
How it starts

The rain fell slowly, not as a storm nor as a drizzle, the perfect harmony created by the sound of the raindrops and the wind was pleasing to one's ears.

Snow was also hearing the sound of the rain while closing her eyes, she was traveling to her new college. The occasional bumps in the road would disturb the harmony in this smooth flow but it was acceptable as it had its purpose in the system.

From outside the people around her might see a silent lady, some might see her as a nice target, and some might as food!

"WOAH WOAH WOAH! WHAT YOU MEAN FOOD!" Snow panicked, imagining the worst when the girl beside her said the words. Those words were enough to break the harmony.

"Shhhh!" The girl tried to calm her down and started to explain slowly.

"You see, the college we are going to is a bit special, it only has hybrids in it. I just noticed a few moments ago how everyone was staring at you and I found out that you smell like a human. By any chance, you won't be a human right?"

Snow was dumbfounded, "Wait wait. What do you mean by HYBRIDS!?!"

At this moment her head was going on overdrive until now she didn't notice it but the people around her had animal ears and tails!?

'W-what have I got myself into.' At this point, she was very scared. 'This has to be a dream. Where is the f***ing cliff, if I jump I might wake up!'

She tried to stand up but the girl beside her stopped her. "Where are you going?"

"To find a cliff." Snow said with an awkward face as if she was going to throw the carrots in her food.

"Wait what? Why?"

"To jump from there of course." Snow said somewhat irritated as if her mother put more carrots on her plate.

"I understand this might be somewhat shocking for you but jumping from a cliff might be too much." The girl said with a flat tone.

Snow realized it slow, maybe because of the shock, but she did realize that the girl's hand felt real and she remembers today was exactly the day she should be going to her college.

'Screw you, mom... I don't believe you didn't know about this before sending me here.'

"Uh yes, you are right." Snow sat down on her seat, looking down embarrassingly. She was afraid to look at all those ears and tails in the first place.

"I might be late on the introductions but, hey I am Snow Starling." She said, extending her hand forward.

"Colou, only Colou. Pleased to meet you." She shook the hand offered to her.

Colou was a short fair girl around 1.63 m (5'4"), she was wearing a white jacket with a white scarf and a white cap on her head. She looks like a snowman in the white outfit.

Snow came near her face and whispered, "You don't know how happy I am to find the only normal person here among this... I don't know what to call them."

"Hybrids, call them hybrids but not aloud, some are sensitive to that word. Also by normal if you mean being human, then I am not." Colou said staring at Snow with the look that anyone would give to a self-centered person.

"Huh? You look pretty normal to me."

Snow didn't know but the word normal hurt Colou a bit. So Colou pulled down her cap and two long rabbit ears popped out.

'The F***! Am I in an anime or something? Who the f*** wrote this script!' Snow tried hard not to show her shock, but the look in Colou's eyes spoke volumes about the inability to keep a poker face of snow.

"Guys you can eat her," Colou said turning her head away from snow and looking at the people who were looking at snow strangely.

'Wait what does she mean they can eat her!? Is that even legal! Did I piss off the wrong person?' This thoughts flooded snow's mind but she was not able to say anything.

"Yuck no who would eat her without cooking? We can capture her and later ask someone to cook it for us." One of the guys in the bus said.

'Wait they are going to cook me!? Capture me? Is this some BDSM manga!' Snow's mind on over drive yet once again.

"Well whatever, she is in the bus so she might be a student too." One girl said, "But then again this is no place for humans, she might be some human quarter breed."

"I heard humans taste awful but if you season them nicely then we might be able to enjoy it."

Snow didn't want herself to be turned into a food! She was 17 years old but still single! She won't die single in some unknown creature's belly!

'When one can't run away one can do only one thing.'

Renewed resolve to live flashed in her eyes, with great courage, not faltering even for a slightest moment, she bowed down and started to beg. "Please don't kill me!! I am not even tasty! I am single even now, please let me live until I get a boyfriend! Sniff."

The people around her looked at each other and started to laugh, "Don't worry girl we were just joking, we won't eat anyone just like that."

Snow felt miserable, even her imaginary reputation got striped from her.

Colou helped her up while still laughing.

She looked outside and said, "Looks like we reached our destination. As you are new you better stick with me and I will say you more about this place in the next chapter."

Snow nodded and followed Colou

Even though she blamed Colou for her humiliation what else could she do, she didn't know anyone else here. And weren't rabbits supposed to be herbivorous, so Snow was safe, for now.

Thus Snow reached the place where she will spend her next 2 years.

With her new friends and new powers.




Ok so basically I wrote this story for my friends in majestic scans (ya I was pretty much forced to write this, sniff).

All the main characters will be based on how my friends behave to certain situation and I will try my best to make this story a fun joy adventure for my friends.

Mystery_Moon_1210creators' thoughts