
A Curse Of Our Regretful Past

When Jessica-a vampire of about 1600 years old with no memory, falls in love with Nickolas-a human with reoccurring nightmares. Their short-term love soon swept under the rug when Jessica had to kill Nickolas to survive. Faced with a curse, Jessica has to choose between love and eternity, but what will happen when her forgotten memories are regained, and Nickolas happens to be the man she hates the most?

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145 Chs

Chapter 101


"Go home already, old man. I don't need you here and she doesn't need you either." He paused for a while as the rage ate pieces and chunks off him. "Do us a favor and run off to your mistress!" I said in anger.

I didn't care about the people around or the woman sitting there with them. I didn't care if there were reporters around disguised as patients waiting for just the right opportunity to get a juicy story. I most certainly didn't care if I ruined his reputation in the process because he should have thought about his reputation before doing what he did.

Rai got up and pulled me away from the waiting area in what I could only imagine was an attempt to reduce the fallout. I couldn't care less but I followed him without putting up a fight given that I was furious at the moment.