
A Detective Conan Fanfiction Story: Fading Memories

When Ran found out Conan's identity, her life was in a tightrope and all bad luck in life came to their lives like a tornado. Ten years passed, he couldn't recognize her. She was a complete stranger to him. Will they be able to solve their complicated, tough case together? Credits to the true maker of Detective Conan, Gosho Aoyama.

MQWrites · アニメ·コミックス
61 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Five: Return of The Lost (Part Two)

Shinichi's POV

"Kudo, we need to find a way of how to put your girl's attention to us," Hattori said as I went near them a few minutes ago. I am with Hattori and Kazuha-san now.

"How, Heiji? There are too many guards in this place. We don't seem to make it through halfway and you want us to build a plot again?"

"Well, precisely. We just only need to make sure that Ran-kun would go here so she could be away from danger."

"Wow! Good idea you got there, idiot dark-skinned boy," Kazuha said with pure sarcasm. "And how do we supposed to distract her, hm?"

He suddenly gave us a big smirk before standing up in our position. That made me and Kazuha-san nervous.

"Heiji! What are you doing?! Crouch down!" Kazuha shouted, half-whispering.

"Hey, Toru!" he shouted while looking at me. Am I Toru? "I think that the basketball game we watched earlier is super cool!"

I tilted my head frowned at him. "What's wrong with you?" I mouthed at him.

"Just follow my acting," he whispered and shouted while looking at Kazuha, "Woi, Arika! Don't bother us, will you?"

"What are you talking about, Heiji?" she asked, frowning. She stood up while her fist clenched tight. "What is all this nonsense? Huh?! You're calling me names and I don't like it!" she shouted.

"W-Woi, Kazuha. Calm down. We're just acting," Hattori said.

Kazuha's eyes widened and she immediately looked down, the face was visibly crimson red. "I'm... sorry. I didn't know it was all an acting," Kazuha said, putting her hands on her face.

"Shh... It's alright. Now, let's go back to where we started," Hattori said and peeked through the entrance of the building. "No disturbance." He looked at us with a smirk. "Now, let's get loud. HEY, I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING BAD HAPPENING IN HERE!" he shouted.

"Y-Yeah. I THINK THERE'S ALSO BAD GUYS IN HERE, I heard," I continued and looked at Kazuha-san. "Right, Arika?"

"Y-Yeah, probably. I heard there's also a leader named Eclipse in this organization. Two girls and one old man were kidnapped. How poor they are."

"I heard they were being used only by the leader to get what she wanted," I said and our conversation continued...

Until it was being cut off by a familiar voice. "Who was being used?"

Ran's POV

I was just standing beside the entrance of the old building as what Eclipse had instructed me—or perhaps I may say, 'My Lady'.

The dress was pretty cute but not my kind of type.

I don't know how I've been here with them. I just knew I am the new member of the team and I still don't know how did I get here.

My Lady didn't even talk about it when I woke up. She just said I came into a car crash.

It was kind of—how should I say this? Uhm... Awkward? To think that I've become their member because of some car crash, it doesn't make any sense.

But I could sense the truth on her. I trust her even though I still doubt her a little.

I looked at the three weapons I choose a while ago after she gave me all the instructions I needed. I have a gun in my right hand, Amos, and a small blade in my left hand. I put the gun on the holster attached to my right leg and play with the small blade in my left hand.

"If there are people you don't know, kill them. They're going on the way."

Kill them... That's what my mind keeps on repeating as I tried to put all the orders My Lady said to my head.

Suddenly, I heard some noises nearby and I came to notice what voices they are. Two boys and a girl.

My senses come alert as I sneakily drag myself to observe them. I walked slowly and my heart pounds as my sight landed on the three persons making the noise.

"HEY, I THINK THERE'S SOMETHING BAD HAPPENING IN HERE!" the dark-skinned guy shouted.

"Y-Yeah. I THINK THERE'S ALSO BAD GUYS IN HERE, I heard," the person with the brown hair, white skin, and ocean eyes said and looked at Kazuha-san. "Right, Arika?"

"Y-Yeah, probably. I heard there's also a leader named Eclipse in this organization. Two girls and one old man were kidnapped. How poor they are," the girl with the ponytail said.

"I heard they were being used only by the leader to get what she wanted," the ocean blue-eye boy replied.

