." Daji said with a seductive smile.

Zephyr stared at her for a few seconds since he could tell that she was lying. Thanks to the fairies' innate [Heart Reading] ability, he would be able to tell if someone's intentions are pure, and hers are clearly lewd. But it wasn't like he was losing anything, so he might as well go along with it.

"Get up then." He said it in a commanding tone.

And the next second, she did, though her legs were a bit weak. However, that wasn't what drew Zephyr's attention; instead, it was the slight drops of fluid that were definitely not urine. He turned to her and saw the slight blush on her face. "Did you actually cum?"

"Of course~ How could I not when you choked me and stared at me with such coldness". Daji said with a dreamy smile.

"An M&S?" Zephyr mumbled to himself before closing the distance and grabbing her waist and capturing her rosy lips before she could react.

'Sweet', was the first thing he thought as he tasted her lips. The kiss was gentle for some time until Daji wrapped her arms around his neck. They stared into each other's eyes and came to consensus. The next moment, they both opened their mouths and aggressively entangled their tongues.


[The Relic of Lust, Daji would like to make a contract with you]

[Do you accept?]


'Yes'. Zephyr accepted while he continued the kiss and ignored the follow up prompts.

[You have made a contract with the Lust Spirit Daji!]

[Your Charm has increased!]

[Your resistance to charms has increased!]

[Your affinity and resistance to illusions has increased!]

[You have acquired the skill: Paralysing Kiss]

[You have acquired the skill: Absorption Kiss]

While he continued the kiss, Zephyr suddenly felt that something was being drained from him—it was his magical energy or mana for short. He looked at Daji and saw the playful glint in her eyes. 'This woman thinks she can do whatever she pleases since I let her off, huh. I guess I need to discipline her'. And the next moment, Zephyr moved one hand above her ass before bringing it down.


"Anh~!" Daji released the kiss and moaned as she felt the sting. 

"It seems you are a masochist after all," Zephyr commented in amusement.

"Only for you~, My dear master," Daji replied coquettishly as she blew into his ear.

"That's good then; otherwise, I would have to teach you some lessons if you behaved like this in front of the girls." Zephyr said with a not-so-kind smile. 

Daji shivered in excitement when she saw the same smile he had when he choked her, but she quickly came out of her daze when she heard the second half of the sentence. Girls? She turned around to be met by two small and cute girls who were sleeping.

"Master, are these cute girls your daughters?" Daji inquired as she moved closer to the bed.

"They are; I adopted them today." Zephyr replied as he stroked the girl's head, making them smile in their sleep from his [Soothing Head Pats] effect.

"I didn't think master could be so gentle." Daji said in surprise as she saw Zephyr's warm smile.

"Well, it's only something reserved for my daughters and people I care about."

"Oh, and am I included~?" Daji asked with a calm smile, as if she wouldn't mind if he said no. However, Zephyr could feel the hope and anticipation hidden behind that smile.

"No you are not". Zephyr straightforwardly replied as he stared into her eyes.

Daji flinched slightly at his frank reply before smiling "I see… Master really is cold~".

"It's nothing compared to what you have done in your life," Zephyr retorted.

"Is that the reason why I'm not included?" because of my crimes?" 

Zephyr raised an eyebrow and shook his head, saying, "I couldn't care less what you did; in the first place, it's that foolish emperor's fault; just because he wanted to please a woman, he partook in killing hundreds, if not thousands."

"Oh? But master, are you any different from that fool if this thing is poking me?" Daji asked with a teasing smile as she looked down.

"Do not compare me to that guy you toyed with; even if I want to fuck you, I won't mind getting rid of you if you try anything against me or the girls." Zephyr replied with a calm smile as he watched Daji. 

Daji stared at her master-slash-husband and had to admit he was decisive. He may look calm, beautiful, and harmless on the outside, but the moment she makes a wrong move, he'll bite like a snake who's been lying in wait. 

Seeing that she was lost in her thoughts, Zephyr walked towards the door; he opened it, and just before leaving, his voice rang out, "Daji... Actions speak louder than words, so if you want my trust or…love, then prove you deserve it. Look after the twins until I come back."


Daji looked back, but she was too late. She then turned back to face the sleeping girls; she moved her hands towards Lazuli and touched her cheeks. "Actions speak louder than words, huh? Who would have thought that I would one day have to prove myself?" Daji muttered to herself with a smile as she caressed Lazuli's cheeks.

Hundreds of miles away from the Boar Hat, was two humanoid figures with an overwhelmingly dark aura. One was a very tall and slender humanoid wearing a red and silver armour. His knees and elbows are covered with a fierce and sinister mask-like designed pads.

The other was a man with dark purple hair and a small moustache, he has marks on the right side of his face, consisting of three lines, the outer two curving outward. He wore a white cloak which covers most of his body and underneath he was shirtless with his muscular torso and arms being covered with dark matter.

These two were Galand the Truth, and Monspeet the Reticence. They are elite warriors of the Demon Clan, serving directly under the Demon King as part of Ten Commandments.

The Ten Commandments are an extremely powerful group of ten elite warriors who are the strongest amongst the Demon Clan. Handpicked by the Demon King himself, each member possesses a Commandment, a unique power gifted to them by the Demon King, which delivers a unique curse to whomever breaks a rule specific to each member.

This power is absolute; it cannot be opposed even by its wielder, although members of the Ten Commandments are immune to all other Commandments except for their own. The curses will only be lifted if the victim defeats its wielder or at the victim's death. The Commandments can be removed from their wielder if they give their consent or if they are left powerless, unable to fight or die.

Currently, Galand was attacking the earth wildly, searching for two giants who had escaped.

Seeing that it was pointless, Galand jumped in the air as he pointed his halberd to the ground and shouted, "Wretched Scatter Strike!!!"


A massive crater was formed from the power contained in his attack.

On the other hand, Monspeet was complaining about how his meal had been disrupted, before he suddenly smelt something.

"Hm? Multiple strong presences in one place, and one of them is almost similar to Meliodas." Monspeet muttered as he looked in the direction of the Boar Hat.

"Let's give it a try then. If it gets reflected, then Meliodas is still alive unlike what Galand had reported."

"[Hellfire Bird]".

As those words left his mouth, the flame like bird next to him rapidly flew towards the Boar Hat's direction.
