
A Cursed Child's Dilemma

All her life, she grew up not knowing who or what she even is. Her name, her parents, everything's all but unknown to her. However, one thing she did know is that no matter how hard someone tried, she couldn't die. Growing up in a special research facility, she endures countless experiments, however, one day, her life takes a dramatic change when someone takes her hand.

Dubsora · ファンタジー
112 Chs

Secret Sharing

After my bath with Lisa, I got dressed alongside her as she took all our dirty clothes in the basket downstairs.

I still don't fully understand what Charlotte means by having us not do certain things together, but Lisa told me that it's because she's seeing me differently; as a partner. She said that it's a good thing and that Charlotte isn't trying to be harsh, but more like she's taking me more seriously. It was alarming to me to think that Charlotte wasn't taking me serious until now, but I'm glad that I've made some progress. That's of course if all of what Lisa said was true, but considering she's known Charlotte for a lot longer than me, I guess I should trust her.

Once I open the door to mine and Charlotte's room, we both lock eyes as I watch her sitting on the side of the bed.

"How was it?" She's the first one to break the silence though. Of course she'd be curious how my bath went, but it wasn't like I was alone...

"It went okay. Lisa helped me with the bra thing and took a bath with me."

"...I see." For some reason, Charlotte hesitates as it looks like what I said was a bit concerning. Is this what Lisa meant? "So Lisa helped you, huh?"

"Nn... I was going to get you to help undo the bra, but Lisa came in before I could."

"Y-yeah... I should've taught you. My bad, hehe." Her laugh... I've spent enough time around her to know that it's different. Is she not happy that Lisa helped me? But if that's the case then why did she distance herself and just take a bath with me? I still don't really understand it.

"Come on. You didn't dry your hair at all, did you."

"Ah-" Now that she mentions it, my hair is dripping water onto the floorboards. I tried to dry it the best I can with a towel, but it's quite hard with my hair past my waist like this.

"Sit down, I'll help you out."


"Hehe, we can't have you laying down in bed like this, you'll wet the bed."

I proceed to do like she said, and when I moved to the side of the bed where Charlotte is sitting, she gets up, trading places with me as she pulls out the hairdryer she uses along with a brush.

Sitting on the bed, Charlotte soon does the same, having me face away from her as I feel the hot, warm air blow into my hair as Charlotte begins to brush it. So... We can't have a bath together yet we can still be like this? It might not be too bad... Having her brush my hair like this, drying my hair, it's far too relaxing. Even my eyes are beginning to grow heavy.

"You have such beautiful hair. I'm jealous." She speaks softly as I can almost somehow hear her smiling from behind me.

"I think your hair's also beautiful, Charlotte."

"E-eh?" Was what I said strange? She just said that to me, so I thought it'd be okay to do the same.

"It reminds me of the blue sky you showed me...Back when you took me away from that place..."

Looking back at the time, I was captivated by that sight. Growing up all my life in that place, I didn't even know what wind was, and now I'm able to handle this hairdryer. I feel like I've grown a lot since coming here with Charlotte.

"...Y-you like it that much?"

"Yes." I nod my head, but the moment I do, Charlotte turns off the hairdryer. Is she done?

"You know..." But as I turn around to check, I see Charlotte looking to the side as she takes a bit of her hair in her hands. "This isn't my actual hair color."


"I dye it this way that way people might take me seriously; being my mother's daughter..." I watch as she clenches her hair. "My natural hair is a lot more unpleasant."

"What do you mean?"

At my question, she leans her head forward, looking down on the bed as she shows me the top of her head. She then pats down her hair with a hand, revealing the roots more clearly. It's honestly hard to spot, but the color of her hair is quite a lot different than the rest of her hair. It's a deep red color, almost like the color of blood itself.

"You see?"


"It's ugly, right?"

Ugly? What is she talking about? She also called it unpleasant before, but I don't see how.

"No. I think it looks pretty."

"..." She falls silent once more as she lifts her head back up, looking at me. "Pfft, hehe. Thank you, Shiro." I could feel that laugh was a bit more genuine, but it still felt off. "Not many people know about this, I try and keep it a secret."


"It's something that you cannot tell others." Wait, then would that mean that she's telling me this because she trusts me? Realizing this, I feel my body grow lighter as I feel the corners of my mouth rise up.

"I-I won't tell anyone!" Hearing Charlotte tell me something that she wouldn't tell others makes me feel happy for some reason.

"Hehe, thank you. Ah, but my mom and aunt knows, also Lisa since she helps me with dying my hair sometimes." So she sees me as someone on par with the three of them? Does that mean I'm also close with Charlotte?

"A-ah? Sh-Shiro?" My body moved on it's own as I wrap my arms around Charlotte, pulling her into an embrace.

"Sorry." I say sorry, but I don't even try to let go. I won't let go unless Charlotte wants to. But in a few moments, I feel Charlotte wrap her own arms around me softly.

"It's okay. Let's get some rest though, okay? Final day tomorrow."