The conversation went on and on and the curiosity is driving me crazy.

Who are they? They just pretty much like teenage high schoolers who been lost like stray cats.

"Who was being used?" I blurted out, making their eyes widened.

I'm shocked myself that I blurted the words out when I was supposed to say it to myself through my mind.

"R-Ran-chan..." the ponytail girl that was named 'Arika' as what I've heard, called me—or what is really me?

"Excuse me? But who is Ran? Are you all lost?" I asked, trying to get along with them. As much as possible, I don't want to kill them if they have no bad intentions for me.

"Ran-chan..." 'Arika' called me by another name again. Great. She took one step as she turned around to me with shining eyes. "Ran-chan..."

My head starts to pound so badly and my heart beats faster. It was like disturbing me with some kind of sense I don't know of.

I stepped backward and pulled the blade in my hands, putting it in front of me and slashed it through the air.

She stepped back. Eyes widening with fear and mouth agape as her eyes glisten with sadness.

My breathing heightened as I felt the air through my lungs seems kind of getting out.

"Ran-chan..." She called me with that name again. Her eyes were shining with sadness. "Don't you remember me? Kazuha? Don't you remember him?" the ponytail girl asked while pointing to the man with ocean eyes.

I looked at the man she's talking about.

He was a fine man with a good body and beautiful features. An innocent look and a deep set of blue ocean eyes seem to catch my attention even more.

I felt like I was suffocating as I looked at his eyes more. My soul was leaving my body like he was sucking it through.

"Who are you?" I asked them with shaking hands.

"Ran-chan... Put that thing down," the ponytail girl said as she took a step but I'll never fall down to her tricks.

"Stay away!" I shouted at her, making her stepped back. "You don't even know that this territory was being used. How do I supposed to trust you when you are meddling around other people's priorities?"

"Ran-san, we're here to save you, the auburn girl, and the professor," the dark-skinned guy said.

"Ran..." I stilled when I heard my name coming out of the ocean-eye boy. I turned to look at him and was shocked to see his eyes so glassy. "...we're not here to harm you, alright? I wanted you to come with me and everything will be fine."

"Fine? How do I suppose to know if this will going to be fine?" I asked him bluntly, an imaginary spear struck my heart as I let all those words out of my mouth.

I don't like how I say that to him but if I didn't, he could've gone dead right now in my hands.

Wait, what am I thinking?

I pointed the blade at him, staring at his dee blue ocean eyes, preventing myself to be catch through it.

"Tell me your name and I'll think about trusting you."

"Name's Kudo Shinichi, also known as the Detective of the East. A childhood friend of yours—well, it doesn't seem to look like it but yeah, we're childhood friends. Lovers before you can't remember all of us."

I frowned and put the blade down. "Childhood friend? Are you serious? I don't remember having a childhood friend."

The ponytail girl scoffed. "That's because Hayley bugged your mind with some kind of medicine we don't even know that pretty much the same as what she used to Haibara."

"Haibara? Ran? Hayley? And you also mentioned a professor. Who are those guys? You keep calling me Ran but my name's not Ran, I'm Angel."

"That's the codename that the evil queen had said to you," the dark-skinned guy said as he pointed me with his forefinger, eyebrows furrowed. "My name's Hattori Heiji if you don't remember. Detective of the West, supposed to be the rival of Kudo but we're friends now so no blockage."

"Name's Toyama Kazuha and I'm your second trusted friend. The other one was Suzuki Sonoko, granddaughter of the owner of the Suzuki company in Tokyo," the ponytail girl introduced.

"Toyama Kazuha? Hattori Heiji? And... Kudo Shinichi? And even Suzuki Sonoko?" I put the blade in front of me again, ready to attack at any moment. "I don't know why you all acting good Samaritans to me but I don't need it."

"We're not all acting. We just need to get you back safely with Haibara-san and Agasa Hakase. It'll be all fine once we all get you and escape this building," Kazuha said, making me even more confused than before.

"I don't believe you," I yelled and step backward. "Go or I'll kill you with the blade in my hand."

"Ran, can't you just listen to us-- What the--"

I plunged at them with speed and slide the tip of the blade towards the girl's face but she immediately dodged it over.

"I made choices but you declined. Put it up with some good fight would be a better kill time for us all."