
A Demon in DXD

After being struck by the almighty Truck-sama, Our protagonist finds himself reincarnated into Highschool Dxd as a Demon!

Gold2109 · アニメ·コミックス
5 Chs

Chapter 2 (The World of DXD)

Nazuri POV

Any second now. 'I've been waiting for years (A few minutes) here! Hurry up with the reincarnation!' I think to myself, growing more impatient by the second. I mean, how could I not be? 'A world full of sexy, supernatural women? That every Anime nerds' wet dream!' Breaking out of my train of thought, I see another light. But this one is different than that of the woman's from before, it wasn't nearly as bright. It was also... Green?

"Greetings Nazuri. I shall be your acquaintance on your Journey. You may call me whatever you wish." A robotic male voice spoke. 'I'm getting Iron Man vibes from this voice.' "Alright then. How does Jarvis sound?" I ask the voice. "It will do sir. Thank you." The voice says as the light envelops me. I start freaking out a little. "H-hey Jarvis? What the hell is this?" I ask in slight concern. "It is your system sir. Do not be alarmed." That's a relief. "Sir, there are 2 minutes and 29 seconds until we reach the world of Highschool DXD. You now have 2 minutes and 15 seconds to choose abilities for this world. Warning: You may only choose 6." Jarvis said in a calm tone.

"Damnit! Why didn't you start with that! Show mw the abilities!" I shout in frustration. A second later, a bluish green screen appears in front of me, showing me a variety of abilities.

Wind Scar


Gates of Babylon

Blood Claw

Soul Stealer

Unlimited Blade Works


Wood Style

Auto Heal (Heals fatal wounds received by 75%)

Gamers Mind (Helps Nazuri remain calm in otherwise stressful situations)

Damnit. So many good abilities! But I can't have them all. "Jarvis! Give me Blood Claw, Soul Stealer, Unlimited Blade Works, Auto Heal, Gamers mind, and Wind Scar!" I shout just as my time runs out. Nothing. "Jarvis. You there?" Still nothing. 'Damn. was I too late?' "All abilities acquired sir." I sigh in relief before giving a quiet chuckle. "Sir, we are arriving in the world of DXD in 5..4..3..2..1.. We have arrived in the world of DXD."

"HUUUU!" I take a deep breath of air before jumping to my feet. I take a few more deep breaths before I finally catch my breath. Looking down at my hands, I start to smile. 'So that wasn't a load of bullshit! I'm alive again!' I take a look around the room I'm in, and there's nothing special about it. The room was fairly normal and neat. 'Huh. So I'm not rich, but not poor either.' I think to myself before scratching the back of my head. 'Hm? What the hell?' I think as I feel the length his my hair.

"Oh shit shit shit shit!" 'Did I get brought back as a woman?!' I rush to a room that looks to be a Bathroom and look into a mirror. What I saw calmed my fearful state and filled me with excitement. In the mirror stood a 6ft tall, fairly muscular young man with long, dazzling, snow-white hair that would make women jealous. He had beautiful golden eyes that could put any woman under his spell.

But the strangest things were his teeth, and ears. His canines were unusually sharp. 'Well, that ain't too weird. But these?' He looked up at the wolf-like ears that were located on top of his head. 'Holy Shit...am I a neko or something?' "You are a Dog-Demon sir." Jarvis responded, startling me a little. "You were quiet for a while." "Forgive me sir. I had to reboot once we entered this new world." He responded instantly. "Don't sweat it. I'm just glad you're back." I chuckle before deciding to explore. the house.

Exiting my room, I make my way down the hall and start to look around. 'Huh. Just as lonely as my last life.' I sigh before a confident smile spreads across my face. "Well not for long! Jarvis, How long until the main story of DXD starts?" I ask the A.I. "Approximately 2 weeks sir." '2 weeks? We're getting into this fast. Oh well. That just means that I don't have to wait! I'll make them all mine. Take the perverts' entire future harem and more!' A sinister smile spreads across my face as the thought runs through my mind.

Harem includes:

Women of Rias's Peerage





